arrest warrant

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LiLo Blames Warrant on Paparazzi

Lawyer going alone to clear up warrant 'misunderstanding'

(Newser) - Sorry, LiLo stalkers: Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer is meeting with a judge today, but “Lindsay won’t be in court with me,” he tells the New York Daily News, adding that her arrest warrant stemmed from a “misunderstanding which I am confident I can clear up.”...

Lindsay Keeps Cops Knocking on the Door

Police respond to Ronson brawl as lawyer fights warrant

(Newser) - Beverly Hills cops have a warrant for Lindsay Lohan's arrest, but that's not why the LAPD came looking for her today, TMZ reports. The troubled star, who visited Jack Nicholson's place at 1:45am last night, got into a window-smashing argument with girlfriend Samantha Ronson. The angry pair refused to...

Cops Issue Arrest Warrant for Lohan

This would have included some dumb movie reference, except that Lohan hasn't been in a movie since 2007

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is wanted. Beverly Hills cops issued a $50,000 warrant for the starlet’s arrest yesterday, reports the Hollywood Scoop. She apparently failed to comply with court orders related to her 2007 DUI arrest. Says the PD: “It is our hope that Miss Lohan will surrender herself...

Sudan President Defies Darfur Warrant, Ejects Aid Groups

Aid groups ejected from Darfur as Bashir denounces 'colonialists'

(Newser) - A day after the International Criminal Court ordered his arrest for atrocities in Darfur, Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir vowed to defy the court and called its decision a colonial conspiracy. The New York Times reports that Sudan's government also ordered 10 international humanitarian organizations, including Doctors Without Borders, to leave...

International Court Charges Sudan Prez on Darfur Crimes

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court today issued a warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, charging him with murder, extermination, and rape, among other war crimes and crimes against humanity, the New York Times reports. Prosecutors say orders to kill or displace tribal people in Sudan’s Darfur region, which resulted in...

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