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Self-Help Guru is Put in Medically Induced Coma

Jordan Peterson went to Moscow to treat his drug addiction

(Newser) - A polarizing self-help guru is trying to recover from a radical health treatment he underwent in Moscow, the CBC reports. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist, spent eight days in a medically induced coma to battle a lung infection. The intervention followed his admitted dependence on clonazepam—a benzodiazepine tranquilizer often...

Maybe Don't Sweat the Morning Routine So Much

Being uber-efficient in the wee hours isn't for everyone

(Newser) - The hot new entry in the self-help genre is the morning routine, writes Marina Koren at the Atlantic . You've surely come across some: Successful people describing how they get up at dawn ( or earlier ) to work out, meditate, make matcha tea, go for a walk, drink raw...

Self-Help Guru Goes to Rehab
Self-Help Guru
Goes to Rehab

Self-Help Guru Goes to Rehab

Jordan Peterson says, 'At least life isn't dull'

(Newser) - A self-help guru who's widely celebrated in some circles—and reviled in others—has gone into rehab, the Daily Dot reports. Jordan Peterson's daughter announced the development Thursday on YouTube and Peterson himself tweeted a link to the video, saying, "At least life isn't dull."...

Ivanka's Advice for Stressed Women: Try Calligraphy

'Don't gossip' among business tips in new book

(Newser) - Ivanka Trump says her new book , with tips on how to be a successful working woman, is a "manual for architecting the life you want to live." Reviewers say Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success is a nauseating read with no more helpful advice than "...

The Biggest Self-Help Charlatan You Never Heard Of
The Biggest
Self-Help Charlatan
You Never Heard Of
in case you missed it

The Biggest Self-Help Charlatan You Never Heard Of

Napoleon Hill wrote a best-selling book, but he also lived a life of 'countless scams'

(Newser) - Long before Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins started preaching about how to be the best you possible, Napoleon Hill was peddling his own self-help mantras, penning 1937's Think and Grow Rich and inspiring not just cult-like behavior, but an actual cult. Matt Novak dives into Hill's jaw-dropping backstory...

All You Need in Life? 15 Things, Guru Says

James Altucher says homeownership is a 'total scam'

(Newser) - James Altucher makes a rather incredible claim: All you need in life are 15 things, give or take, the New York Times reports. What’s on his list? All that he can fit in a black shoulder bag, namely a laptop, a few pairs of khakis, some T-shirts, and cash...

Self-Help Guru Out of Prison, Teaching Again

James Arthur Ray was convicted in deaths of 3 people

(Newser) - A self-help author who spent nearly two years in prison for the deaths of three people following an Arizona sweat lodge ceremony is again hosting seminars in the state. Starting yesterday in the Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, James Arthur Ray is leading discussions on how to deal with personal crisis....

Self-Help Author Convicted in Sweat Lodge Deaths

James Arthur Ray Guilty of Negligent Homicide, Cleared of Manslaughter

(Newser) - A self-help author has been convicted of negligent homicide in the deaths of three people who attended one of his sweat lodge seminars . Jurors, however, acquitted James Arthur Ray of more serious manslaughter charges in the 2009 deaths in Arizona, reports CNN . The victims died in what Ray characterized as...

A Better Life Lies Just Beyond These 10 Obstacles
A Better Life Lies Just Beyond These 10 Obstacles
in case you missed it

A Better Life Lies Just Beyond These 10 Obstacles

We can achieve more if we recognize the roadblocks, writes Steve Roy

(Newser) - We’re all looking for more in life, but it's easy to get sidetracked—and crippled—by chronic stresses. In order to move forward, we need to identify the obstacles in front of us. Steve Roy at Dumb Little Man recommends 10 things we can change that will allow us...

Hey, Ladies: Happiness Is Overrated
 Hey, Ladies: 
 Is Overrated 

Hey, Ladies: Happiness Is Overrated

Women need to remember: discontent can be good

(Newser) - Achieving happiness has become a national obsession, but no two studies seem to agree on what women need to do to "be happy": Get married as soon as possible! Wait until you’re 25 to get married! Have kids! Don’t have kids! Eat more salmon! “You know...

