The Real Cancun

2 Stories

Rad, Raunchy Spring Break Flicks

Debauchery meter climbs steadily from tame 1960s offerings

(Newser) - With spring break almost at an end, Nerve takes the chance to look back on the storied pantheon of the spring break movie. Points are given for debauchery on a scale of 0 to 5.
  • Where the Boys Are, 1960: Sure, there's premarital sex and a jazz cat asking a

Real Cancun Among Films of Decade
 Real Cancun 
 Among Films 
 of Decade 

Real Cancun Among Films of Decade

Idiots romp, drink as US bombs Baghdad in MTV flick

(Newser) - The Real Cancun, MTV’s “jaw-dropping spectacle of American youth gone preposterously idiotic” from 2003, may be a film about “spoiled, attractive young party animals” who “gather to do body shots, dance, and make out like horny banhees and banshees,” but it "is a disturbingly...

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