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What the Stimulus Package Would Get Us

$800 billion, $647-page tome means big gov't again

(Newser) - President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus plan—which stood at 647 pages when it passed the House last week—signals a return to “unabashed” big government, the Los Angeles Times reports. Here’s what it means:
  • For the next 2 years, individuals making under $75,000 will get a

Rush: Give Me 46% of Stimulus
Rush: Give Me 46% of Stimulus

Rush: Give Me 46% of Stimulus

Obama can spend his 54% of popular vote on infrastructure, pork, and I'll cut taxes

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh doesn’t like Barack Obama’s $900 billion stimulus plan, and he’s betting the 46% of the country that voted for John McCain don’t either. But don’t worry, Rush has a plan. “Under the Obama-Limbaugh Stimulus Plan of 2009,” he writes in the...

Caterpillar to Slash 20K Jobs
 Caterpillar to Slash 20K Jobs 

Caterpillar to Slash 20K Jobs

Don't they know Obama wants to heap money on infrastructure?

(Newser) - Caterpillar Inc will cut 20,000 jobs—or 18% of its workforce—after posting a 32% drop in fourth-quarter income, the Wall Street Journal reports. “We were whipsawed in the fourth quarter,” said CEO Jim Owens. “Key industries were hit by a rapidly deteriorating global economy.”...

House Dems Debut $825B Stimulus Bill

Public works, education get plenty of attention in measure

(Newser) - House Democrats today introduced a long-awaited stimulus package, developed with President-elect Obama, and totaling $825 billion, the New York Times reports. The economic recovery plan includes billions in tax cuts, Medicare subsidies, and public-education and infrastructure spending. The Senate is developing its own version, and vigorous debate is anticipated as...

Steel Industry Hopes Stimulus Will Forge Recovery

Execs want projects using American steel to be center of economic recovery

(Newser) - Leaders of America's sagging steel industry are hoping their operations will spearhead the economy's recovery with some major help from the US government, the New York Times reports. Steel orders have collapsed since September, causing thousands of layoffs. Execs are pushing hard for the expected stimulus package from the incoming...

Stimulus Fight: Green Vs. Quick
 Stimulus Fight: Green Vs. Quick 

Stimulus Fight: Green Vs. Quick

Democrats battle for stimulus in 2009 infrastructure bonanza

(Newser) - As the incoming administration prepares its massive stimulus package, a divide is emerging between environmentalists, who want to prioritize "green-collar" jobs such as wind and solar power, and advocates of ready-to-go infrastructure like roads and bridges. As the Washington Post reports, each side is accusing the other of...

The US Has Become the GM of Nations
The US Has Become the
GM of Nations

The US Has Become the GM of Nations

Friedman: Stimulus must be a reboot, not just a bailout

(Newser) - Last week Tom Friedman flew from Hong Kong to New York, and the contrast between the two cities' airports was "like going from the Jetsons to the Flintstones." For the New York Times columnist, American infrastructure has become a symbol for a country that, for all its...

Cash-Squeezed States Warn of Collapsing Infrastructure

Fed stimulus eyed as municipal bonds wither

(Newser) - Thousands of infrastructure projects across the country are on hold as states wrestle with budget crises, the New York Times reports. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger warned yesterday that California was “on a track toward disaster" as school, bridge, and road construction projects ceased, the victims of the credit squeeze and...

Little Progress on At-Risk Levees: Feds

State and local governments have done little despite post-Katrina crackdown

(Newser) - More than half the 122 US levees cited for being in disrepair after Hurricane Katrina still need to be fixed, according to Army Corps of Engineers data obtained by USA Today—with 18 states and Puerto Rico having levees considered unreliable in major floods. The worst offenders are Washington and...

73% of Americans Back Obama
 73% of Americans Back Obama 

73% of Americans Back Obama

Poll reveals reservoir of national goodwill for prez-elect

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama will begin his term of office with an enormous reservoir of goodwill among American voters, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The poll found 73% of adults approve of his preparations to take over, with even 29% of John McCain voters now viewing Barack Obama...

Infrastructure Revitalization Is Right and Right

A conservative argues for investing in water, energy, transport

(Newser) - Conservatives who fear that investing in the nation’s infrastructure goes against core Reaganite values need to get over it. Our aging energy, water, and transportation systems are in dire need of corporate dollars and ingenuity, but “the private sector alone cannot handle the job—and the states are...

Obama Outlines Ike-Style Public Works Push

May quickly provide infrastructure funding; states want $136B

(Newser) - President-elect Obama pledged today to approve billions in government expenditures on public works projects when he assumes office, the New York Times reports. Invoking Eisenhower’s Interstate program, Obama said “we will create millions of jobs,” possibly by funding some or all of $136 billion in infrastructure projects...

Guvs to Obama: Public Works Projects Will Take Time

Programs may take a while to start

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s plan to throw hundreds of billions of dollars into state infrastructure projects may not be as effective as he imagines in stimulating the economy, some state officials say. Yesterday, governors told the president-elect that they had $136 billion in projects ready to go, but the National Governors...

Obama: We Need 2.5M Jobs in 2 Years

(Newser) - Barack Obama says he will move quickly once in office to enact an ambitious, two-year plan to save or create 2.5 million jobs, Bloomberg reports. Obama announced his plan in his weekly radio address, where he also warned that “we risk falling into a deflationary spiral that could...

US Infrastructure Is a 'Bridge to Almost Nowhere'

Infrastructure spending is critical, but not on bridges to nowhere

(Newser) - Recently the House passed an $18 billion infrastructure bill, and Barack Obama has indicated that he'll ask for billions more in spending to create jobs while improving the nation's roads and bridges. But as New York Times columnist David Leonhardt writes, insufficient investment is only part of the problem. At...

Public Works Eyed as Economic Jumpstart

Economists increasingly look to infrastructure spending for job creation

(Newser) - Once dismissed as too slow to address America’s quick slide into crisis, New Deal-esque public works projects are becoming increasingly attractive as long-term economic troubles look likely to set in, the Los Angeles Times reports. Infrastructure spending will likely be a major component of the upcoming Obama-backed, multibillion-dollar stimulus...

Brooks: Want Real Economic Stimulus? Fix the Roads

A National Mobility Project would create jobs, leaving lasting impact: Brooks

(Newser) - Panic is afoot, so of course, Congress is bearing down on another stimulus package, though the last one seems to have missed the mark. These “politically designed, ad hoc” measures “amount to an economic sugar rush,” David Brooks writes in the New York Times. If he’s...

Green Economy Will Be Obama's First Big Challenge

No easy task to convince Congress to sacrifice its own self-interest

(Newser) - What’s on the front burner for a hypothetical Obama administration? Most of Washington seems to be jockeying for spots in the Cabinet, but Joe Klein of Time points out that Barack Obama (or John McCain) will be the first president since FDR to inherit neither peace nor prosperity. Obama’...

American Airports: Shiny, New, and Empty

Decades-long projects completed as industry turns down

(Newser) - In the boom years of the last decade, cities across America broke ground on major airport expansions, from additional runways to new terminals. Now those projects are being completed—just as air travel has slowed and hundreds of planes are being grounded. Flights may be less congested, writes the New ...

States Fret as Road Salt Grows Scarce, Pricey

Last year's winter depleted reserves

(Newser) - Road salt is stressing state and municipal budgets as shortages drive prices up well past what local governments have paid in the past, USA Today reports. A harsh winter last year left many states with no salt reserves to carry over, meaning they have to fully restock at inflated prices....

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>