Lincoln Chafee 2016

6 Stories

Lincoln Chafee Abandons Run for President

He was struggling to reach 1% in the polls

(Newser) - Lincoln Chafee is saying what everybody was thinking: He's out of the race for president. The former Rhode Island governor made it official Friday morning in an address to the Women's Leadership Forum. "As you know I have been campaigning on a platform of 'Prosperity Through...

Debate Seen as Massive Win for Clinton

Chafee gave one of the worst debate answers ever

(Newser) - After a rocky few months for Hillary Clinton's campaign, she needed a strong debate performance on Tuesday night—and it looks like she knocked it out of the park. Here's what the pundits are saying:
  • "This was the best two hours of her candidacy to date,"

Enemy You're Most Proud Of? Jim Webb Makes It Personal

'The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me'

(Newser) - In the final question of the night at Tuesday's debate, Anderson Cooper asked the candidates which enemy they're most proud to have made over the years. The responses, as rounded up by the Guardian :
  • Jim Webb: “The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but

Sanders' Line on Clinton's Emails Gets Huge Applause

He defends her: 'People are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails'

(Newser) - The issue of Hillary Clinton's emails came up about an hour into the Democratic debate Tuesday night, giving Bernie Sanders a prime opportunity to pounce. Instead, he defended her and called it a non-issue with a line that drew long applause and even laughter:
  • " Let me say something

Congratulations, You Tied Lincoln Chafee in 2016 Poll

He got zero votes in 1,001-person survey

(Newser) - A Monmouth University poll has some seriously bad news for Lincoln Chafee. The candidate of about 6 six weeks did not get a single vote in a survey of 1,001 registered voters who are Democrats or lean that way. "To be clear, this does not just mean that...

Why Lincoln Chafee May Be a Problem for Hillary

He voted against the Iraq war, and she didn't

(Newser) - In the vote to authorize the Iraq war, precisely one Republican senator came out against it. His name was Lincoln Chafee, now a Democrat running for president, and that vote is why he "could prove Hillary’s most intriguing challenger," writes Peter Beinart at the Atlantic . Beinart doesn'...

6 Stories