Iranian protests

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Report: Iran Security Forces Sexually Assaulted, Killed Teen

Leaked document describes agonizing final moments of Nika Shakarami, 16

(Newser) - A leaked document tells of the murder of a 16-year-old girl by Iranian security forces, who've long been accused of trying to cover up the crime . Nika Shakarami claimed she was chased by authorities after a protest against the regime on Sept. 20, 2022. Her body was discovered more...

Marchers in Europe Back Iranian Protests After Suicide
Marches Follow Protest Suicide

Marches Follow Protest Suicide

Iranian Kurdish man distraught over turmoil drowned himself in France

(Newser) - Hundreds of people marched Sunday in France to honor an Iranian Kurdish man who took his own life in a desperate act of anguish over the nationwide protests in Iran. French police estimated the crowd that gathered for Mohammad Moradi at about 1,000 people. They marched in the city...

Iran Arrests Leading Actress After Post About Protests
Movie Star Detained
in Iran Is Out on Bail

Movie Star Detained in Iran Is Out on Bail

Taraneh Alidoosti has been accused of posting 'inflammatory content'

(Newser) - One of Iran's most famous movie stars was released on bail Wednesday after spending nearly three weeks in a Tehran prison. Taraneh Alidosti was arrested on Dec. 17 for "posting inflammatory content" after she expressed solidarity with protesters, the BBC reports. In an Instagram post before her arrest,...

Rainbow Flag Appears on Pitch
Rainbow Flag Appears on Pitch

Rainbow Flag Appears on Pitch

World Cup protester's T-shirt referred to fighting in Ukraine, demonstrations in Iran

(Newser) - Threats from FIFA have kept World Cup competitors from wearing rainbow armbands , but the rainbow flag made an appearance anyway during a match Monday. A man waving the flag ran across the pitch in the second half of the Portugal-Uruguay game, AFP reports, for about 30 seconds before security employees...

Iranian Leader Calls Protesters 'Tools' of US

Eye doctors raise alarm about injuries from rubber bullets

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader praised paramilitary volunteers tasked with quashing dissent on Saturday in a televised address, as dozens of eye doctors warned that a rising number of demonstrators have been blinded by security forces during anti-government protests. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei addressed members of the Basij, the volunteer paramilitary wing...

Alleged Cover-Up of Teen Girl Deaths Galvanizes Iranians

Nika Shakarami's mother says authorities are lying about her murder by security forces

(Newser) - Iranian security forces appear to be "targeting, arresting, and, in some cases, killing minors" participating in anti-government protests, which is only fueling the already raging fire triggered by the Sept. 16 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Zhina Amini, who'd been detained for violating the country's strict hijab law,...

Protesters Answer Iran's President
Answer Iran's

Protesters Answer Iran's President

'Get lost,' students chant on campus where Ebrahim Raisi spoke

(Newser) - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi addressed faculty and students at Alzahra University in Tehran on Saturday, condemning the protests that have followed the death in custody of a woman arrested for violating the Islamic dress code. As demonstrations were held in multiple places across the country, President Ebrahim Raisi read a...

Iran's Guard: We Put Down the Protests

Blames wave of unrest on foreign influences

(Newser) - Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Sunday that the nation and its security forces have ended the wave of unrest linked to anti-government protests that erupted last month, reports the AP . "Iran’s revolutionary people along with tens of thousands of Basij forces, police, and the Intelligence Ministry have broken...

Iranians Head to the Polls
 Iranians Head to the Polls 

Iranians Head to the Polls

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urges high turnout

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader urged Iranians to vote in large numbers as the country holds parliamentary elections today, saying a high turnout would send a strong message to the enemies of the nation amid the nuclear standoff with the West. The balloting for the 290-member parliament is the first major...

