Lindsay Lohan

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Celebs Who've Been Bashed in Songs

Chris Brown, Drake not the first to feud via music

(Newser) - Chris Brown burned Drake via rap after the recent nightclub brawl between their entourages (sample lyric: "They throwin' bottles, I'm throwin' models"), and if that's the sort of spiteful gossip you can't help but love, you're in luck: The Huffington Post rounds up 14...

Producers Quite Unhappy With LiLo

Lindsay Lohan causing trouble for 'Liz & Dick'

(Newser) - Though they should have known what they were in for the moment they hired her, the producers of Lindsay Lohan's upcoming Lifetime movie are reportedly "hysterical" over the actress' recent car crash and exhaustion incident . Sources tell TMZ the producers are particularly worried they may lose their insurance...

More Drama for LiLo Over Car Crash

Turns out Lohan wasn't actually allowed to drive at the time...

(Newser) - As if it's not bad enough that Lindsay Lohan crashed her Porsche , then reportedly lied to police about it , it turns out she could also be in trouble with the honchos behind Liz and Dick, the film she's currently shooting. Lohan was prohibited from driving while working on...

LiLo Explains Source of 'Exhaustion'

85 hours of work in 4 days

(Newser) - 911 paramedics paid Lindsay Lohan a visit yesterday , and we're sure you breathed a huge sigh of relief when it turned out the currently employed actress was a-OK. Her rep explained that "exhaustion and dehydration" brought on by her tough work schedule were to blame. Lohan herself provided...

Lindsay Lohan OK After Visit From Paramedics

Rep says she's exhausted from shooting movie

(Newser) - Just another morning in the life of Lindsay Lohan, this one involving an apparent false alarm involving paramedics. As TMZ explains, it seems an exhausted Lohan called the production team from her Liz & Dick movie to say she wasn't feeling well. They dispatched a doctor, who asked the...

Lohan's Little Lie Could Land Her in Jail

Actress reportedly told cops she wasn't driving car at time of crash

(Newser) - It looks like the aftermath of Lindsay Lohan's car crash could turn into a real wreck. When Lohan was first giving her statement to the cops in the hospital, she reportedly told them that she was the passenger and her assistant was behind the wheel, reports TMZ . That statement...

Lindsay: Wonky Brakes Made Me Crash Porsche

Lohan, truck driver can't quite agree on what happened

(Newser) - That 18-wheeler Lindsay Lohan smashed into on the Pacific Coast highway this week? She says it cut her off—and what's more, she claims the newly replaced brakes on her rented Porsche failed during the accident, TMZ reports. But the truck driver ( TMZ calls him "James")...

Lindsay Lohan in Hospital After Car Crash
 Lohan Out of Hospital 
 After Car Crash 

Lohan Out of Hospital After Car Crash

Her Porsche hit an 18-wheeler, but she's back at work

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is out of the hospital and back to work on the set of Liz & Dick after a nasty car accident, reports TMZ . She went to the ER as a precaution after her rented Porsche slammed into the back of an 18-wheeler on the Pacific Coast Highway this...

Celebs, Bigwigs Gather for &#39;Nerd Prom&#39;

 Celebs, Bigwigs 
 Gather for 
 'Nerd Prom' 
Correspondents' Dinner

Celebs, Bigwigs Gather for 'Nerd Prom'

More than 2K turn out to White House Correspondents' Dinner

(Newser) - It's been dubbed the "nerd prom." But last night a good chunk of Hollywood turned out to join President Obama, Washington power brokers, and the press corps at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, reports Politico . As for dresses, Kate Hudson's purple sequin gown was "AH-MAY-ZING!...

LiLo 'a Total Nightmare' on Glee Set

Sources bash Lindsay Lohan

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan filmed scenes for a guest stint on Glee this week, and apparently it went just about how you'd expect. "Lindsay was a total nightmare yesterday," one source tells E! . "She was three hours late in the morning, and when she did finally arrive, she...

Lindsay Lohan Scores Gig— as an Actor!