10 Awesome Tidbits From Jennifer Love Hewitt's Book

'The Day I Shot Cupid' is a mess, but an entertaining one

(Newser) - Jennifer Love Hewitt wrote a book of advice about love, which is just as ridiculous as it sounds. “Here are 10 completely awesome things that happen in this book,” writes Linda Holmes for NPR :
  1. Hewitt admits to visiting and trying on her “dream ring” once a month

S. Koreans Play Dead at 'Coffin Academy'
 S. Koreans 
 Play Dead at 
 'Coffin Academy' 

S. Koreans Play Dead at 'Coffin Academy'

Self-help tactic controversial in country with high suicide rate

(Newser) - At the Coffin Academy, South Koreans pay $25 each to write their own tombstone epitaphs, bid loved ones goodbye, then climb into caskets in a candlelit chapel and play dead for 10 minutes. The entrepreneurs who guide this death simulation say it motivates people to improve their lives; critics counter...

Why Your New Year's Resolutions Will Fail

Skip the self-help advice, keep a journal for better chance of success

(Newser) - The New Year's ritual of resolving to lose weight, get organized, and give up smoking is not only pointless—78% of resolutions fail—but may actually do harm, psychologists say, as broken resolutions leave people feeling dispirited and powerless. In a study of 700 people, those who tried to change...

Guru Twittered About Sweat Lodge Death

But a source close to James Arthur Ray says this is common imagery

(Newser) - James Arthur Ray, who yesterday canceled his upcoming appearances to devote all his "physical and emotional energies" to the fallout from the sweat lodge tragedy, talked a lot about death in the days leading up to the ceremony. His Twitter feed was full of posts that have since been...

People Still Signing Up for Guru's Sweat Lodges

James Arthur Ray is out recruiting, and audiences are buying, despite deaths

(Newser) - James Arthur Ray has hardly missed a beat since three people died in one of his sweat lodge ceremonies two weeks ago: The self-help guru is back on the road peddling his workshops, and many members of his audience seem unfazed by the deaths. "When you're pushing the limits,...

Third Sweat-Lodge Victim Dies
 Third Sweat-Lodge Victim Dies 

Third Sweat-Lodge Victim Dies

Minnesota woman was longtime follower of self-help guru

(Newser) - A Minnesota woman became the third fatality yesterday in an Arizona sweat lodge ceremony that hospitalized nearly two dozen people. Liz Neuman, 49, died at a Flagstaff hospital after suffering multiple organ damage during the Oct. 8 ceremony at a resort near Sedona. Authorities were treating all three deaths as...

Drug Dealers: Experts in Recessionary Business
Drug Dealers: Experts in Recessionary Business
book review

Drug Dealers: Experts in Recessionary Business

CEOs could learn a lot from hustlers

(Newser) - 50 Cent is the first rapper to pen a book of management advice. It’s a shame, then, that The 50th Law, co-written by Robert Greene, boils down to the worst kind of “be authentic” self-help boilerplate, writes Lucy Lucy Kellaway for the Financial Times. As a former drug...

Love Happens Is Manipulative Tripe
 Love Happens 
 Is Manipulative Tripe 

Love Happens Is Manipulative Tripe

Jennifer Aniston rom-com strikes out with critics

(Newser) - If only love didn't happen. Critics are lambasting Jennifer Aniston's new rom-com, Love Happens—the story of a courtship between a florist and a grieving grief counselor—as predictable and manipulative:
  • It's "an inorganic soap opera," writes Michael Sragow in the Baltimore Sun. "Love happens here with

Thug: 'Suicidal Victim Paid Me to Kill Him'

Manhattan man busted for murder of motivational speaker

(Newser) - A career criminal arrested for the murder of a Long Island self-help guru claims that the man was seeking to commit "suicide by thug," the New York Daily News reports. The suspect told police that motivational speaker Jeff Locker, "a business spiritualist" and father of three, hired...

The Power of Negative Thinking
The Power
of Negative Thinking

The Power of Negative Thinking

Better to acknowledge bad feelings than recite phony good ones

(Newser) - Deliberate positive thinking—from Norman Vincent Peale to Stuart Smalley—has long been touted as a way to overcome feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt. But a new study suggests that repeating positive mantras may often backfire, making people with low self-esteem feel even worse about themselves. For many, it may...

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