Native Americans

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'I Am Sorry': Warren's Message at Native American Forum

'I have made mistakes,' she tells group in reference to past claims of heritage

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren addressed a presidential forum on Native American issues in Iowa on Monday and didn't try to avoid the elephant in the room. "Like anyone who’s being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes," Warren told the audience, per the New York ...

Suicide Rate Climbs 139% for Native American Women

For men, it's a 71% rise in a decade

(Newser) - Suicide rates for Native Americans have been rising faster than any other group, a new CDC analysis says: 139% for women and 71% for men since 1999. Experts say poverty, substance abuse, unemployment, and lack of access to mental health care are all contributing factors, USA Today reports. For the...

Our Poet Laureate Has Been Named. It's Historic

Joy Harjo, 68, is first-ever Native American in the role

(Newser) - The first Oklahoman to ever be bestowed the title of US poet laureate has another distinction to brag about: She'll also be the first Native American to serve in the role when she takes over for Tracy K. Smith in the fall and becomes the 23rd Poet Laureate Consultant...

'Mayochup' Has an 'Unfortunate Translation'

Who wants some 's---face'?

(Newser) - Those who already think Mayochup isn't a great name for a condiment should hear it through the ears of a Cree. As aboriginal language expert Arok Wolvengrey tells USA Today , "mayo" sounds a lot like "meyiwi," a Cree word meaning "related to feces," while...

Collector Had 'Staggering' Number of Human Bones

2K bones represent 500 humans, likely Native Americans

(Newser) - It was a collection "unlike anything we'd ever seen." That's how the head of the FBI's art crime unit describes some 42,000 artifacts discovered in the rural Indiana home of Don Miller during a 2014 raid . Almost five years later, Tim Carpenter of the...

Rob Lowe in Hot Water After Elizabeth Warren 'Chief' Tweet

'Parks and Rec' actor also doesn't seem to know what an Oxford comma is

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren officially entered the 2020 race on Saturday, and it caught the eye of Rob Lowe—whose tweet on the matter then caught a lot of eyes. "Elizabeth Warren would bring a whole new meaning to Commander in 'Chief,'" the 54-year-old Parks and Rec star...

Utah High School Is Latest to Ditch Native American Name
School Drops 'Redmen' Name

School Drops 'Redmen' Name

Utah high school is latest to ditch Native American name

(Newser) - Sports teams will no longer be known as the "Redmen" at a southern Utah high school, becoming the latest to get rid of a Native American name deemed offensive despite opposition from some residents and a national American Indian group, the AP reports. The Iron County School Board voted...

Elizabeth Warren: I&#39;m Sorry
Elizabeth Warren: I'm Sorry

Elizabeth Warren: I'm Sorry

The presidential hopeful says she's sorry about that DNA test

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren has apologized about the whole Native American ancestry thing—in private at least, the Intercept reports. Warren "reached out to us and has apologized to the tribe," says Julie Hubbard, the Cherokee Nation's executive director of communications. "We are encouraged by this dialogue...

Kentucky Student Wishes He Had Walked Away

Students may get invite to White House

(Newser) - After days of being a national news story, Nick Sandmann now wishes he and his fellow Covington Catholic High School students had just walked away from Native American activists at the Lincoln Memorial. In an excerpt from a Today show interview airing Wednesday, the student, seen in a viral video...

Twitter Suspends Account Behind 'MAGA Kid' Controversy

Account said it was video of 'MAGA loser gleefully bothering' Native American

(Newser) - Controversy is still raging over Friday's encounter in Washington, DC, between a Native American man and a student in a Make America Great Again hat—and a move from Twitter suggests it may have deliberately been stirred up. The company has suspended an account that shared video of the...

