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WikiLeaks: We'll Help Defeat CIA Hacking Tools

Julian Assange says WikiLeaks will work with tech companies

(Newser) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his group will work with technology companies to help defend them against the Central Intelligence Agency's hacking tools, the AP reports. In an online press conference, Assange acknowledged that companies had asked for more details about the CIA cyberespionage toolkit whose existence he purportedly...

WikiLeaks CIA Files &#39;Sinister&#39; But Not Surprising
You Can Tell Whether the
CIA Has Hacked Your TV

You Can Tell Whether the CIA Has Hacked Your TV

Experts say WikiLeaks files 'sinister,' but not surprising

(Newser) - It's being called the CIA's "Snowden moment" —and it reveals secrets that paranoid time-travelers from the 1950s would find completely unsurprising, including suggestions that the agency has been spying on people through their TVs. The CIA is scrambling to deal with the fallout from WikiLeaks' release...

WikiLeaks Drops Another Bombshell, This Time on CIA

It's releasing a ton of information on agency's hacking arsenal

(Newser) - WikiLeaks claims to have documents revealing "the entire hacking capacity of the CIA," including its apparent ability to turn smartphones, TVs, and Windows computers into surveillance equipment. The volume of material is so great it will take awhile for media outlets to sift through them and authenticate—according...

Ex-Agent Going to Jail Over CIA's Rendition Program

Sabrina De Sousa faces 4 years in prison in Italy

(Newser) - A Portuguese court has ordered police to extradite a former CIA agent to Italy, where she's due to serve a four-year prison sentence after being convicted of involvement in a US program that kidnapped suspects for interrogation. Police took Sabrina De Sousa to a Portuguese jail, where she's...

CIA Analyst: I&#39;m Quitting Because of Trump
CIA Analyst: I'm Quitting
Because of Trump

CIA Analyst: I'm Quitting Because of Trump

He says administration is 'tuning out' intelligence

(Newser) - Veteran CIA agent Edward Price says he served under George W. Bush and Barack Obama with pride—but he "cannot in good faith" serve under President Trump. In an op-ed at the Washington Post , Price, an analyst who most recently worked as a spokesman for the National Security Council,...

CIA's New No. 2 Ran a Secret Prison in Thailand

Gina Haspel is the first female to hold the position

(Newser) - Gina Haspel ran a "black site" CIA prison in Thailand where detainees were tortured—and now she's a step away from running the entire CIA. The veteran officer was named Thursday as deputy director, making her the first female spy to hold the No. 2 position, reports Reuters...

Trump to Consider Lifting Ban on 'Black Site' Prisons

He asks for review of interrogation techniques, may reverse course on Gitmo

(Newser) - President Trump is asking for a review of America's methods for interrogating terror suspects and the possible reopening of CIA-run "black site" prisons outside the United States, according to a draft executive order obtained by the AP . The order would also reverse America's commitment to closing the...

Trump Accuses Media of Dishonesty on Inauguration Crowds

He says more than 1M attended, way more than other estimates

(Newser) - On his first full day in office, President Donald Trump on Saturday berated the media over its coverage of his inauguration, and turned a bridge-building first visit to CIA headquarters into an airing of grievances about "dishonest" journalists. But it was Trump who spread inaccuracies about the size of...

Trump Lashes Out at CIA Director
Trump Lashes Out
at CIA Director

Trump Lashes Out at CIA Director

He suggests Brennan was 'leaker of Fake News'

(Newser) - Soon-to-be-former CIA Director John Brennan strongly criticized Donald Trump on Sunday for reckless tweeting and for failing to understand the threat from Russia—and the president-elect took to his communication medium of choice to react. "'Outgoing CIA Chief, John Brennan, blasts Pres-Elect Trump on Russia threat. Does not...

Trump Plans to Do More Than Just Criticize CIA

He wants to restructure US intelligence agencies, sources say

(Newser) - Donald Trump plans to do more than just criticize US intelligence agencies—he plans to restructure the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . "The view from the Trump team is the intelligence world has become completely politicized,...

