Richard Wade Cooey III

3 Stories

480-Lb. Killer: I'm Too Fat for Execution
480-Pound Killer: I'm Too
Fat for Execution
in case you missed it

480-Pound Killer: I'm Too Fat for Execution

Ronald Post's lawyers say lethal injection could be 'torturous'

(Newser) - Convicted Ohio killer Ronald Post wants a delay of execution because, he says, his scar tissue and 480 pounds of body mass would make lethal injection far too painful, the AP reports. "There is a substantial risk that any attempt to execute him will result in serious physical and...

Inmate Too Fat to Execute: Just Shoot Me

Cooey says that he didn't intentionally pile on the pounds

(Newser) - Convicted killer Richard Cooey knows there have been jokes at his expense. But he insists he’s not afraid to die— just too fat for lethal injection. At 5’ 7”, 267 pounds, Cooey is so rotund that it’s nigh-impossible to find a vein. “It's hard getting access to...

Ohio Killer: I'm Too Fat to Execute

He argues in lawsuit that executioners won't find a vein

(Newser) - A convicted killer and rapist on Ohio's death row is arguing in a lawsuit that he's too fat to be humanely executed. Lawyers for Richard Wade Cooey claim the 5'-7", 275-pound inmate is morbidly obese, and veins suitable for lethal injection would be difficult to find, reports the Columbus Post ...

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