
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Cab Passenger Rants About ISIS, Attacks Driver

'He came out of the house carrying a rifle in his hand'

(Newser) - Around 1am on Thanksgiving day, a Pittsburgh taxi driver picked up a man outside Rivers Casino—and ended up in a hospital bed after a possible hate crime. The passenger was talkative: "He started the conversation and began to ask questions like, ‘You seem to be like a...

Woman Donating $1 for Every Hateful Tweet

UNICEF will profit from Susan Carland's online trolls

(Newser) - "Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with what is better." That's the line from the Koran that Dr. Susan Carland says came to mind as she sat one day mulling the best way to deal with online trolls attacking her because she's Muslim. She...

Mich. Elects First Muslim-Majority City Council in US

It's in the formerly Polish-dominated Hamtramck

(Newser) - Polish-Catholics made up 90% of Hamtramck, Mich., in the 1970s, but much has changed since—including a city council that's mostly Muslim after Tuesday's elections, likely making it the first US city to have a Muslim-majority council, the Christian Science Monitor reports. A local community leader tells the...

Ben Carson: 'PC Culture' Behind Muslim Controversy

It's a distracting, 'theoretical' issue, he complains

(Newser) - Ben Carson today blamed "PC culture" for the political fallout over his statement against electing a Muslim president. Carson told reporters in Ohio that his view is that anyone wanting to be president must embrace the Constitution and American principles. He added that he would oppose a Christian for...

Ben Carson: Muslim Shouldn't Be President

Tells 'Meet the Press' that Islam isn't consistent with Constitution

(Newser) - Ben Carson is making headlines this morning for an appearance on Meet the Press in which he said a Muslim shouldn't be president of the US. "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation," he told Chuck Todd of NBC . "...

29% of Americans Still Think Obama Is a Muslim

But 80% say he was born American

(Newser) - Bit of bad news for President Obama: The latest CNN/ORC poll shows that nearly a third of Americans and 43% of Republicans still believe he's Muslim. Breaking that down, 39% of adults say he's Protestant or another kind of Christian, 29% say he's Muslim, 14% don't...

In Rare Execution, India Hangs Man Tied to Mumbai Bombings

Yakub Memon was executed on 53rd birthday despite public pleas for a stay

(Newser) - The accountant who served as the "middleman" in the 1993 Mumbai bombings that killed more than 250 people and injured more than 700 was hanged this morning—his 53rd birthday—at a prison in India, the New York Times reports. Yakub Memon, who raised funds for the attack, made...

Supreme Court: Abercrombie Discriminated vs. Teen's Hijab

Supreme Court finds for Muslim who was denied job

(Newser) - In a ruling that could have wide implications for job applicants who dress according to religious reasons, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 today that Abercrombie and Fitch violated the civil rights of a Muslim woman in Tulsa, Okla., by denying her a job because of her headscarf, Reuters reports. Samantha...

Suit: LA Fitness Won't Let Me Pray in Locker Room

'I felt afraid for my life,' says Mohamed Fall of confrontation at gym

(Newser) - When he was a star basketball player for Ohio Christian University, where he was known as "Mo Fall," Mohamed Fall prayed in the team's locker room before and after he played, per WCPO . And, as a practicing Muslim, the 28-year-old says he's been following the same...

Paris Mayor: 'We're Suing Fox News'

Anne Hidalgo says city was 'insulted' by network's Muslim 'no-go zone' report

(Newser) - The City of Lights is not taking Fox News' erroneous reports of supposed Muslim "no-go zones" in England and France lightly: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that the city will be bringing a lawsuit against the network. "When we're insulted … then I...

JK Rowling, Aziz Ansari Troll Murdoch Over Islam Tweets

Rupert's response to Paris terror attacks not well-received

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's thoughts on Muslim people made him very unpopular this weekend with JK Rowling and Aziz Ansari, Salon reports:
  • It started when Murdoch responded to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks by tweeting , "Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they

Selena Gomez Bares Ankle in Mosque, Sparks Outrage

People angered at show of disrespect

(Newser) - Selena Gomez stirred up a controversy in Abu Dhabi by posting an Instagram shot of herself flashing her right ankle during a visit to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque there earlier this week. In addition to the ankle-baring photo, Gomez posted a photo to Instagram of herself and friends including...

Man Born in Slum Becomes Indonesia's President

Joko Widodo rises to top post of world's largest Muslim-majority nation

(Newser) - He grew up in a slum on the island of Java and has never been considered part of his country's political elite, but today, Joko Widodo was inaugurated as Indonesia's seventh president. The 53-year-old "commoner"—who previously plied his trade as a furniture exporter and served...

NFL: We Blew It on Penalty Over Muslim Prayer

League says KC player should not have been flagged

(Newser) - The NFL is getting quicker with its mea culpas: Amid another growing controversy , the league admitted its mistake today in penalizing a player over a Muslim prayer on the field last night, reports the Kansas City Star . In the game, referees flagged Chiefs player Husain Abdullah, a devout Muslim, after...

NFL Penalizes Muslim Player for Touchdown Prayer

Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah gets 15-yard penalty for 'unsportsmanlike conduct'

(Newser) - Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah is a devout Muslim: He fasts during Ramadan—even during the NFL's grueling training season—and took off the entire 2012 season with his brother Hamza (an ex-NFL safety) to tour mosques around the country and make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the NFL...

'Barbaric': Terrorist's Boy Poses With Severed Head

Photo from Syria outrages world leaders

(Newser) - "Horrendous," "barbaric," and "depraved" are just a few of the words being used to describe an image posted on Twitter and in the Australian of an Aussie terrorist's young son appearing to tightly and cheerfully grasp the head of a decapitated Syrian soldier. "...

Benghazi Summit Spiraled Into Muslim Hatefest
Benghazi Summit Spiraled Into Muslim Hatefest

Benghazi Summit Spiraled Into Muslim Hatefest

Up to 300M Muslims 'bent on destruction of Western civilization': panelist

(Newser) - A panel on Benghazi at a conservative think tank devolved into finger-pointing and "ugly taunting"—targeted at a law student wearing an Islamic head scarf, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post . Asking a question from the back of the room, Saba Ahmed noted that "we portray...

Muslims: FBI Used No-Fly List to Coerce Us

Lawsuit alleges that agents try to strong-arm people into becoming informants

(Newser) - The FBI has been using the no-fly list to try to strong-arm American Muslims into becoming confidential informants, four men allege in a federal lawsuit filed yesterday. The plaintiffs' stories are all slightly different, but in each case FBI agents allegedly offered an explicit or implied quid-pro-quo, the Guardian reports....

Court Orders Non-Muslims: Don't Say 'Allah'

The word is specific to Islam, Malaysia newspaper can't use it

(Newser) - A Catholic newspaper in Malaysia is no longer allowed to use the word "Allah" when referring to God, a court ruled today in a unanimous decision that overturns a 2009 ruling, with the court finding that the publisher's constitutional rights were not infringed. The government had argued the...

Muslim: TGI Friday's Tricked Me Into Eating Bacon

Woman says server put bacon in her iced tea

(Newser) - Bacon-filled iced tea wasn't exactly on the menu when Nicole Queen sat down for lunch at TGI Friday's. But Queen, a converted Muslim, says the wait staff in Garland, Texas, gave her a refill containing bacon bits—a food her religion forbids her from eating, USA Today reports....

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>