Carlos Sousa Jr

8 Stories

Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack
 Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack

Report Rips Zoo in Tiger Attack

Facility was understaffed and unprepared for emergency

(Newser) - When a 243-pound tiger escaped its pen and began mauling Christmas Day visitors, the San Francisco Zoo was painfully understaffed and ill-equipped to respond to the emergency, according to a new report. "The zoo is too often chasing problems," concluded the independent Association of Zoos and Aquariums of...

Tiger Attack Probe Suspended
Tiger Attack

Tiger Attack Probe Suspended

SF police find no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing by victims

(Newser) - The investigation into last month's attack at the San Francisco Zoo has found no conclusive evidence that the victims committed a crime in taunting Tatiana the tiger, and police have suspended the case, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The probe had been focusing on cell phone records and car contents...

Emotional Funeral for SF Tiger Victim

Survivor brothers embrace parents of dead teen

(Newser) - Two survivors of a Christmas Day tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo that killed their friend yesterday embraced the distraught parents of the fallen teen at his emotional funeral. "There's a lot of anger inside," said a pal of 17-year-old Carlos Sousa Jr., who was laid to...

SF Tiger Attack Survivors Made Silence Pact

Brothers vowed in ambulance not to talk to police, report says

(Newser) - In the ambulance to the hospital just after a tiger mauled 17-year-old Carlos Sousa Jr. to death, paramedics heard Sousa's two friends make a pact of silence about "what we did," the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The two brothers, accused by one witness of taunting the tiger before...

Tiger Victim Died Trying to Aid Friend

Details emerge on Christmas mauling death, injuries

(Newser) - Carlos Sousa Jr., the 17-year-old killed by the escaped tiger at the San Francisco Zoo on Christmas, was not the tiger's first victim, the AP reports, as new details emerge in the mauling. Tatiana, the 350-pound Siberian tiger, first attacked one of his two friends, and Sousa and the friend's...

Tiger's Wall Lower Than National Standard

But how she jumped it is beyond me: zoo chief

(Newser) - A San Francisco Zoo wall apparently scaled by a Siberian tiger who subsequently killed a teenage park patron is four feet lower than national standards, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The big cat, Tatiana, also mauled two of the victim's friends after her escape Christmas Day. Zoo officials initially reported...

Zoo: Killer Tiger Was Provoked
Zoo: Killer Tiger Was Provoked

Zoo: Killer Tiger Was Provoked

Shoe, blood by fence indicate a visitor may have dangled leg

(Newser) - The victims of the Christmas Day tiger mauling may have tried to climb into the animal’s enclosure, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Police have found a shoe and blood near the cage moat, and a footprint on the fence. “Somebody really agitated her and gave her some method...

Killer Tiger's Escape a Mystery
Killer Tiger's Escape a Mystery

Killer Tiger's Escape a Mystery

Deadly San Francisco Zoo attack being treated as crime scene

(Newser) - The San Francisco Zoo remained shuttered today as investigators and grieving family alike struggled to understand how a Siberian tiger was able to escape her cage and maul 17-year-old Carlos Souza to death. "This is very rough on us," said an uncle. "He was a great kid....

8 Stories
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