Isaac Newton

8 Stories

Isaac Newton's Secret Occult Papers Sell for $502K

They were scorched when his dog knocked over a candle

(Newser) - Scorched notes from Sir Isaac Newton's secret research into ancient Egyptian mysteries appeared Wednesday not in a Da Vinci Code sequel, but at a Sotheby's auction, where they sold for $502,000. The British scientist and mathematician is considered the father of modern physics but the notes show...

Relieved Owners Get Back Rare, Irreplaceable Books Stolen in 2017

Nearly all volumes intact after daring warehouse theft

(Newser) - In the sort of break-in usually executed by a Tom Cruise character while background music adds to the tension, rare books worth millions were stolen from a London warehouse nearly four years ago. On Tuesday, police announced that the books have been returned to the proper owners, leading one of...

Government Seized Shkreli's Nazi Code Machine

They also auctioned off letters from Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin

(Newser) - Martin Shkreli owes New York hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to get it back the state's tax office has been seizing and selling some of the most prized possessions of the so-called "pharma bro." On Friday, state tax officials told CNBC they had already auctioned off...

Neil deGrasse Tyson Ignites a Christmas Brouhaha

With a tweet about Isaac Newton

(Newser) - Neil deGrasse Tyson's Christmas musings might not have made it to the cosmos, but the Twitterverse is buzzing with them: As CNN reports, Tyson on Thursday tweeted out birthday greetings to a babe who went on to rock planet Earth. Except not that babe."On this day long...

Isaac Newton Tried to Invent New Language

Is it 'utor' enough for you?

(Newser) - Isaac Newton had a thing or two to say about gravity and the laws of motion, but if a lesser known creation of his took off, we'd all be speaking a different language right now. As Arika Okrent explains at the Week , Newton drew up plans for a "...

Gravity Doesn't Exist: Physics Prof

String theorist shakes up 300 years of science

(Newser) - Anyone who's ever seen a ball drop knows it's obvious that gravity exists—right? Not so fast, says a prominent string theorist who has called into question 300 years of science with a new paper arguing that gravity is merely an illusion. Dutch physicist Erik Verlinde says gravity is not...

Fun Facts About Apple
 Fun Facts About Apple 
one involves a real apple

Fun Facts About Apple

Computer giant's original logo featured Isaac Newton

(Newser) - Secretive , vengeful , and irresistible, Apple occupies a unique niche in technology and business. Some obscure facts about the company, courtesy of Mashable :
  • The Macintosh was named for a variety of real apple: "Steve Jobs is said to have tried to change the project’s name to 'Bicycle' while

Hawking To Retire From Cambridge Post

(Newser) - Stephen Hawking will retire from his chair at Cambridge University at the end of this academic year, the Telegraph reports. But the esteemed physicist will continue working at the college in an emeritus position. Cambridge requires profs to step down when they reach 67, and Hawking’s birthday is in...

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