Nikki Haley

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Nikki Haley Expresses Sliver of Olympic Doubt

She acknowledges there's an 'open question' on Team USA's participation in South Korea Games

(Newser) - Russia was banned this week from the 2018 Winter Games; will the US ban itself? UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Wednesday called Team USA's participation in the Games an "open question" in an interview with Fox News. The Washington Post reports that the Games will take place in...

Haley: N. Korea Edging Toward War, Will Be 'Utterly Destroyed'

Ambassador says is not seeking war with North Korea

(Newser) - US Ambassador Nikki Haley said Wednesday that North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile that some observers believe could reach Washington and the entire US Eastern Seaboard "brings us closer" to a war the US doesn't seek, the AP reports. Haley, speaking at an emergency meeting...

Nikki Haley: Kim Jong Un Is 'Begging for War'

The claim comes the day after North Korea's largest-ever nuclear test

(Newser) - One day after North Korea conducted its largest-ever nuclear test, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says the country's leader, Kim Jong Un, is "begging for war," CNN reports. Haley made the claim during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council Monday as part of...

UN Ambassador: US 'Is Done Talking About N. Korea'

'The time for talk is over,' Nikki Haley says

(Newser) - "The time for talk is over" on North Korea, so the United States isn't planning to call a United Nations Security Council meeting for discussion of the country's latest ICBM launch , US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says. In a statement , Haley said there would be...

Gore on Trump&#39;s Tweets: It&#39;s Not &#39;Time to Be Divisive&#39;
Gore Accuses
Trump of Being
'Divisive' With
London Tweets

Gore Accuses Trump of Being 'Divisive' With London Tweets

Trump criticized and misquoted London mayor in tweet

(Newser) - Al Gore appeared on CNN's State of the Union Sunday to take President Trump to task for criticizing and misquoting London Mayor Sadiq Khan in a tweet while the latter attempts to deal with the aftermath of Saturday's deadly attack. “I don’t think that a major...

Haley: Syria Regime Change &#39;We Think Is Going to Happen&#39;
Haley: Syria
Regime Change
'We Think Is
Going to Happen'

Haley: Syria Regime Change 'We Think Is Going to Happen'

Says Trump's decision to bomb was 'one of president's finest hours'

(Newser) - President Trump's decision to bomb Syria this week "was really one of the president's finest hours," says US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, speaking with CNN 's State of the Union. "He wanted to know exactly what the facts and evidence was. He...

Haley on Syria: How Many More Kids Have to Die, Russia?

UN ambassador, other US pols say Putin may be protecting Assad on chemical attack

(Newser) - Scores were killed in Syria's Idlib province on Tuesday in what the New York Times calls "the worst chemical attack in years" in the war-torn country. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime is saying it had nothing to do with it, and Syrian ally Russia is also...

As the World Starts Talks on Banning Nukes, US Boycotts

And it's not alone

(Newser) - Monday saw the start of UN talks focused on a noble goal: banning nuclear weapons across our planet. It was the result of a 2016 vote that saw more than 100 countries in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution to kick off such talks, which are aimed at ultimately...

Trump Allows Business Deals With Russian Spy Agency

But that may not be as nefarious as it seems

(Newser) - The Trump administration finally did what many feared it would do: rolled back sanctions on Russia. Or did it? USA Today reports the Treasury Department on Thursday granted an exemption that allows US businesses or individuals to do business with Russian spy agency FSB, as long as payments are less...

Nikki Haley: US Is 'Taking Names' at the UN

She says Trump administration plans UN overhaul

(Newser) - Looks like Nikki Haley has been instructed to make the United Nations great again. America's new ambassador to the UN presented her credentials to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York yesterday and told reporters that the Trump administration plans to overhaul the body and is "taking names" of...

Senate Confirms Trump Pick for UN Ambassador

Nikki Haley approved by 96-4 vote

(Newser) - The Senate confirmed President Trump's pick for US ambassador to the United Nations by a decisive margin Tuesday as GOP-led committees paved the way for three more of his Cabinet nominees to be approved just days into the new administration, the AP reports. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley won...

Trump Names His Secretary of Education

And confirms Gov. Nikki Haley as ambassador to UN

(Newser) - President-elect Donald Trump has chosen prominent charter school advocate Betsy DeVos as his secretary of education, the AP reports. It's also been confirmed that Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley will serve as US ambassador to the UN . Together, they are the first women selected for top-level administration posts in Trump'...

Sources: Trump Offers Nikki Haley Cabinet Slot

SC governor is reportedly president-elect's pick for UN ambassador

(Newser) - Donald Trump has chosen South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as his UN ambassador, marking his first appointment of a woman to a Cabinet-level position, reports the Post and Courier by way of sources. Another source tells NBC News Haley has accepted. The move is expected to be announced Wednesday and...

Rubio Gets Big Endorsement Ahead of SC Primary

Gov. Nikki Haley is endorsing him

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is endorsing Marco Rubio ahead of Saturday's first-in-the-South Republican presidential primary, the AP reports. A person close to the Republican governor with direct knowledge of her decision says she will endorse Rubio at his event Wednesday night in Lexington County. Haley's endorsement was...

Haley Takes Swipe at Trump, Too, in GOP Response

She doesn't go easy on her own party

(Newser) - Donald Trump is managing to again grab headlines , though his name was neither uttered by President Obama nor South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who gave the GOP response to Obama's State of the Union address . The American-born daughter of Indian immigrants gave what Politico describes as a "not-so-subtle...

Nikki Haley Chosen to Deliver SOTU Response

SC gov 'knows the American dream and wants to see every American share in it'

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, long described as a Republican rising star, is going to find out for herself whether delivering the response to the State of the Union address is a curse or a blessing. Haley, said to be a potential VP pick, has been chosen to deliver the...

This Flag Flies No More
 This Flag Flies No More 

This Flag Flies No More

South Carolina's Confederate flag comes down as crowd chants 'USA! USA!'

(Newser) - The Confederate flag was lowered from the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse today, ending its 54-year presence there and marking a stunning political reversal in a state where many thought the rebel banner would fly indefinitely. The crowd of thousands chanted "USA" and "hey, hey, hey, goodbye"...

SC Governor Signs Bill to Remove Flag

It's going to the state's 'relic room'

(Newser) - It's just a matter of hours now: South Carolina's governor signed into law this afternoon a measure that orders the Confederate flag to be removed from the Statehouse grounds, reports AP . "We will bring it down with dignity and we will make sure it is stored in...

SC's Confederate Flag Comes Down at 10am Tomorrow

Gov. Nikki Haley will sign the bill at 4pm today

(Newser) - The place was already established ; now the time has been as well. More than 50 years after South Carolina raised a Confederate flag at its Statehouse to protest the civil rights movement, that flag will come down—at 10am tomorrow. Then, the banner will be shipped to the Confederate Relic...

Nikki Haley: Time to Remove Confederate Flag From Capitol

South Carolina's senators join her in the call

(Newser) - In the wake of the South Carolina church massacre, the state's governor, Nikki Haley, and its two senators, Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, all Republicans, today called for the Confederate flag to be removed from the state Capitol. "On matters of race, South Carolina has a tough history....

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