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There's a New, Less-Invasive Way to Test for HPV

FDA approves self-testing kits to expand access to screening

(Newser) - The FDA is making it a whole lot easier to test for human papillomavirus, which can cause six types of cancer and accounts for more than 95% of cervical cancers. HPV is typically detected through cell samples collected from a woman's cervix during a Pap smear. But in a...

For This Cancer, a 'Historic Moment'
For This Cancer,
a 'Historic Moment'

For This Cancer, a 'Historic Moment'

Cases of cervical cancer slashed by up to 87% thanks to HPV vaccine, new research shows

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of women around the world are killed annually by cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer. Now, a new study offers hope that those fatality numbers could one day be drastically slashed, thanks to what researchers are calling "historic" findings regarding the human papillomavirus, or HPV,...

Cancer That Plagued a 'Housewife' Is on the Rise
'Often Neglected'
Cancer Is on
the Rise
in case you missed it

'Often Neglected' Cancer Is on the Rise

Rates of anal cancer, as well as deaths from it, increased over 15-year period, researchers say

(Newser) - The cancer that struck a Desperate Housewives star and killed Farrah Fawcett is on the rise, and certain demographics seem especially vulnerable. CNN reports on a new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that discovered rates of anal cancer—specifically, squamous cell carcinoma in that region—increased...

Housewives Star: My Cancer Is Linked to My Husband's

Marcia Cross, Tom Mahoney both had cancer caused by HPV

(Newser) - Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross was diagnosed with anal cancer—and she says it's linked with the throat cancer her husband was diagnosed with in 2009. Doctors believe both cancers are from the same type of human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can be contracted through sexual intercourse. Cross, 57,...

Study Suggests Pap Test's Days Could Be Numbered

HPV test is better at detecting precancerous cervical changes

(Newser) - Might women over 30 soon be saying goodbye to the Pap smear? That's what some experts believe after a new study found that the HPV test detects precancerous cervical changes earlier and more accurately. The randomized, controlled study—the Washington Post calls it the "gold standard" of research—...

HPV-Fueled Cancer Might've Killed Ancient Egyptians
HPV-Fueled Cancer Might've
Killed Ancient Egyptians

HPV-Fueled Cancer Might've Killed Ancient Egyptians

Still, our cancer rate is '100 times greater'

(Newser) - Diagnoses have just been made for patients who've been dead for thousands of years. Researchers digging in Egypt have uncovered six cases of cancer among ancient Egyptians, including a young child with leukemia, a middle-aged woman with a carcinoma—most likely ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer—and a middle-aged...

Bill Gates: Wife Didn't Love How Trump Spoke of Our Daughter

Gates also said Trump seemed confused about difference between HIV, HPV

(Newser) - Bill Gates recently helmed a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation meeting with staff, and per the Guardian , he offered some anecdotes involving President Trump. In the footage aired Thursday night on MSNBC, Gates noted that when he first met Trump in late 2016, it was "kind of scary" how...

Almost Half of US Adults Are Infected With Genital HPV

Men more likely to have high-risk type, CDC says

(Newser) - Health officials say nearly half of US adults have caught HPV, a sexually-transmitted bug that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts, the AP reports. Some 42.5% of Americans ages 18 to 59 had some form of genital human papillomavirus, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

They Kept Getting New Skin Cancer Spots. Then, a Vaccination

A new study suggests a possible link between the virus and skin cancers

(Newser) - He was in his 70s, she in her 80s. Both had had spots of skin cancer identified and removed, and both are the subjects of a very small study published Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology that suggests the HPV vaccine could help protect against certain types of skin cancer. Previous research...

25% of US Men Have HPV Genital Infections Tied to Cancer

Nearly Half of All
US Men Have HPV
Genital Infections

Nearly Half of All US Men Have HPV Genital Infections

25% have an HPV genital infection tied to various cancers

(Newser) - The first national estimate suggests that nearly half of US men have genital infections caused by a sexually transmitted virus and that one in four has strains linked with several cancers, the AP reports. Most human papillomavirus infections cause no symptoms and disappear without treatment, and most adults will get...

