
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Billionaire Spills Details of 'Titanic II'

This one has more lifeboats...

(Newser) - An Australian billionaire has revealed detailed plans for a new Titanic —this one much safer than the original, its designer says. The Titanic II "will be absolutely the most safe cruise ship in the world," says Markku Kanerva, of the Finnish firm behind the replica. That doesn'...

Women and Children ... Last?
 Women and Children ... Last?  

Women and Children ... Last?

When ships sink, men, crew have higher survival rates, says study

(Newser) - If you ever find yourself on board a sinking ship, you'd better hope you're an adult male. Researchers from Sweden looked at 18 of the most disastrous shipwrecks and found that women and children are far less likely to survive compared to their male counterparts, the Los Angeles ...

Titanic Song Makes Me Sick Too: Celine Dion

Kate Winslet wasn't the only one

(Newser) - Even Celine Dion can't stand that darned song anymore, the New York Post reports. The singer of "My Heart Will Go On," the ubiquitous ballad that accompanied Titanic, said on Today this morning that "if I just count how many times I've sung it, maybe...

Billionaire Building Titanic II
 Billionaire Building Titanic II 

Billionaire Building Titanic II

Australia's Clive Palmer wants maiden voyage by end of 2016

(Newser) - An Australian billionaire is going to build a replica of the Titanic and sail it from England to the United States, flanked by the Chinese navy, by the end of 2016, reports Bloomberg . Clive Palmer, a mining magnate, says the replica will have the exact dimensions and all the amenities...

100 Years Later, Titanic Remembered

Balmoral cruise, plaque unveiling in Belfast among events honoring disaster

(Newser) - Amid a buildup to the centennial of the Titanic's sinking that went on and on , the actual event arrived last night, with ceremonies from Belfast to the North Atlantic marking the disaster that claimed nearly 1,500 lives. The MS Balmoral, on a cruise retracing the doomed liner's...

China Raises Ruckus by Banning Winslet's 3D Breasts

Official explanation is a fake, but decision still isn't going over well

(Newser) - Here's the naked truth: The Chinese will not get the full Titanic effect. Kate Winslet's bare breasts in the 3D version of the movie are being censored in China. "Considering the vivid 3D effects, we fear that viewers may reach out their hands for a touch, and...

On a Sinking Ship? Better Save Yourself

In boat disasters, male chivalry 'a myth,' says study

(Newser) - A hundred years after the Titanic sank, two Swedish researchers say today that when it comes to sinking ships, male chivalry is "a myth" and more men generally survive such disasters than women and children. Economists Mikael Elinder and Oscar Erixon of Uppsala University also showed in their 82-page...

Is &#39;Titanic Cruise&#39; Cursed?

 Is 'Titanic Cruise' Cursed? 

Is 'Titanic Cruise' Cursed?

Balmoral start stymied by high winds, rough seas, sick passenger

(Newser) - A ship aiming to trace the Titanic's route seems to be plagued by bad luck. The luxury liner MS Bamoral left England over the weekend on a Titanic Memorial Cruise , and was set to pick up passengers in France and Ireland before heading to America. But stiff 45mph winds...

Hunger Games Wins Again, Passes $300M
 Hunger Games 
 Wins Again, 
 Passes $300M 


Hunger Games Wins Again, Passes $300M

Titanic, American Reunion both lose out to young-adult powerhouse

(Newser) - Another weekend, another win for The Hunger Games: The Jennifer Lawrence-driven blockbuster mopped up another $33.5 million this weekend, easily sending American Reunion ($21.5 million) back to band camp and sinking Titanic 3D ($17.4 million), while racing across the $300 million line in near-record time. It cleared...

5 Myths About Titanic
 5 Myths About Titanic 

5 Myths About Titanic

Few thought it was 'unsinkable' before the tragedy

(Newser) - With the anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in the news, the BBC busts what it says are five myths that have emerged over the years, including:
  • 'Unsinkable': The idea that people viewed the ship as unsinkable before the tragedy might be the biggest urban legend of all, says

100 Years Later, How to Save the Titanic?

Experts fear she'll become 'a pile of rust on the bottom of the ocean'

(Newser) - On April 15, the "unsinkable" Titanic will have sat on the ocean floor for a century—and experts fear that if she's left there, she'll eventually dissolve in the ocean's elements. But what to do? "You can't 'Raise the Titanic,'" says...

Astronomer Gets Cameron to Re-Shoot Titanic Scene

Stars were in wrong positions

(Newser) - Remember the scene in Titanic in which Kate Winslet clings to a piece of wood, promising Leonardo DiCaprio that she'll "never let go?" (And then she lets go?) Well, apparently, the stars shown in the night sky during that scene were all wrong. But never fear: James Cameron...

Winslet on Titanic Song: I 'Feel Like Throwing Up'

Actress has heard it quite a bit over 14 years

(Newser) - With Titanic set to be re-released in 3D, Kate Winslet still appreciates how the film made her an international star. But Titanic's signature song, Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On"? Not so much. "I do feel like throwing up" when hearing it, Winslet tells...

10-Course Titanic Meal Will Set You Back $12K

But you, 11 friends will get to sample brandy from the year 1900

(Newser) - Chefs at Cullen's restaurant have created a sumptuous meal made up of dishes similar to those the Titanic passengers were served … on the very night many of them met their death. If you choose to indulge in the 10-course meal, of course, you won't end up on...

See Entire Titanic in Stunning New Photos

'National Geographic' captures entirety of giant liner at bottom of sea

(Newser) - The view of the entire sunken Titanic is revealed for the first time in newly published photos. The pictures, unveiled in the April edition of National Geographic 100 years after the great ship sank, show the mammoth vessel still and broken, but recognizable with several portholes, decks, and railings intact....

Groupon Offers $12K Trip to See Titanic

You'll head down to see the ship itself in a small submarine

(Newser) - Attention, serious Titanic buffs with cash to burn and no issues with claustrophobia: Groupon is offering a $12,500 deal today (actual value: $59,680) on an excursion to see the sunken ship up close and personal, reports the Chicago Tribune . The highlight of the 13-day trip, which departs from...

Scientists Create First Full Map of Titanic Wreckage

It could shed new light on exactly what happened

(Newser) - For the first time ever, researchers have constructed a complete map of the Titanic's underwater shipwreck site. When the Titanic sank in 1912, debris was scattered across an area measuring 3 by 5 miles. To draw a detailed map of the area, scientists dispatched robots to take more than...

Optical Illusion Helped Sink Titanic
 Optical Illusion 
 Helped Sink Titanic 
researcher says

Optical Illusion Helped Sink Titanic

Mirage kept ship from seeing iceberg in time, getting help, says researcher

(Newser) - Why exactly did the Titanic plow into that deadly iceberg? New research argues that an optical illusion played a big role. As the theory goes, atmospheric conditions generated a phenomenon known as "super refraction," explains Smithsonian Magazine . This bending of lights can create mirages, and it had a...

Titanic Lunch Menu May Fetch $150K

It's from the ship's final day and goes up for auction next month

(Newser) - A lunch menu from the Titanic's final day afloat is expected to fetch about $150,000 when it goes up for auction in England next month, reports the Telegraph . The menu came from a first-class table: The wife of San Francisco banker Washington Dodge tucked it into her purse...

As Costa Concordia Went Down, Titanic Song Played

Passengers report that Celine Dion was singing as ship began to list

(Newser) - If you thought details of the Costa Concordia disaster couldn't get much stranger than the captain saying he didn't lead the evacuation because he tripped , well, get a load of this: Two of the ship's passengers told a Swiss paper that the theme song from Titanic was...

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