Lifetime hires rocky starlet to play Elizabeth Taylor

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan—actor? Yep, even if it is just a Lifetime movie: The 25-year-old troubled starlet scored a gig playing Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick, about Taylor's rocky romance with actor Richard Burton. “I have always admired and had enormous respect for Elizabeth Taylor," says Lohan....

13 Stars With Major Tax Issues
 13 Stars With Major Tax Issues 

13 Stars With Major Tax Issues

Yep, Lindsay Lohan has tax problems, too

(Newser) - You'd think, with all their fame, fortune, and presumed ability to hire a legion of accountants, celebrities would be able to stay on top of their taxes. But these 13 stars, rounded up by Fox News , prove that's not always the case:
  • Lionel Richie: Reportedly owes the federal

LiLo Off Formal Probation for First Time in 4.5 Years

Lindsay Lohan remains on informal probation, however

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan "did it!," Judge Stephanie Sautner declared in court today: She completed her probation requirements and was taken off formal probation for the first time in four and a half years . In case you've forgotten, this probation was related to Lohan's 2007 DUI. Also today,...

LiLo Hits a Guy, Drives Off
 LiLo: I Didn't Hit Anyone 

LiLo: I Didn't Hit Anyone

TMZ alleges that Lohan hit a guy, drove off

(Newser) - While attempting to leave a Hollywood club early this morning, Lindsay Lohan allegedly struck the manager of a nearby lounge with her Porsche … and then left the scene. LiLo found herself blocked into a parking lot by paparazzi and other onlookers when her car reportedly lightly tapped the Hookah...

Photogs Mistake 'Blondie,' 66, for Lindsay Lohan

Debbie Harry fools the paparazzi

(Newser) - Photographers clamored around Debbie Harry on Sunday as she left the Mercer Hotel, not because they are huge fans of her band Blondie, but because they believed the 66-year-old was actually Lindsay Lohan, age 25. A picture snapped of a platinum-haired Harry wearing aviator sunglasses does look startlingly similar to...

Lindsay Lohan Doesn't Embarrass Herself on SNL

Pokes fun at herself on 'Saturday Night Live'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan showed up, apparently sober, and actually got some laughs last night on Saturday Night Live, poking fun at herself during the monologue and a "Scared Straight" skit. "Lindsay Lohan appeared healthy, upbeat, and pulled together (if somewhat surgically adjusted) and—putting to rest speculation that she...

'Last Chances?' Turns Out Lindsay Lohan Has Had 10

Will 'SNL' end any better than these previous 9 comeback attempts did?

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is on a redemption tour, which started with yesterday's Today sit-down and continues tomorrow when she hosts Saturday Night Live. But doesn't this all sound a bit familiar? "Over the past six years, Lindsay Lohan has had many last chances, each one hyped that way,...

Lindsay Lohan: Where I&#39;ll Be in 5 Years
Lindsay Lohan: Where I'll Be
in 5 Years
'today' interview

Lindsay Lohan: Where I'll Be in 5 Years

'Hopefully I'll have just come from the Oscars,' she tells Matt Lauer

(Newser) - Apparently both Lindsay Lohan's hair color and her Today interview answers come out of a can. LiLo's full sit-down with Matt Lauer aired this morning, and her comeback attempt swings into full gear this weekend when she hosts Saturday Night Live. Vulture notes that Lauer "went easy"...

IRS to Lohan: We Want Our $93K

Lindsay apparently failed to pay taxes in 2009

(Newser) - Among the things overlooked on Lindsay Lohan's to-do list in 2009: rehab and paying taxes. TMZ reports that the IRS has obtained a $93,000 lien against the actress because she never got around to filing her federal return. If she doesn't pay up, the agency can seize...

LiLo as Playboy Cover Model: Fierce or Flop?

Mag hit shelves Friday, and everyone reporting something different

(Newser) - Maybe Lindsay Lohan getting close to $1 million to pose in Playboy will turn out to be a good deal for both parties. Hugh Hefner claims, rather tepidly on Twitter , that the Lohan issue is going wild, reports CNN . "The Lindsay Lohan January-February Double Issue is breaking sales records,...

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