womb transplant

12 Stories

US Breakthrough in Womb Transplants Offers New Hope

1 of 4 living donor transplants at Baylor looks promising

(Newser) - America's first uterus transplant might have failed , but doctors are "cautiously optimistic" that one of the country's first living donor womb transplants could be a success. Surgeons at Baylor University Medical Center say they performed the living donor transplants on four women, aged 20 to 35—each...

Mother and Her Child Were Born From the Same Womb

Woman's mom donated her uterus

(Newser) - More than three decades after she was born out of her mother's womb, a Swedish woman gave birth to a child of her own—a child who was also born out of that same womb. The new mom, whose baby is now nine months old, lost her uterus to...

Womb-Transplant Mom: The 'Impossible Can Happen'

Names baby Vincent, 'to conquer'

(Newser) - After a womb transplant allowed her to bring a son into the world, a Swedish mom wants "people to know that what they think is impossible can happen." The woman, whose name hasn't been released, is the first woman to give birth after such an operation. At...

Medical History: First Womb-Transplant Baby

Swedish team reports milestone

(Newser) - A woman in Sweden gave birth to a healthy baby boy last month, an otherwise ordinary event that is making international headlines for good reason: The woman who gave birth was herself born without a womb. Doctors fixed that with a womb transplant earlier this year, leading to last month'...

4 Women With Womb Transplants Get Embryos

Swedish medical team moves ahead in controversial project

(Newser) - Swedish doctors are advancing in their quest to implant embryos in women who have received pioneering womb implants , the Guardian reports. A medical team in Gothenburg has successfully transferred embryos to four of nine women with implants, a major advance after transferring just one embryo in January. Mats Brannstrom, who...

First Womb Transplant Baby Could Be on Its Way

Patient receives embryo via IVF

(Newser) - After nine womb transplants in Sweden, the world's first baby from the procedure may be on its way: Doctors successfully placed an embryo into the transplanted womb of one of the patients last week. Now, "the best scenario is a baby in nine months," says team leader...

Swedish Doctors Pull Off 9 Womb Transplants

But procedure is dangerous for donors, say critics

(Newser) - A team of Swedish doctors may have just pulled off the first successful womb transplant in history—or even the first nine. In a controversial new procedure, nine women have successfully received wombs from living relatives since September 2012, the doctor at the helm of the surgeries has revealed. The...

Woman With Transplanted Womb Loses Baby

Derya Sert had to terminate pregnancy

(Newser) - A sad ending to the story of the first woman to get pregnant with a transplanted donor womb : Derya Sert has had the pregnancy terminated, according to the Akdeniz University Hospital. The Turkish woman's eight-week pregnancy was terminated because the fetal heartbeat had stopped. Sert, who was born without...

Woman With Transplanted Womb Is Pregnant

Turkish transplant patient will have a C-section

(Newser) - A medical breakthrough from Turkey: The world's first recipient of a womb from a dead donor has become pregnant and appears to be healthy, Sky News reports. Derya Sert, 22, was born without a uterus and deemed a "medical miracle" when she received her transplant in 2011. Eighteen...

2 Moms Give Daughters Wombs in Transplants

Milestone surgeries go well in Sweden

(Newser) - Two women in their 30s unable to have kids now might be able to—thanks to their moms. Swedish surgeons have performed the first mother-to-daughter uterus transplants, reports the BBC . All four patients are recovering well, but "we are not going to call it a complete success until this...

Mother, Daughter Prepare for 1st Womb Transplant

Daughter could carry children in womb that carried her

(Newser) - Doctors in Sweden are preparing for what they hope will be the first successful womb transplant. The likely candidates: a mother, 56, and her 25-year-old daughter, who was born with no uterus. If the transplant from Eva Ottosson to daughter Sara is successful, Sara could end up carrying a child...

Scientists Move Closer to Womb Transplant

Successful rabbit test means human test could be 2 years away

(Newser) - British doctors have performed successful uterus transplants in rabbits, meaning they could try the procedure on a human woman in as little as two years. Researchers say they’ve solved the blood supply problems that have until now bedeviled uterus transplants; a Saudi woman tried the procedure in 2000, but...

12 Stories
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