Byron Dorgan

10 Stories

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan
 Dems Desperately 
 Seeking North Dakotan 

Dems Desperately Seeking North Dakotan

Byron Dorgan's resignation leaves party in bind, writes Collins

(Newser) - Two senator retirements do not a Democratic crisis make—especially when Chris Dodd's stepping aside is actually great news for the party—but the party may have a dilemma in North Dakota, writes Gail Collins. Byron Dorgan's retirement has taken everybody by surprise. Unlike in Connecticut, nobody seems ready to...

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Dorgan Scramble

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him

Puts his name in play for Dorgan's ND seat

(Newser) - MSNBC host Ed Schultz wasted little time today getting his name in play to replace Byron Dorgan in the Senate. Schultz said prominent North Dakota Democrats have formally asked him to run, but he hasn't decided whether to do so. "I'm flattered. I'm honored. I can't say I'm even...

Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats
Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats

Loss of Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter Stings Democrats

North Dakota Senator the most devastating departure

(Newser) - Democrats are feeling sick to their stomachs today in the wake of the stunning announcements that Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, and Bill Ritter would all abandon their reelection bids. Dorgan is the real loss here, Politico reports; Republicans stand a strong chance of picking up the North Dakota senator’s...

ND Sen. Dorgan Won't Run for Re-Election

Term is up this year; move a 'total stunner' to fellow Democrats

(Newser) - In a move one Democratic aide called a “total stunner,” North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan announced today that he won’t run for re-election this fall. Dorgan, 68, says “this decision does not relate to any dissatisfaction that I have about serving in the Senate,” and...

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi
If Harry Reid Could Only
Find His Inner Pelosi
eugene robinson

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi

Some of the players in the health care game have stumbled badly

(Newser) - As the health care bill stumbles towards the finish line, it's painfully obvious that some lawmakers just play the game much better than others, writes Eugene Robinson. Nancy Pelosi's a master, having delivered a House bill with nearly everything the president wanted despite the Republicans and Blue Dogs. and Joe...

Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports
Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports
Dana Milbank

Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports

Sides with big pharma on proposal he backed as candidate, senator

(Newser) - Proving once again that campaign promises are sturdy stuff, Barack Obama yesterday led the charge to kill a health care reform amendment that would have made it easier to import cheaper prescription drugs from places like Canada—even though he touted the idea in the campaign, and co-sponsored a similar...

Dorgan Could Be Obama's Top Democratic Foe

'Fiercely independent' senator eyes 2010 in deep red N. Dakota

(Newser) - Sen. Byron Dorgan is shaping up to be a real thorn in Barack Obama’s side. The North Dakota Democrat is on a collision course with the president on everything from climate change to Afghanistan to Wall Street, and he holds some key committee positions. “I’m not in...

Senate Eyes Lifting All Travel Bans to Cuba

But Cuban-American senator fights colleagues to block it

(Newser) - A bipartisan group of senators is set to introduce a new bill on US-Cuban relations tomorrow that would remove all legal barriers to traveling to the island, reports the Washington Post. The bill goes far beyond earlier efforts to relax travel restrictions and enjoys support from committee leaders, top Republicans,...

Soaring Fertilizer Prices Another Cog in Food Crisis

Costs up 65% percent, drawing calls for inquiries by US, UN

(Newser) - Farmers worldwide are fuming over soaring fertilizer prices, the Wall Street Journal reports. Costs are 65% higher in the US than a year ago, making it difficult for farmers to boost production in response to an international food crisis. Meanwhile, fertilizer companies have reaped big profits from a cartel-based system...

Congress Votes to Stop Stockpiling Oil
Votes to Stop Stockpiling Oil

Congress Votes to Stop Stockpiling Oil

House and Senate want no more sent to national reserve

(Newser) - The House and Senate voted today for a pause in deposits to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an effort to stem rising prices, the Los Angeles Times reports. The White House expressed skepticism about the measure, but the Senate backed it 97-1 and the House passed a similar bill 385-25....

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