Iranian nuclear program

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Iran: Nuke Talks Resume April 13

Ali Akbar Salehi gives likely date

(Newser) - As expected , nuclear talks between Iran and world powers will resume, likely on April 13. Iranian media quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi giving the likely date today; he also noted that Turkey is willing to host the talks and Iran is "considering it" and will reply soon....

Bomb Iran? It&#39;s No Debate at All

 Bomb Iran? 
 It's No Debate at All 
Nicholas Kristof

Bomb Iran? It's No Debate at All

All credible experts agree striking Iran very bad idea, says Kristof

(Newser) - You might think from newspaper editorials and Sunday morning talk shows that a debate was raging over whether Israel should strike Iran's nuclear facilities. In fact, there is not—no credible security expert thinks it is a good idea, writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . “Unless...

Ex-Mossad Chief Calls Attacking Iran 'Stupid'

Iranian regime is 'rational,' just not 'our rational,' says ex-Israeli intel head

(Newser) - Attacking Iran would be a big mistake, because the regime is rational enough to deal with, according to former Mossad chief Meir Dagan. In an excerpt of an interview with 60 Minutes to air on Sunday and posted online today, the ex-Israeli intelligence head stands by an earlier quote that...

Iran Caught Scrubbing Nuclear Evidence at Parchin

Meanwhile, Israel asks US for weapons

(Newser) - Diplomats from the UN's nuclear agency say they've seen satellite images of Iranian trucks and earth-moving vehicles working at Iran's Parchin site, in what they suspect is an attempt to scrub the area of radioactive traces ahead of the IAEA's visit . Diplomats tell the AP that...

Obama to GOP: Stop 'Casual' Talk About War in Iran

President also announces new housing initiatives

(Newser) - President Obama hammered Republican presidential hopefuls today for their "casual" talk of the possibility of war with Iran. "What is said on the campaign trail—those folks don’t have a lot of responsibilities," Obama said in his first White House press conference since October. "They...

Romney: I&#39;d Be Like Reagan on Iran

 Romney: I'd Be 
 Like Reagan 
 on Iran 

Romney: I'd Be Like Reagan on Iran

Mitt would pursue 'peace through strength,' he says in 'Washington Post' op-ed

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has an op-ed in today's Washington Post explaining how he'd deal with Iran. The answer? He'd do what Ronald Reagan would, rather than what the "feckless" Barack Obama is doing. In Romney's telling, the Iran hostage crisis ended because "the Iranians well...

Iran to Let UN Into Suspected Nuke Site

Nuclear inspectors believed weapon work was occurring there

(Newser) - Iran has agreed to let UN inspectors into its Parchin military installation, after denying them access for the past two months, according to the country's semi-official INSA news agency. Western officials have long suspected that nuclear weapon work is under way at Parchin, and just yesterday International Atomic Energy...

Netanyahu to Obama: 'We Are You, and You Are Us'

Iran tensions dominate talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu tried to project an image of unity today as the president welcomed his Israeli counterpart to the Oval Office. Speaking to reporters before their closed-door meeting, Obama said, "The United States will always have Israel's back," echoing his AIPAC speech. Netanyahu, meanwhile,...

US, Israel Real Threats to Middle East Peace
US, Israel Real Threats
to Middle East Peace
noam chomsky

US, Israel Real Threats to Middle East Peace

Iran's pursuit of nuclear power doesn't seem to bother MIT prof

(Newser) - President Obama isn't the only one worried about the drumbeat toward war with Iran. So is MIT professor Noam Chomsky, who argues that Iran's pursuit of nuclear power—and perhaps weapons—is a defensive posture against the region's two main aggressors, the US and Israel. "Concerns...

Obama Assures AIPAC: 'I Have Israel's Back'

On Iran, president warns of 'loose talk' about war

(Newser) - President Obama followed a speech by Israeli President Shimon Peres at AIPAC today with a blunt assessment about Israel: “There should not be a shred of doubt by now: when the chips are down, I have Israel’s back." He reminded the audience of recent US aid to...

Israel's Peres: Iran 'Will Be Stopped'

Shimon Peres tells AIPAC that Tehran is 'an evil, morally corrupt regime'

(Newser) - Israeli President Shimon Peres took the stage at AIPAC today with Iran squarely in his crosshairs: Speaking just before President Obama, CNN reports that Peres said that while "peace is always our first option ... if we are forced to fight, trust me, we shall prevail." Peres minced no...

Obama on Iran: 'I Don't Bluff'

Atlantic interview: US, not Israel, should strike if necessary

(Newser) - President Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to talk about Iran's nukes, and he's apparently going to lay out a straightforward message: Israel should not attack Iran, but the US will do so if Tehran keeps moving forward with its nuclear program. Those are two main points...

Iranians Head to the Polls
 Iranians Head to the Polls 

Iranians Head to the Polls

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urges high turnout

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader urged Iranians to vote in large numbers as the country holds parliamentary elections today, saying a high turnout would send a strong message to the enemies of the nation amid the nuclear standoff with the West. The balloting for the 290-member parliament is the first major...

Iran Tensions Could Mean $5 Gas

Recent posturing has already sent price up 20%

(Newser) - Going to war with Iran would be an expensive proposition for America's drivers. Tensions over the country's nuclear ambitions have already pushed crude oil prices up 20% to a record winter high, energy experts tell the New York Times . That's translated to an average $3.73 per...

US Could Destroy Iran's Nuclear Bunker: Experts

Facility not as 'impregnable' as Iran seems to believe

(Newser) - The Obama administration reportedly has little desire to launch a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, but just in case it ever did, US weaponry is capable of destroying even Iran's most protected site, experts tell the Washington Post . Iran's Fordow facility—which, until recently, the country...

Israel: We Will Attack Iran Without Warning US

US officials trying hard to convince them not to strike

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have been quietly telling every American official who visits Israel the same thing: When Israel strikes Iran, it won't warn the US first, a US intelligence official tells the AP . In part, that's a courtesy; Israel believes keeping the US in the dark...

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect &#39;Obama Doctrine&#39;
Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

President likes to play it cool if US interests aren't directly involved

(Newser) - Why isn't President Obama arming Syrian rebels and handing bunker-busting bombs to Israel to blow out Iran's nuclear plants? Because of the "Obama Doctrine," argues David Sanger in the New York Times : the notion that the US should "use unilateral force when America’s direct...

Iran Blocks UN Inspectors
 Iran Blocks UN Inspectors 

Iran Blocks UN Inspectors

Nuclear watchdog barred from key site

(Newser) - The UN's nuclear watchdog is walking away from its visit to Iran after being prevented from visiting a key military site and clarifying "possible military dimensions" of Iran's nuclear program. An International Atomic Energy Agency team was refused permission to inspect the Parchin site south of Tehran,...

Iranian Warships Sail From Syria

Their presence had raised tensions there

(Newser) - A pair of Iranian warships that had been docked in Syria departed today, after a visit that seemed designed to show support for Bashar al-Assad's regime. The ships arrived Saturday, officially to provide maritime training to Syria, according to Iran's state-run TV. But their presence, along with that...

UN Arrives in Iran for Tense Talks

Nuclear inspectors hope to meet scientists, visit military complex

(Newser) - UN nuclear inspectors starting a two-day visit to Tehran today sought to meet Iranian nuclear scientists and visit a key military facility as they try to gauge allegations that Iran is pushing toward making an atomic weapon. The trip is the second in less than a month by the International...

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