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NYT Editorial Board Sees a 'Cancel Culture' Problem

Blames the left and right on free-speech matters, while critics pile on the editorial itself

(Newser) - The editorial board of the New York Times generated a lot of conversation on Friday with a lengthy piece under the headline "America Has a Free Speech Problem." The editorial criticizes both the left and the right for being in "a destructive loop of condemnation and recrimination...

Call for GOP to Drop Trump Draws Anger

Wall Street Journal had listed the party's election losses under the former president

(Newser) - In an editorial this week, the Wall Street Journal built a case for the Republican Party leaving Donald Trump in its rearview mirror. Listing the party's election losses of the House, Senate, and White House under Trump, the newspaper's editorial board decided Trump's a drag. Referring to...

Tulsa Newspaper: Please Don't Come, Mr. President

Editorial says a campaign rally makes no sense right now

(Newser) - President Trump is scheduled to host a campaign rally in Tulsa on Saturday, but he's receiving anything but a warm welcome from the local newspaper and the top local health official. In an editorial, the Tulsa World argues that "a mass indoor gathering of people pressed closely together...

Trump Doesn't Take Kindly to Christianity Today Editorial

It calls for his removal from office

(Newser) - The "far-left" evangelicals are out to get Trump. That's from the president himself, who didn't take kindly to an editorial this week by Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of leading evangelical magazine Christianity Today . In it, Galli calls Trump a "leader of grossly immoral character" who should be...

Boston Globe's Trump Plan Backed by 100+ Newspapers

'Globe' asked papers to publish an editorial against Trump's media attacks on Thursday

(Newser) - The so-called "enemy of the American People" has now decided to rally against a common critic: the president. The Guardian reports that more than 100 newspapers have joined the initiative spearheaded by the Boston Globe to publish editorials about President Trump's "assault on the press" this Thursday....

USA Today May Have Written Most Anti-Trump Editorial Yet

'Not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library'

(Newser) - Wow, tell us how you really feel USA Today . The newspaper absolutely unloaded on President Trump in an editorial Wednesday that is drawing attention for its scathing language. For instance: "A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets...

Trump 'Sentenced to Death' in North Korea Over Tweet

State run media peeved over Kim Jong Un insults

(Newser) - President Trump's hope of becoming friends with Kim Jong Un seems unlikely to pan out now that the North Korean regime has suggested he should, well, die. An editorial published Wednesday in a state run newspaper says Trump is guilty of criticizing North Korea's society, lifestyle, and history...

Trump Should Fear Damage Bannon Can Do In White House

In Bannon-McMaster tiff, McMaster isn't the real problem, 'WSJ' editors warn

(Newser) - New White House chief of staff John Kelly certainly has his fair share of challenges ahead of him—and one of them might be mitigating a coordinated alt-right attack against President Trump's national security adviser. The Wall Street Journal editorial board weighs in on what appears to be a...

LA Times' Trump Editorial May Be Most Scathing Yet

It's a multi-part series on the 'liar in chief'

(Newser) - It's not unusual for newspaper editorials to criticize a president's policies. But the editorial board at the Los Angeles Times is taking the concept to a new level with a multi-part series called "Our Dishonest President." Part one on Sunday issued a warning that President Trump...

Biggest NH Paper: Don't Vote for Clinton or Trump

'Union Leader' endorses Gary Johnson

(Newser) - The New Hampshire Union Leader says it isn't going to tell its readers to hold their noses and vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump when there's an option that doesn't stink: Gary Johnson. In a front-page editorial in New Hampshire's only statewide newspaper, publisher Joseph...

Iowa Paper to Trump: Get Out, 'Feckless Blowhard'

'Des Moines Register' says real estate mogul has 'polluted' our political process

(Newser) - The Des Moines Register, the publication Politico calls "Iowa's most influential newspaper" doesn't think Donald Trump should be in the race, period, and that he should "pull the plug on his bloviating side show." An editorial published last night says Trump's concentration on his...

NYT: Obama Must Prosecute CIA Torture

'Looking forward' no excuse for lack of accountability: editorial

(Newser) - The Senate report on CIA torture has revealed both despicable acts and a "fabricat(ed) legal foundation" for them, and it's time for those responsible to be held accountable, the New York Times editorial board writes. "No amount of legal pretzel logic can justify the behavior detailed in...

Obama's Going Wrong Way With America's Nukes

US could spend $1T on modernization in 30 years: NY Times

(Newser) - President Obama has been a voice for nuclear disarmament, and his administration has taken steps toward that goal—but the White House's latest move takes the US in the opposite direction, a New York Times editorial observes. Obama is undertaking major improvements to US nuclear weapons and facilities, spending...

Hey, Bill Maher: Don't Knock Civility

 Hey, Bill Maher: 
 Don't Knock 

Hey, Bill Maher: Don't Knock Civility

Let's draw a line between satire and 'hateful' speech: WaPo editors

(Newser) - Bill Maher is right to call for an end to political groups' "phony umbrage" at every potentially offensive remark. But the comedian's argument is "obviously self-serving," write the editors of the Washington Post . They note that in his New York Times editorial, Maher didn't...

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight
 GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight 

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight

The 'Wall Street Journal' can't understand how this happened

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal is furious with the GOP over the way it has handled what it terms the “ payroll tax fiasco ” in a scathing editorial today. “How did the Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?” the editors marvel. “GOP leaders have somehow...

How Verizon and Other Wireless Companies Rip You Off
 How Wireless 
 Rip You Off 

How Wireless Companies Rip You Off

...and what the FCC can do about it

(Newser) - Wireless carriers call for minimum regulations on their industry, claiming their market is competitive. But with consumers bound by two-year contracts, it’s easy for companies like Verizon and AT&T to take advantage. It’s time for the FCC to get serious about protecting wireless users, the editors of...

Editor Who Threatened McGinniss Is Fired

He loses job after joke gone wrong

(Newser) - The editor at Sarah Palin's hometown paper who reminded Joe McGinniss that Alaskans can use "deadly force" to protect their property is now looking for a job. The publisher of the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman sent Tom Mitchell packing after his line set off a media firestorm of its own,...

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up
Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Republic lambastes Brewer, McCain, Kyl for immigration fiasco

(Newser) - Newspaper decline or not, today's Arizona Republic would have had the paper boys of yore shouting "Extra! Extra!": In a virtually unheard-of front-page editorial, the paper calls out by name almost every state leader for "pandering to public fear" on immigration policy and "allowing the debate...

Bayh's Lesson: The Left Can't Govern
Bayh's Lesson: The Left Can't Govern

Bayh's Lesson: The Left Can't Govern

Washington's stuck because liberal ideas hit wall of resistance

(Newser) - The media’s just rationalizing when it says Evan Bayh’s resignation is a sign of excessive partisanship or Senate dysfunction. The real reason the government’s at a standstill “is the failure once again of liberal governance,” declares an editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal . Every...

Obama: Time to Rebuild Stronger Than Ever

President confident that nation will emerge from recession better than before

(Newser) - Fresh off a whirlwind world tour, President Obama is turning his attention once again to his domestic agenda. In a Washington Post editorial, Obama says his administration’s “swift and aggression action has helped pull our financial system and our economy back from the brink.” But the president...

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