
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Protesters Greet Russian Ambassador With Lots of Paint

Sergey Andreev was trying to pay respects to Red Army soldiers at Warsaw cemetery

(Newser) - Russia's ambassador to Poland was splattered with red paint thrown at him by protesters opposed to the war in Ukraine, preventing him from paying respects on Monday at a Warsaw cemetery to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers'...

'People's Convoy' Gets a Messy Calif. Welcome

Trucks were pelted with eggs when they showed up in Oakland

(Newser) - Over the past few weeks, the "People's Convoy" of protesters pushing back against COVID mandates has been making its way back from Washington, DC to California. And on Friday it found itself in Oakland, though the welcoming committee there likely wasn't what drivers expected. Per the Sacramento ...

Protest Opposes Destroying Village to Expand Coal Mine

Last farmer has lost case in German courts against eviction

(Newser) - Thousands of people on Saturday protested plans to bulldoze a village in western Germany to expand a coal mine that environmental activists say should be shut down, not enlarged. The German news agency dpa quoted police as saying that the demonstration in Luetzerath, 25 miles west of Cologne, was peaceful....

At US-Mexico Border, Truckers Block Bridges in Protest

This time it's Mexican truckers, upset over Texas governor's inspections order that's slowing traffic

(Newser) - There's a new trucker protest underway, this time along the US southern border. Reuters reports that big-rig drivers from Mexico have been blocking bridges leading in and out of Texas for days, a protest against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's recent mandate that officials carry out vehicle safety inspections...

Arbitrator: Cops Who Shoved Martin Gugino Did Nothing Wrong

Buffalo BLM protester suffered head injury after being pushed to ground by police in June 2020

(Newser) - Two police officers in Buffalo, NY, have been cleared by an arbitrator of wrongdoing after they shoved an elderly BLM protester to the ground in June 2020. Martin Gugino, then 75, suffered a fractured skull and brain injury after hitting his head when he fell. In a Friday decision, Jeffrey...

Trucker Protest Reaches Beltway
Convoy Leaves
DC for California

Convoy Leaves DC for California

Organizer says group will protest COVID regulations, then return to capital

(Newser) - Update: The convoy that's been circling the District of Columbia in protest for three weeks left Thursday for California, where truckers will oppose pending state legislation. About 100 vehicles left the group's base at Hagerstown Speedway in Maryland, the Washington Post reports. "We’re not done here,...

Russian State TV Producer on Air: 'They Are Lying to You'

Marina Ovsyannikova urged Russians to 'take to the streets' to protest war before her arrest

(Newser) - An employee of Russia's state TV Channel One interrupted a live broadcast of its flagship evening news program Monday to denounce government "propaganda" and shout anti-war slogans. The protester entered the frame as anchor Ekaterina Andreeva reported on Russian efforts to combat sanctions. OVD-Info, a human rights group...

Europeans, Pope Denounce War
Europeans, Pope Denounce War

Europeans, Pope Denounce War

Francis calls Russia's killing of civilians, including children, 'barbarianism'

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of people rallied Sunday in cities across Europe to protest Russia's war in Ukraine, with small vigils taking place in Russia as well despite a crackdown by authorities against such demonstrations. German trade unions called a protest in Berlin, the AP reports. The march led from...

Thousands Arrested in Russian Protests

'The screws are being fully tightened,' monitoring group says

(Newser) - Police arrested more than 4,300 people at antiwar protests on Sunday in 56 Russian cities. The independent monitor OVD-Info said the full total for the day wasn't in yet, the Wall Street Journa l reports. The Interior Ministry said 3,400 of the 5,200 people who attended...

Kids Left Flowers at Ukraine's Embassy, Are Taken Away in a Police Van

Moscow children also had a 'No to War' sign

(Newser) - Children are not being exempted from Moscow's harsh crackdown on protests against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Five children and their mothers were detained Tuesday after they tried to leave flowers outside Ukraine's Moscow embassy while carrying signs reading "No to War," NPR reports. Distressing images...