HPV-Related Cancer Is 'Epidemic'—But Few Get Vaccinated

New report finds rates of easily preventable cancers are skyrocketing

(Newser) - "Every parent should ask the question: If there was a vaccine I could give my child that would prevent them from developing six different cancers, would I give it to them?” Electra Paskett, co-director of the Cancer Control Research Program at Ohio State University, tells CBS News . The answer...

HPV Vaccine 'More Effective Than We Thought'

Has slashed rates of infection among females 24 and under

(Newser) - Cases of HPV in young women and girls are falling, which should lead to fewer cancer cases in the US in the coming years. CDC researchers, who began recommending the vaccine for women and girls in 2006, say the results of a new study are "exactly what we would...

69% of Healthy Americans Have HPV

 69% of Healthy 
 Have HPV 
study says

69% of Healthy Americans Have HPV

But it probably won't hurt you

(Newser) - So, don't freak out or anything, but odds are good that you have human papillomavirus. After all, 69% of healthy American adults do, according to a new study released by the NYU Langone Medical Center. That's the bad news. The good news is that it's probably harmless;...

Chinese Hospital's Request: Female Virgins' Blood

Researchers face backlash ahead of HPV study

(Newser) - A Chinese cancer hospital has sparked anger with a call for blood donations—specifically from 100 female virgins ages 18 to 24. The Peking University Cancer Hospital says it's planning a study on HPV and that virgins are less likely to have the virus. "It's in line...

Paging Michael Douglas: HPV Vaccine Helps Men, Too
Paging Michael Douglas:
HPV Vaccine Helps Men, Too

Paging Michael Douglas: HPV Vaccine Helps Men, Too

Study finds Cervarix prevents throat cancers caused by oral sex

(Newser) - Researchers have found their first evidence that the HPV vaccine also helps prevent throat cancers often caused by oral sex—a finding that should apply to men as well as women, reports the New York Times . According to a study in PLoS One , Cervarix, originally designed to prevent cervical cancer,...

Douglas Now Denies Oral Sex Caused His Cancer

Remarks were 'PSA announcement,' he says

(Newser) - Michael Douglas has backtracked after hitting the headlines by saying his throat cancer was caused by oral sex instead of smoking and drinking. The actor's publicist now says that he wasn't talking about his own cancer being caused by the human papilloma virus, the BBC reports. The reversal...

Michael Douglas Blames Cancer on Oral Sex

Actor says HPV is cause—not years of smoking and boozing

(Newser) - Actor Michael Douglas says his throat cancer was not caused by years of heavy smoking and drinking—it was caused by a sexually transmitted disease contracted via oral sex. "Without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV [human papillomavirus], which actually comes about from...

HPV Vaccine Price to Plummet for Poor Countries

Merck, GlaxoSmthKline will offer them for less than $5

(Newser) - Two of the world's biggest drug companies have agreed to slash the price of their HPV vaccines—which currently cost around $130 a dose in the US—down to less than $5 in some developing nations, the companies announced today. Thanks to a deal negotiated by the nonprofit GAVI...

America Mired in 'Severe Epidemic' of Chlamydia, HPV
America Mired in 'Severe Epidemic' of Chlamydia, HPV
Happy Valentine's Day

America Mired in 'Severe Epidemic' of Chlamydia, HPV

Top 8 STIs running rampant, CDC finds

(Newser) - Happy Valentine's Day! To celebrate, the CDC got you a romantic little pair of studies that declare America to be in the midst of "an ongoing, severe STI epidemic." With 20 million new infections in 2008 (the most recent year studied in the reports) and 110 million...

Study: No Link Between HPV Vaccine, Promiscuity

Vaccinated girls not having sex earlier

(Newser) - There is no link between the controversial HPV vaccine —derided as a "license to have sex" by critics—and increased sexual activity in vaccinated girls, a new study finds. Researchers examined the medical records of more than 1,000 girls who were vaccinated at age 11 or 12,...

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