Viral Video of DC Standoff Is a &#39;Rorschach Test&#39;
A Viral Video, Outrage,
Then Things Got Complicated
the rundown

A Viral Video, Outrage, Then Things Got Complicated

It was like a 'Rorschach test,' says one observer of the initial reaction

(Newser) - The incident made headlines throughout the weekend: A group of white teenagers on a trip to DC were accused of taunting Native Americans and quickly became internet villains. None more so than Nick Sandmann, a junior at Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky, who was photographed in a standoff with...

Kentucky Student in Viral Video: Why I Smiled

He says he has been receiving death threats

(Newser) - The student at the center of the Lincoln Memorial incident causing nationwide controversy says the confrontation with a Native American protester is being completely misrepresented. In a statement released through a PR firm, Nick Sandmann says he was approached by Nathan Phillips after he started to lead school spirit chants...

Native American: Here's Why I Got in Their Faces

Nathan Phillips says he got between two warring groups

(Newser) - A Native American who was seen in an online video being taunted outside the Lincoln Memorial said Sunday he felt compelled to get between two groups with his ceremonial drum to defuse a confrontation. Nathan Phillips says in an interview with the AP that he was trying to keep peace...

Native American: As Students Mocked Me, I Thought of Wife

Nathan Phillips says he realized things were getting ugly

(Newser) - A Native American man says he was thinking about his deceased wife and the struggles faced by indigenous communities while he was being taunted by a group of high school students at the end of a rally in Washington on Friday. Nathan Phillips told the Washington Post that he initially...

Catholic &#39;MAGA&#39; Kids Mock Native Americans
'MAGA' Kids Mock
Native American Man

'MAGA' Kids Mock Native American Man

A Kentucky diocese has already apologized

(Newser) - ( Update here . Nathan Phillips now says he got between two warring groups.) A diocese in Kentucky apologized Saturday after videos emerged showing students from a Catholic boys' high school mocking Native Americans outside the Lincoln Memorial after a rally in Washington, the AP reports. The Indigenous Peoples March...

Only 9 Navajo Code Talkers Were Left. Sadly, That Number Just Fell

Alfred K. Newman has died in New Mexico at age of 94

(Newser) - Hundreds of Navajos assisted in bringing down the Japanese in World War II by helping to develop an intricate code based on their native language. Just nine of those Code Talkers survived into 2019—but now there are only eight. The Arizona Republic reports 94-year-old Alfred K. Newman has died...

Murder Case Before Supreme Court Could Have Vast Implications

High court is debating Native American control of land in Oklahoma

(Newser) - The Supreme Court grappled Tuesday with whether an Indian tribe retains control over a vast swath of eastern Oklahoma in a case involving a Native American who was sentenced to death for murder. Some justices said they fear a ruling for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation could have big consequences for...

Trump: Warren&#39;s DNA Test Is &#39;Bogus&#39;
Trump: Warren's
DNA Test Is 'Bogus'

Trump: Warren's DNA Test Is 'Bogus'

Says senator is guilty of 'fraud against the American Public'

(Newser) - President Trump isn't buying the results of a DNA test suggesting that Elizabeth Warren has Native American ancestry. Trump unleashed a series of tweets Tuesday calling the test "bogus" and Warren a "phony." He also noted that the Cherokee Nation has criticized the Massachusetts senator for...

Cherokee Nation: Warren's DNA Test 'Inappropriate, Wrong'

'A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship'

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren has released a DNA test that shows "strong evidence" of at least some Native American ancestry—but the Cherokee Nation is not impressed. Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskins Jr. said in a statement Monday that a DNA test is "not evidence for tribal...

Warren to Trump: Pay Up That $1M
Warren to Trump:
Pay Up That $1M

Warren to Trump: Pay Up That $1M

President challenged her to take a DNA test

(Newser) - Now that Elizabeth Warren has taken an ancestry test that shows "strong evidence" of Native American ancestry, she wants President Trump to pay up on a challenge. In a tweet , Warren reminded Trump that he once publicly challenged her to take such a DNA test for $1 million. "...

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