Russians Protest Despite Risks
Russian Protesters
Defy Crackdown

Russian Protesters Defy Crackdown

Demonstrations around the world show support for Ukraine

(Newser) - From Moscow to Siberia, Russian anti-war activists took to the streets again Sunday to protest their nation's invasion of Ukraine, despite the arrests of hundreds of protesters each day by police. Demonstrators held pickets and marched in city centers, chanting "No to war!" after President Vladimir Putin...

Russians Chant &#39;No to War!&#39;
Russians Chant 'No to War!'

Russians Chant 'No to War!'

Thousands in Moscow, elsewhere protest invasion of Ukraine on first day

(Newser) - Thousands of Russians who woke up to the news that their nation had attacked Ukraine took to the streets to protest on Thursday. They found a heavy police presence, with officers breaking up even small gatherings by using loudspeakers to order demonstrators to disperse, the New York Times reports. After...

Murder Charge Filed in Shooting of Protesters

Family, neighbors say Benjamin Jeffrey Smith had complained about demonstrations

(Newser) - The man police say opened fire on a crowd of people demonstrating for racial justice and against police violence in a park has been charged with murder and attempted murder. Four people were injured in the attack Saturday night in Portland, Ore., and Brandy "June" Knightly, 60, was killed,...

DC Prepares for Trucker Convoys
Head for DC

Truckers Head for DC

Unarmed National Guard troops are authorized to help when protesters arrive

(Newser) - Truckers are hitting the road for Washington to stage protests similar to the ones that shut down parts of Canada's capital . Members of the convoys, largely opposing pandemic restrictions, were leaving from various places and planned varied arrivals in DC, the Guardian reports. One group, which planned to leave...

Protesters Agree It&#39;s Over in Ottawa
Protesters Agree
It's Over in Ottawa

Protesters Agree It's Over in Ottawa

Organizers plan to shift to a grassroots movement

(Newser) - Hundreds of police in riot gear swept through the streets of Canada's besieged capital Saturday, arresting or driving out protesters, towing away their trucks, and finally retaking control of the Ottawa streets in front of the Parliament buildings. With protesters in clear retreat in the largest police operation in...

Police Make Arrests, Tow Trucks in Ottawa
Police Make
Arrests, Tow
Trucks in Ottawa

Police Make Arrests, Tow Trucks in Ottawa

Protesters remain defiant but begin to leave

(Newser) - Police arrested scores of demonstrators and towed away vehicles Friday in Canada's besieged capital, and a stream of trucks left Ottawa under the pressure, raising authorities' hopes for an end to the three-week protest against the country's COVID-19 restrictions. By midafternoon, the AP reports, at least 70 people...

19 Austin Officers Indicted Over Protests

City to pay $8M to man who suffered brain damage after being shot with beanbag round

(Newser) - A Texas grand jury indicted 19 Austin police officers on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for their actions during 2020 protests over racial injustice that spread nationwide following the killing of George Floyd, according to people familiar with the matter. Multiple people spoke to the AP on...

Police Clear Bridge Ahead of Reopening

Windsor's mayor says 'economic crisis' is ending

(Newser) - Police on the Canadian side of the Ambassador Bridge arrested protesters and towed vehicles Sunday after Windsor's mayor said the "national economic crisis" is ending. "Border crossings will reopen when it is safe to do so," said Mayor Drew Dilkens, who added that the timing is...

Mandate Protesters, Police Clash on Champs-Elysees

Demonstrators barred from Paris broke through city's defenses

(Newser) - In the first significant European demonstration inspired by the anti-mandate truck convoy in Canada, protesters rolled into Paris on Saturday, blocking the Champs-Elysees until police were able to disperse them. Officers used tear gas and clashed with the protesters, who had violated a government order to stay out of the...

Cops Show Up at Dawn at Ambassador Bridge

Trucker protest seemed to dissolve peacefully as police moved in to enforce injunction

(Newser) - A tense standoff at a US-Canadian border crossing crucial to both countries' economies appeared to be dissolving peacefully Saturday as Canadian police moved in to disperse the nearly weeklong blockade, and demonstrators began leaving without resistance. Many protesters drove away from the Ambassador Bridge spanning the river between Detroit and...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>