
4 Stories

After Killing Stepdaughter, Man Filmed Sex With Body: DA

Sex said to be motive in gruesome Gregory Graf case

(Newser) - A man who is charged in his stepdaughter's murder filmed himself having sex with her dead body, prosecutors say. That has led a Pennsylvania district attorney to what he believes was the motive in Jessica Padgett's death: He says that Gregory Graf killed Padgett so that he could...

Morgue Worker: I Had Sex With 100 Corpses

Ohio man says he was drunk, on drugs

(Newser) - A former morgue attendant in Ohio admits having sex with up to 100 bodies during his years working the night shift and says drugs and alcohol are to blame. The scale of Kenneth Douglas' depravity came to light during a court hearing in which a federal panel ruled that families...

Accused Rapist: I Thought She Was Dead

Kansas City man arrested for sexual assault offers shocking excuse

(Newser) - A man accused of raping a woman as she lay unconscious on a city sidewalk in broad daylight told cops he thought he was merely molesting a corpse, according to investigators. Witnesses who say they saw Melvin Jackson having sex with the woman flagged down a passing patrol car. When...

Man Admits Sex With Slain Model
Man Admits
Sex With
Slain Model

Man Admits Sex With Slain Model

British murder defendant invokes necrophilia as defense

(Newser) - A British man on trial for the murder of an 18-year-old model admits that he had sex with her corpse but denies killing her. Mark Dixie says he was high and drunk when he found Sally Anne Bowman’s body and took "advantage of the situation," the prosecutor...

4 Stories
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