Marc Dreier

3 Stories

Imprisoned Ponzi Schemer: It Happens to the Best of Us

Jailed Ponzi lawyer just wanted a beach house. $380 million later...

(Newser) - Before he left house arrest in his posh New York apartment to start serving a 20-year sentence, Ponzi schemer Marc Dreier attempted to explain his bizarre actions. Dreier sold bogus debt to expand his law firm, impersonating execs from other companies to do so. His criminal enterprise, he tells Vanity ...

$400M Ponzi Lawyer Gets 20 Years

(Newser) - A high-flying New York lawyer who orchestrated a Ponzi scheme to fund his lavish lifestyle has been sentenced to 20 years in jail, the New York Times reports. Marc Dreier pleaded guilty to charges including conspiracy and securities fraud relating to the scam, which bilked hedge funds and other investors...

NY Lawyer Pleads Guilty to $400M Fraud

Dreier bilked clients, spent cash on yacht and beach houses

(Newser) - New York lawyer Marc Dreier pleaded guilty yesterday to selling hundreds of millions in bogus promissory notes to hedge funds and other clients, reports the Times. Dreier, 59, used the $400 million to fund a Manhattan apartment, beachfront houses, and an $18 million yacht. “He has disgraced the honorable...

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