International Space Station

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SpaceX Cargo Ship Turned Away From ISS Landing

GPS snag has moved docking attempt to Thursday

(Newser) - Sometimes GPS leads drivers into bodies of water ; other times it keeps cargo ships from docking with the International Space Station. Reuters reports the latter happened Wednesday, with SpaceX calling off the rendezvous of its Dragon spacecraft with the ISS, saying there was a glitch with the capsule's navigational...

NASA Is Sending a Drug-Resistant Superbug Into Space

And that's hopefully less scary than it sounds

(Newser) - NASA and a biomedicine company are sending a drug-resistant superbug into outer space, where it will be researched aboard the International Space Station. And while Gizmodo notes the plan sounds like "Elon Musk's idea for a science fiction spec he's working on," it will—hopefully—have...

Space Station Gets a Christmas Delivery

Thanks, Kounotori

(Newser) - Christmas gifts have arrived at the International Space Station, courtesy of Japan. A Japanese cargo ship pulled up at the orbiting lab Tuesday, four days after launching. The capsule—called Kounotori, or white stork—contains nearly 5 tons of food, water, batteries and other supplies, reports the AP . NASA says...

Japan to Smack Space Junk With 2.3K-Foot Whip

If all goes well, a 6-mile tether could follow

(Newser) - Can a whip as long as six football fields destroy some of the 500,000 pieces of space junk spinning around Earth at 17,500 miles per hour? Japan's space agency sure hopes so. JAXA launched its Kounotori 6 spacecraft on Friday with tons of supplies bound for the...

5.4K Lbs. of Supplies Explode in Skies Over Siberia

Russian cargo spaceship en route to International Space Station crashes

(Newser) - The International Space Station crew may find themselves short of a few presents this Christmas: A Russian Progress 65 cargo spacecraft carrying around 5,400 pounds of supplies to the station broke up over Siberia on Thursday, minutes after it was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Bloomberg reports....

Peggy Whitson Is Breaking Records in Space

Until Thursday, no woman older than 55 had flown in space

(Newser) - The International Space Station gained three new residents Saturday, including the oldest and most experienced woman to orbit the world. A bit of Mars also arrived, courtesy of a Frenchman who brought along a small piece of a Mars meteorite. Launched Thursday from Kazakhstan, the Russian Soyuz capsule docked at...

Lone American Not on Planet Earth Has Voted

NASA encourages astronauts to 'vote while you float'

(Newser) - The lone American off the planet has cast his vote from space, keeping with NASA's motto of "Vote while you float," the AP reports. NASA said Monday that astronaut Shane Kimbrough filed his ballot in Tuesday's presidential election from the International Space Station sometime over the...

Soyuz Returns 3 From ISS
Soyuz Returns 3 From ISS

Soyuz Returns 3 From ISS

Including NASA astronaut Kate Rubins, after 4-month mission

(Newser) - A Russian Soyuz space capsule has landed in Kazakhstan, reports the AP , bringing three astronauts from the United States, Japan, and Russia back to Earth from a 115-day mission aboard the International Space Station. The landing took place Sunday morning near Dzhezkazgan on the treeless Central Asian steppes. Kate Rubins...

Space Station Takes a Delivery 2 Years in Making

Orbital ATK's cargo ship docks with ISS, the first to launch from Virginia since 2014

(Newser) - The International Space Station received its first shipment from Virginia in more than two years Sunday, reports the AP , following a sensational nighttime launch observed 250 miles up and down the East Coast. Orbital ATK's cargo ship pulled up at the space station bearing 5,000 pounds of food,...

SpaceX Dragon Returns to Earth With 'Gifts'

Including 12 mice

(Newser) - A SpaceX Dragon capsule returned to Earth on Friday with scientific gifts from the International Space Station, the AP reports. NASA astronaut Kate Rubins waved goodbye as the Dragon slowly flew away Friday morning. Six hours later, the spacecraft parachuted into the Pacific, just off Mexico's Baja California coast....

SpaceX's Latest Launch Scores 2 Wins

Booster's vertical touchdown is the cherry on the sundae

(Newser) - SpaceX successfully launched a critical space station docking port for astronauts early Monday, along with a DNA decoder for high-flying genetic research. As an extra treat, the company brought its leftover first-stage booster back to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for a vertical touchdown—only the second such land landing...

Astronaut Just Ran London Marathon —From Space

Tim Peake was strapped to a treadmill aboard the ISS

(Newser) - British astronaut Tim Peake has completed the London Marathon—from 250 miles above the Earth, reports the AP . Peake ran the 26.2-mile race harnessed to a treadmill aboard the International Space Station, with a simulation of the route through London's streets playing on an iPad. He finished in...

Space Station Gets Easter Treat
 Space Station Gets Easter Treat 

Space Station Gets Easter Treat

Capsule brings food—and fire ingredients

(Newser) - The six astronauts at the International Space Station got an early Easter treat this weekend with the arrival of a supply ship full of fresh food and experiments. Instead of the usual bunny, Saturday's delivery came via a swan—Orbital ATK's Cygnus capsule, named after the swan constellation....

Grandpa to Break Scott Kelly's Space Record

Jeff Williams will have spent 534 days in space by September

(Newser) - It's a good thing Scott Kelly nabbed two records during his year in space because one will soon be broken. NASA astronaut Jeff Williams—who is rocketing into space on Friday with Russian cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka—will become America's most experienced space traveler during a...

Astronaut Scott Kelly Grew 2 Inches in Space

But the effect is temporary

(Newser) - NASA will be studying how Scott Kelly's body reacted to almost a year in space, using his twin brother Mark Kelly, who stayed on Earth, as a control. One big difference to note right away: The brothers will no longer be the same height, as they were before Scott...

Even Astronauts Dial Wrong Numbers

'Hello, is this planet Earth?'

(Newser) - Everyone has picked up the phone to find a flustered mis-dialer on the line, but it's not every day that that wrong number was punched in from space. British astronaut Tim Peake took to Twitter on Thursday to apologize for what could pass for the most prominent telephone misfire...

The Force Awakens Is Even Playing in Space

There's just no escaping Star Wars

(Newser) - For anyone wondering if there's anywhere they can go to escape Star Wars-mania, the answer appears to be a resounding no. reports even astronauts orbiting 250 miles above the Earth will be watching the much-hyped The Force Awakens. "I am told that Star Wars will be...

After 4 Tries, 'Santa on His Way' to Space Station

First US shipment since April blasts off

(Newser) - A US shipment of much-needed groceries and other astronaut supplies rocketed toward the International Space Station for the first time in months on Sunday, reigniting NASA's commercial delivery service. If the Orbital ATK capsule arrives at the space station Wednesday as planned, it will represent the first US delivery...

8 Cool Facts on Big Day for International Space Station

It's the 15th anniversary of continuous residency at the ISS

(Newser) - Monday marks the 15th anniversary of continuous residency at the International Space Station, the AP reports. The station was launched in 1998, the BBC reports, and first permanent crew moved in on Nov. 2, 2000. It's planned to be decommissioned in 2020. Eight fun ISS facts to celebrate the...

Hurricane Patricia Looks Massive From Space

Astronaut Scott Kelly is tweeting words of caution for Mexico

(Newser) - Record-setting US astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted words of warning to Mexico—as well as two truly scary photos of Hurricane Patricia—from aboard the International Space Station Friday, WTVR reports. "Hurricane Patricia approaches Mexico," he writes in one tweet . "It's massive. Be careful!" "...

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