
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Meet the Man Who Buries Suicide Bombers for a Living

A profile of the most thankless job in Afghanistan

(Newser) - Khwaja Naqib Ahmad's job is to give proper Muslim burials to the unclaimed dead. But in Afghanistan, more and more of the bodies coming to him are those of suicide bombers, the New York Times reports in a profile of what is surely one of the most thankless jobs...

Taliban Attack Karzai Palace
 Taliban Attacks Karzai Palace  

Taliban Attacks Karzai Palace

All attackers killed in raid on most secure part of Kabul

(Newser) - Suicide attackers set up a car bomb and battled security forces outside Afghanistan's presidential palace early this morning after infiltrating one of the most secure areas of the capital. All the attackers were killed and one palace security guard was wounded, officials say. The palace is in a large...

Taliban Storms Kabul Airport, Kills Nobody

7 attackers die in 'show of strength'

(Newser) - Air traffic out of Kabul was halted for hours this morning as militants stormed the military side of the city's airport, sparking an hours-long battle with Afghan security forces. The attackers seized two buildings under construction and fired machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades from them, but Afghan authorities say...

Kabul Suicide Attack on NATO Kills 6

Taliban-linked group takes credit

(Newser) - A suicide bomber in Kabul launched an attack on NATO vehicles, killing at least six people and wounding 30 in the process, the AP reports. "It was a powerful explosion and some of the dead were badly burnt and cannot be recognized," says an Afghan official. Reports are...

8 Dead as Suicide Bombers Storm Kabul Police HQ

3 police officers killed in 9-hour battle

(Newser) - A Taliban raid of the Kabul traffic police headquarters is over and three police officers and at least five insurgents were killed in the hours-long fighting, Afghan police say. The battle ended more than nine hours after it began early today with a car bomb attack against the front gate...

Kabul Bank Was a Massive Ponzi Scheme: Audit

Its purpose: to benefit Karzai insiders

(Newser) - Fraud was rampant at Kabul Bank—and a new report shows how deeply the corruption went. Indeed, "from its very beginning, the bank was a well-concealed Ponzi scheme," says an audit obtained by the New York Times . The bank's primary purpose, the audit suggests, was financial gain...

Suicide Bombers Penetrate Kabul's Green Zone

2 dead in suicide attack; Taliban claims responsibility

(Newser) - A suicide attack hit Kabul's Green Zone today, the fortified area housing government officials, diplomats, and US military, killing two Afghan security guards. The Wall Street Journal says a single bomber attempted to occupy an unfinished building, from which he could have fired into the CIA compound and nearby...

Afghan Suicide Bomber Strikes Near NATO HQ

Six Afghans are killed in Kabul

(Newser) - A teenage suicide bomber blew himself up outside NATO headquarters in the Afghan capital today, killing six civilians in a strike that targeted the heart of the US-led military operation in the country. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, the latest in a series of attacks carried out by...

Kabul Forces End Hotel Takeover by Taliban

 20 Dead as Taliban 
 Hotel Takeover Ends 

45 hostages freed

20 Dead as Taliban Hotel Takeover Ends

At least 20 dead as militants are killed

(Newser) - The takeover of a hotel near Kabul by heavily armed Taliban gunmen has ended. Kabul police and other Afghan security forces backed by US-led NATO troops stormed the Spozhmai Hotel in the Lake Qargha area, freeing the remaining 45 civilian hostages. At least 20 people were killed in the operation,...

18 Taliban Hostages Freed as Siege Continues

Likely many more captives in Kabul hotel

(Newser) - Afghan police have freed 18 hostages and killed two Taliban gunmen who stormed a popular lakeside hotel in Kabul tonight, Reuters reports. But the siege continues and the militants are still holding more captives, and have reportedly killed a hotel guard, officials warned. "Two terrorists have been killed, and...

To Mark Day, Words of Fallen Marine Read Aloud

Gen. John Allen reads Sgt. William Stacey's reasons for fighting

(Newser) - US troops in Afghanistan marked Memorial Day with the words of a fallen comrade—one of at least 1,851 Americans to have died in the war. Marine Gen. John Allen, the leading US commander in Afghanistan, read a letter penned by Marine Sgt. William Stacey, killed by homemade explosives...

Blasts Hit Kabul After Obama Leaves
Blasts Hit Kabul
After Obama Leaves

Blasts Hit Kabul After Obama Leaves

At least 7 killed in suicide attack

(Newser) - At least seven people were killed as suicide bombers hit targets in Kabul just hours after the departure of President Obama. A suicide car bomber killed a guard and several passers-by at the gates of the "Green Village" compound that houses hundreds of international workers, Reuters reports. Other attackers...

Afghan Forces: We Foiled Massive Kabul Attack

They seize 11 tons of explosives hidden in potato truck

(Newser) - Afghan security forces arrested five militants with 11 tons of explosives they planned to use to carry out a massive attack in Kabul, a security official said today. Three of the five men were members of the Pakistani Taliban, while the other two belonged to the Afghan Taliban, said an...

Karzai Blames Taliban Blitz on NATO 'Failure'

Attack on Kabul over after 18 hours

(Newser) - Yesterday's 18-hour assault on Kabul is finally over after the last gunman was killed this morning, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai said today that the attack proves the "failure" of NATO and intelligence services. In his first statement after the assault, Karzai added that Afghanistan displayed its ability...

At Least 35 Dead in Afghan Attacks

Taliban? Haqqani network? Either way, insurgents are reportedly cornered

(Newser) - Brazen attacks on government buildings in Kabul and various locations in eastern Afghanistan claimed at least 35 lives today, the Los Angeles Times reports. Five civilians, 11 police officers, and 19 insurgents are reported dead after attacks on buildings in Kabul, including US, British, and German embassies, the parliament...

Explosions, Gunfire Rock Kabul

 Taliban Attacks Rock Kabul 

Taliban Attacks Rock Kabul

Taliban claims responsibility for series of attacks on diplomatic area, parliament

(Newser) - At least a dozen large explosions and sustained gunfire tore through Kabul this morning, in what appears to be a series of coordinated attacks on the city's diplomatic zone, reports the Telegraph . Fighting was reported around the British and US embassies, while smoke billowed from near the German embassy....

Afghan Soldiers Busted in Kabul Terror Plot: NYT

10 suicide vests seized at defense ministry building, officials say

(Newser) - The Afghan government has prevented what could have been the most devastating attack yet from its own forces, according to the New York Times . The Defense Ministry in Kabul went into total lockdown yesterday after more than a dozen soldiers were arrested for planning an attack on the building, and...

Eastern Afghanistan the 'Final Battleground'

Troops organize for tough spring fighting

(Newser) - As insurgent attacks have fallen in Afghanistan's southern provinces, the US is turning its focus toward the east, where such attacks jumped 20% last year. With the US set to take on an advisory role next year, the mountainous eastern region is poised to be the war's "...

2 US Officers Killed Inside Afghan Ministry

Violence continues after burning of Korans

(Newser) - Two US military officers were shot to death inside the interior ministry building in Kabul today, reports CNN . The Taliban claimed responsibility, saying the killings were in retaliation for the burning of Korans by US troops, notes AP . It's still not clear exactly what happened, but Afghan authorities say...

Koran-Burning Protests Rage for a 4th Day

Gunfire heard as thousands take to streets in Kabul

(Newser) - Protesters are rallying once again to decry the burning of Korans at Bagram, with more shouts of "death to America"—and deaths—throughout the country. The New York Times reports that gunfire was audible as demonstrators assembled at a Kabul mosque following Friday prayers. Another 4,000 people...

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