Warren Christopher

3 Stories

Ex-Secretary of State Warren Christopher Dies

Former top diplomat was 85

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, the man Jimmy Carter proclaimed "the best public servant I ever knew," has died of complications of bladder and kidney cancer at age 85. Christopher headed the State Department during Bill Clinton's first term, and was instrumental in peace efforts in the...

Powell Sticks to Fence in Prez Race

Former secretary of state still undecided

(Newser) - Colin Powell has yet to make up his mind which way he'll vote in November, MSNBC reports. Speaking at a forum with four other former secretaries of state yesterday, the Republican said he would let neither his quarter-century friendship with John McCain—nor the "electrifying" prospect of the first...

War Power Must Be Jointly Held
War Power Must Be Jointly Held

War Power Must Be Jointly Held

Ex-State chiefs propose bill requiring Congress, prez to have defined, cooperative roles

(Newser) - Calling the current system “ineffective at best and unconstitutional at worst,” two former Secretaries of State propose a sweeping update of law governing powers to declare war—whereby the president would be required to seek permission from Congress for “significant armed conflict” (lasting more than a week)....

3 Stories
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