Washington and Lee University

7 Stories

Virginia University Won't Ditch Robert E. Lee's Name

Washington and Lee will remain just that

(Newser) - Washington and Lee University in Virginia is keeping its name intact. The school announced Friday that it won't drop "Lee," an homage to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, a former school president, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch . The Lexington university had been studying the issue for about...

At Least Half of College's Name May Go

Washington and Lee change wins support of faculty, students, and alumni

(Newser) - Students, faculty, and alumni have asked that Washington and Lee University in Virginia be renamed, and that could be just the start of the changes. The issue goes to the heart of the private college in Lexington: George Washington and Robert E. Lee were supporters of the private college, and...

And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*
And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*

And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*

*According to a Virginia college's long-standing mock convention

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have had a bruising Saturday night debate , but he was feeling the love in a small town in Virginia known for picking presidential nominees: Washington and Lee University wrapped up its quadrennial Mock Convention on Saturday, and proclaimed "with bravado, perhaps characteristic of their nominee,"...

Frat Had Sung Racist Chant for Years

Board of trustees apologizes for 'horrible cancer'

(Newser) - The racist chant that has gotten the University of Oklahoma's Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity bounced from campus is nothing new: The board of trustees for the exiled chapter released a statement last night acknowledging that "a horrible cancer entered into the OU chapter of SAE three to four...

Lee's Namesake School to Remove Confederate Flags

Washington and Lee University agrees to students' demand

(Newser) - Robert E. Lee is giving up his flag one more time in the South. Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., has acceded to the demands of a group of law students and will remove Confederate flags that adorn Lee Chapel on the campus, reports the Roanoke Times . In an...

Book Missing Since Civil War Returned to Virginia School

(Newser) - A Virginia college has a missing library book back—145 years after a Union soldier stole it during the Civil War. An Illinois man who inherited the book from friends tracked down the original owner and returned it to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, reports the Washington Post. The...

Don't Worry, Hill, This School Loves You

Virginia college known for picking winners calls her the nominee

(Newser) - It may not have been her night in South Carolina, but Hillary Clinton can take solace from the results out of a small liberal arts college in Virginia whose students pick political winners with uncanny accuracy. Washington and Lee University's mock convention pegged Clinton as the eventual nominee, WDBJ7 reports....

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