leaning tower

2 Stories

Italy Has Plan to Save Its Other Leaning Tower

Equipment used on Tower of Pisa will be used to stabilize historic Bologna tower

(Newser) - The historic Garisenda Tower in Bologna is in trouble —but luckily, engineers in Italy know a thing or two about fixing leaning towers. The Bologna tower, older than the Tower of Pisa but not as famous, was closed for restoration in October and authorities warned in December that it...

Another of Italy's 'Leaning' Towers May Be in Trouble

Garisenda Tower in Bologna, Italy, is now at 'great risk of falling,' city officials say

(Newser) - There's been no dire update of late on the Leaning Tower of Pisa's vertical challenges , so we're guessing it's still standing strong, but one of Italy's other leaning towers seems to now be in a more precarious position than it was just over a month...

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