Obama Is Preserving CIA Torture Report

Meaning you might be able to read it in 2029

(Newser) - President Obama has ensured that the landmark Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture won't be shredded by future administrations—but the public won't be able to read it until 2029 at the earliest. Obama has decided to have the 6,700-page 2014 report preserved in his presidential...

Intelligence Officers Worry About Trump Payback
Intelligence Officers Worry
About Trump Payback

Intelligence Officers Worry About Trump Payback

Bolton claims hacking could be 'false flag'

(Newser) - In a development that characters in a Tom Clancy novel would probably dismiss as far-fetched, intelligence figures fear that the next president might retaliate against the CIA and other agencies that have linked Russian hackers to election interference . "There is not just smoke here. There is a blazing 10-alarm...

Intel Director Clapper Resigns
Intel Director Clapper Resigns

Intel Director Clapper Resigns

Director of National Intelligence will remain until Trump's inauguration

(Newser) - US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has tendered his resignation, NBC News reports. The 75-year-old Clapper has been planning to step down for a while, and he said finally handing in his letter "felt pretty good." The BBC reports the intelligence chief told House officials that "...

UN to Look Into Possible CIA-Backed Killing of Its Former Head

Dag Hammarskjold died in a plane crash in 1961 in Africa

(Newser) - The UN is on the verge of reopening the investigation into the death of former secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold, what Foreign Policy calls "the most notorious and perplexing cold case in the UN's history." Hammarskjold died in a plane crash during a 1961 peace mission in Africa. Since...

CIA Director: I'd Quit Before I'd Ever Order Waterboarding

Even if the president ordered him to, John Brennan says

(Newser) - Donald Trump has expressed his enthusiasm for waterboarding , and CIA Director John Brennan has responded that he would absolutely refuse to carry out orders to do so. But during a Q&A Wednesday at the Brookings Institution, Brennan issued his strongest statement yet, noting he would step down as head...

CIA Kept Man in Secret Prison Despite Knowing He Was Innocent

New report details the 'outrageous' case of Khaled al Masri

(Newser) - German citizen Khaled al Masri was held and interrogated in a secret CIA prison in Afghanistan for five months in 2004—during which time he was kept in a “small cell with … a bucket for his waste”—despite the CIA being fairly certain he wasn't a...

Italian Jail Cell Looms for Ex-CIA Officer 'Betrayed' by US

She was convicted of helping abduct a terror suspect in Milan

(Newser) - A former CIA officer says she's days away from being sent to an Italian prison and blames the US government for not doing more to help her, ABC News reports. In 2003, the CIA abducted Egyptian cleric and terror suspect Osama Mustafa Hassan Nasr from Milan, Italy, under its...

CIA Office Deletes Huge Torture Report 'by Mistake'

Sen. Dianne Feinstein asks CIA to correct the 'snafu'

(Newser) - The CIA's internal watchdog admits it has destroyed a classified, 6,700-page Senate torture report—but says it was just a mistake, Yahoo News reports. A CIA official privately told the Justice Dept. and the Senate Intelligence committee about it last summer, saying the CIA Office of Inspector General...

Dying CIA Agent Admits Sending Mandela to Jail

He says he provided tip that led to 1962 arrest

(Newser) - In an interview recorded two weeks before his death, a former CIA agent claimed he had prevented a war by giving South African authorities a tip that led to the arrest of the "Black Pimpernel"—better known as Nelson Mandela. In March, 88-year-old Donald Rickard told film director...

CIA 'Thought Pakistan Poisoned Spy Chief'

He had to leave after 2011 medical crisis

(Newser) - The relationship between the CIA and its Pakistani counterpart around the time of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden wasn't just bad, it may have been murderous, sources tell the Washington Post . Mark Kelton, the CIA's Pakistan station chief in 2011, was violently ill with unexplained stomach...

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