
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Informant: Italian Mafia Sank Ship Carrying Nuke Waste

Authorities have pinpointed ship, but haven't confirmed contents

(Newser) - Italian authorities are investigating an informant’s claim that the mafia sank a ship containing nuclear waste off the country’s southwest coast, the BBC reports. Underwater cameras show the ship intact, with barrels nearby marked as containing toxic contents; the informant says that organized crime has gotten into the...

Melting Ice Opens Arctic to Trade, But US Lags

Climate change opens north to shipping, tourism, resource development

(Newser) - Climate change is melting away the main barrier to business in the Arctic—ice—but the US lags behind other countries seeking to exploit the region, the Anchorage Daily News reports. As receding ice opens the area to shipping, resource exploitation, and tourism, it's Russia and Canada who have established...

Journo Who Broke Russian Pirate Story Flees Country

Mikhail Voitenko says he knows more than he can tell about Arctic Sea 's cargo

(Newser) - The Russian journalist who was first to report on the disappearance of the Arctic Sea cargo ship has fled the country after receiving threats, the Guardian reports. Mikhail Voitenko, who speculated that the ship may have been carrying a secret cargo of weapons or "something much more expensive and...

Scientist Seeks Rogue Wave Hot Spots

(Newser) - A California scientist says he's closer to predicting the kind of rogue waves that have terrified seamen for centuries, the BBC reports. Rising as high as 6 stories and destroying ships with a single wallop, such waves occur where sand banks and currents force wave energy to focus on a...

Sunken Gold Ship Found, Now Where's the Loot?

Trawler was abanoned and sank off Argentina in mysterious circumstances

(Newser) - The wreck of a trawler carrying $18 million in gold and silver that sank in January has been found off the coast of Argentina, the BBC reports. The big question: Does it still have the loot aboard? Rescuers hired by the main insurer, Lloyd's of London, plan to send down...

Somali Clerics Lead Backlash Against Pirates

Religious sheikhs preach against sea bandits and their un-Islamic ways

(Newser) - Somalia's pirates are facing an enemy on land many of them fear more than foreign warships, the New York Times reports. Sheikhs and Islamic clerics are preaching against the "burcad badeed"—Somali for sea bandits—accusing them of introducing evils like drugs and alcohol to Somali society and...

Koreas Unite to Foil Pirates
 Koreas Unite to Foil Pirates 

Koreas Unite to Foil Pirates

South Koreans rescue North Korean cargo ship from pirate attack

(Newser) - The Gulf of Aden was the scene of a rare example of inter-Korean cooperation yesterday as the unfriendly nations joined efforts to thwart pirates, reports the Wall Street Journal. A helicopter from a South Korean warship was sent to the rescue when a North Korean cargo ship being pursued by...

Maersk Captain Calls for Military to Protect Shipping

Freed pirate hostage calls for tougher ships, better armed crews

(Newser) - Military guards or military detachments on board ships are the best way to keep American shipping safe from piracy, Capt. Richard Phillips told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. Phillips, freed by the US Navy after being held hostage by pirates last month, said better-armed crews and tougher vessels would...

Pirated Ship's Cook Sues Over Safety Regs

Says Maersk owner refused to arm sailors or provide security

(Newser) - A member of the crew on the US-flagged ship hijacked by African pirates sued the owner and another company today, accusing them of knowingly putting sailors in danger. Richard E. Hicks alleges in the suit that owner Maersk Line Limited and Waterman Steamship Corp., which provided the crew, ignored requests...

Aargh! Buccaneer High on the Pirate Life

Fisherman turned bandit after foreigners plundered ocean

(Newser) - The pirating life isn’t easy, but the rewards are many and some Somalis see the bandits as heroes, one buccaneer tells the BBC. The man, 25, says he used to be a fisherman, but he signed up with the hijackers after "illegal fishing and dumping of toxic wastes...