Iran to Try Bush Officials for Human Rights Abuses

Trial designed to counter accusations of Tehran's own abuses

(Newser) - Iran intends to try 26 current or former US officials in absentia for human rights violations and forward its findings to international tribunals, one lawmaker said today. He didn’t specify which officials, but Reuters believes it’s likely to be the same people listed on a bill currently in...

Iran Willing to 'Slaughter' Rebels: Defector

Regime would be brutal in efforts to hold onto power: former vice consul

(Newser) - Iranians have been inspired by the successful revolts in Egypt and Tunisia, but a diplomat who defected last month warns that Iran's regime is a much more brutal one. Iran would "slaughter" rebels rather than cede control, says Ahmed Maleki, who served as vice consul in Iran's Milan consulate...

Iran Jails Opposition Leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karoubi
 Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi 

Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi

Tehran formally detains opposition leaders, wives

(Newser) - Iran is cracking down on its opposition today, jailing prominent leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, reports the AP. The pair and their wives were arrested and taken to Tehran's Heshmatiyeh jail, according to reformist website The two have been under house arrest for two weeks for...

North Africa, Middle East Protests Heat Up: Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Iraq
 Protests Engulf Middle East 

Protests Engulf Middle East

Even Iran, Iraq seeing continued unrest

(Newser) - Unrest continues to spread through northern Africa and the Middle East, with protests rocking Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and even Iraq. The latest from yesterday and today, from the New York Times , BusinessWeek , and AFP :
  • In Bahrain, the death toll after a surprise police attack on protesters rose to five.

Iranian Lawmakers: Execute Opposition Leaders

Hardliners call for leaders to face trial, death penalty

(Newser) - Inspired by Egypt , tens of thousands turned out yesterday for an opposition rally in Iran—leading some lawmakers to take an especially hard line against opposition leaders today, calling for them to stand trial and be put to death. Pro-government legislators chanted, "Death to Mousavi, Karroubi, and Khatami,"...

Tehran University Erupts in Protests

Students turn on Ahmadinejad after Kurds executed

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received a hostile reception when he made an unannounced visit to a university in northern Tehran yesterday. Students chanting "Ahmadinejad, the liar is our guest today," and "you are sucking the blood from our country" gathered to protest the Iranian president's presence, and clashed with...

US Begins to Believe in Iran Opposition

White House shifting strategy, but activists aren't thrilled

(Newser) - With President Obama's attempts to negotiate with Tehran going nowhere, the White House is looking to a new approach to pressuring Iran on nuclear weapons: backing the Iranian opposition movement. The US administration is now convinced the Iranian opposition is here to stay, and hopes to boost it while further...

Film of Neda's Death Wins Top Journalism Prize

Anonymous Iranians get Polk Award for iconic footage

(Newser) - The anonymous Iranians who filmed and distributed footage of a protester's death last year have been awarded one of journalism's top prizes. Neda Soltan's death has become "an iconic image of the Iranian resistance," said the curator of the George Polk Awards. It's the first time the American...

Clashes Mark Iran Revolution Day

Security forces fire on activists: web site

(Newser) - Protesters clashed with security forces in Tehran today as hundreds of thousands of people mobbed the streets to mark Iran's Revolution Day, witnesses reported. Police fired bullets and teargas at supporters of opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi who were holding a rally in downtown Tehran, according to an activist website run...

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary
Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

February 11 will test regime, international community

(Newser) - Feb. 11, the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, promises to bring tests for all parties with a hand in the nation's fate, writes Gerald Seib. Big marches traditionally herald the anniversary, and members of the opposition movement that has bloomed since last June's election will undoubtedly come...

Evil Needs Playlists, Too
 Evil Needs Playlists, Too 

Evil Needs Playlists, Too

What bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Mugabe rock out to

(Newser) - When they’re not plotting to kill you or thousands of others, the world’s most evil men like to kick back with some tunes, too. The Guardian gives us an idea of what’s on their playlists:
  • Osama bin Laden: The al-Qaeda chief has the perfect soundtrack for hiding

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