online retailing

2 Stories

Amazon to Change Direction, Move Into Actual Stores

Plans call for spaces smaller than old-school department store locations

(Newser) - After disrupting the business of department stores for years, Amazon has decided to join them. The company plans to open department stores that will be much larger than the 4-star stores it already operates but about one-third the size of a typical Sears, the Wall Street Journal reports. There's...

Here's What to Do With All Those Empty Gift Boxes

Give Back Box helps send your unwanted stuff to Goodwill for free

(Newser) - For the record number of Americans who will buy their holiday gifts online this year, here's an idea of how to dispose of all those cardboard boxes. Give Back Box has partnered up with companies to encourage you to refill them with clothes, housewares, or whatever else you'd...

2 Stories