Maersk Crew Comes Home
 Maersk Crew Comes Home 

Maersk Crew Comes Home

Seaman who thwarted pirates get hero's welcome back on US soil

(Newser) - The American sailors who thwarted a pirate attack off the coast of Somalia have arrived home to a hero's welcome, reports the AP. Dozens of family members erupted in cheers and applause as the 19 crew members from the Maersk Alabama stepped off a charter flight from Kenya at Andrews...

US Going After Pirates' Loot
 US Going After Pirates' Loot 

US Going After Pirates' Loot

Clinton announces plans for 'War on Piracy'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton plans to go after pirates' bounty as part of a multi-pronged effort to tackle piracy, USA Today reports. The secretary of state said finding and freezing the pirates' assets and property will make it tougher for them to collect their ransoms and buy new ships and surveillance systems....

Somali Pirates Seize 3 More Ships

High-profile hostage rescues fail to prevent fresh hijackings

(Newser) - Somali pirates have seized another three ships in the Gulf of Aden, the AP reports. Two Egyptian fishing boats were hijacked yesterday and a Greek-owned freighter with at least 20 crew on board was seized before dawn today by pirates evidently undeterred by the recent standoff with the US Navy....

Piracy Jacks Up Insurance, Fuel Costs

Entering high-risk areas or navigating around South Africa both add millions

(Newser) - Piracy in the Gulf of Aden is driving up shipping costs as companies are forced to choose between paying higher insurance or taking longer routes, the AP reports. Premiums have reportedly risen at least tenfold for travel near the Somali coast, and avoiding the Gulf of Aden by navigating around...

Somalia Piracy Hampers Food Aid: UN

Danger of hijacking has raised costs dramatically, WFP official says

(Newser) - Piracy off the coast of Somalia is making relief organizations' work even more difficult, Reuters reports. The UN’s World Food Program  today decried both the hijacking of ships bearing aid supplies—the Maersk Alabama, for example, had 232 WFP containers on board when it was seized this week—and...

Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama
Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama

Tanker Owner Recounts Pirate Drama

Seizure of ship by Somali pirates started 56 days of negotiations

(Newser) - It took 56 days of tense negotiations to free the MV Biscaglia and its 28 crew members from the clutches of Somali pirates, shipping exec George Christodolou tells the Wall Street Journal. After the vessel was seized in the Gulf of Aden, Christodolou had to scramble to gain the pirates'...

Somali Pirates Hijack Another Tanker, Crew of 13

Dozen crew members include Filipinos and an Indonesian

(Newser) - Somali pirates have hijacked a tanker and its crew of 12 Filipinos and one Indonesian. The cargo the Longchamp is carrying is unknown. Though the Gulf of Aden is now patrolled by more than a dozen warships from countries including Britain, France, Germany, Iran, and the US, they were not...

Slowdown Stalls Nation's Freight Carriers

Haulers are hunkering down for a 'nuclear winter' in 2009

(Newser) - With freight carriers predicting 2009 could be the worst year in three decades, some haulers  say they’re “settling in for nuclear winter,” holding off on making capital expenditures, mothballing equipment and laying off employees, reports the Wall Street Journal. From truckers to railroads to ocean shipping, companies...

Freighters Must Brake for Endangered Whales Off US

Right whale get federal protection from speeding vessels

(Newser) - A new US law may save the world’s 400 remaining North Atlantic right whales from their worst enemy—large ships. Mariners will have to slow to 11.5mph as they slice through parts of the mammal’s migration path between New England and Florida, the Boston Globe reports. Since...

Freed Hostages Blast Pirates
 Freed Hostages Blast Pirates  

Freed Hostages Blast Pirates

Hostages released as Somali pirates seize another ship

(Newser) - Crew members freed from a ship seized by Somali pirates say they were harshly treated by their captors and lived in fear of being killed, CNN reports. The men, greeted by relieved friends and family when they arrived home in India, say they were constantly held at gunpoint in a...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>