
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Seattle Court Tosses Old Marijuana Convictions

Misdemeanor possession convictions from before Wash. legalized pot to be vacated

(Newser) - It started with a motion filed in April by Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes to scrub the "red mark" that appears on many people's records for misdemeanor pot possession. Now, a seven-judge panel has ruled in favor of Holmes' motion, signing an order earlier this month that effectively...

After 3rd Cancer Diagnosis, Grease Star Turns to 'Modern' Meds

Olivia Newton-John uses cannabis oil to help relieve pain after tumor found at base of her spine

(Newser) - In a secret she kept "from almost everyone," Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed with cancer in her shoulder five years ago—more than 20 years after she was first diagnosed with breast cancer, CNN notes. Now, just weeks shy of her 70th birthday, the Australian singer and actress reveals...

Canada Sets Date for Marijuana Legalization

Recreational pot will be on sale Oct. 17

(Newser) - Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Canada—but only for another 17 weeks. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that marijuana legalization, passed by the country's Senate on Tuesday, will be in effect as of Oct. 17 this year, giving provinces time to set up retail outlets and prepare for...

Canada's Pot Move Makes It the 2nd Country of Its Kind

Only 2 nations on Earth have legal recreational pot nationwide

(Newser) - Canadian lawmakers have taken the final step toward legalizing recreational marijuana—and it will become official as soon as Queen Elizabeth II's representative signs off on it. A bill ending the country's 95-year prohibition on cannabis passed Canada's Senate by a vote of 52 to 29, CTV...

Boehner Does a 180, Joins Cannabis Board

His thinking on the drug has 'evolved'

(Newser) - As a lawmaker, John Boehner was against marijuana legalization—way against it. In fact, in 2011, he said he was "unalterably opposed" to legalization out of a concern that it would "result in increased abuse of all varieties of drugs." He had reiterated that opposition as recently...

Pot Now Legal in California, but It's Not That Simple

'Broad confusion' over licensing, city mandates on recreational marijuana sales

(Newser) - While the world welcomed 2018, residents in California had an extra reason to celebrate the new year's arrival. At 12:01am, marijuana received broad legalization in the Golden State, two decades after California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana, the AP reports. So-called recreational pot is now...

In the '60s, He Raved About Pot. This Week He Was Busted for It

Cops say 70-year-old activist Irvin Dana Beal was toting 22 pounds of it

(Newser) - A marijuana activist whose advocacy dates to the '60s counterculture has been arrested in California toting 22 pounds of illegal pot, prosecutors say. Irvin Dana Beal, 70, of New York, was arrested Saturday in Northern California after prosecutors said his rental car was spotted weaving across the road and...

Burned by California Wildfires: Local Marijuana Industry

At least 31 pot farms have been destroyed, with many more damaged—and no crop insurance

(Newser) - The same fires that have destroyed Northern California's wineries have also taken a toll on the region's marijuana farms, which were about to begin an important harvest less than three months before the nation's largest recreational pot market opens for business in January. At least 31 marijuana...

Netflix Develops Weed Strains for Its Shows

12 different varieties to coincide with launch of 'Disjointed' series

(Newser) - Netflix debuted Disjointed —a series starring Kathy Bates as a pot activist who runs a Southern California marijuana dispensary—on Friday, and along with the show's launch came some extra enhancers: new marijuana strains inspired by 10 of its shows. Variety and the Los Angeles Times report on...

After 7 Days of Legal Pot Sales, Nevada Declares Emergency

Yes, really, a statement of emergency, via the Department of Taxation

(Newser) - Nevada on July 1 became the fifth state to sell recreational marijuana to the public, and one week later, it declared an emergency. But the chaos is on the licensing side of things. The new law allows those 21 and up to buy up to an ounce of pot from...

Marijuana Extract a &#39;Game-Changing Medication&#39;
Marijuana Extract
a 'Game-Changing

Marijuana Extract a 'Game-Changing Medication'

Epilepsy patients who took CBD experienced fewer seizures: study

(Newser) - Backing up what some parents have been claiming for years, researchers are now hailing a compound in marijuana as a "game-changing medication" for epilepsy. Based on testimonials from parents, Orrin Devinsky of NYU's Comprehensive Epilepsy Center set out to find proof that epilepsy could be treated with cannabidiol...

Study Finds World's Safest Recreational Drug

Magic mushrooms resulted in fewest emergency room visits in 2016

(Newser) - A massive drug survey has labeled hallucinogenic mushrooms as the safest recreational drug in the world—though ensuring you're consuming a psychedelic variety of fungi, rather than some poisonous version, is rather important. This year's Global Drug Survey , with 120,000 participants in 50 countries, found that 0....

Canada Is Legalizing Pot, but It Won't Be a Free-for-All

Says main aim of legalization is to put criminals out of business

(Newser) - Canada rolled out its big marijuana announcement a week before 4/20: The federal government has brought in legislation to make recreational marijuana legal across the country, ending a 94-year ban on the drug that the government described as an "abject failure," the Globe and Mail reports. But the...

Cops Raid Nuclear Bunker, Find a Giant Pot Farm

20-room complex was built decades ago in England

(Newser) - The 20-room nuclear bunker was originally intended to protect government officials in case of bombs. Instead, six men were allegedly using it to fill bongs, reports the BBC . During a Wednesday raid on the 1980s bunker known as RGHQ Chilmark in Wiltshire, England, police uncovered a massive marijuana operation with...

The History of Why the Feds Spell Pot 'Marihuana'

Plant formerly known as cannabis got a new name thanks to Spanish-American War

(Newser) - The Washington Post wades through the weeds to get the linguistic scoop on weed—specifically, why an "archaic" spelling of marijuana is still in use. A Federal Register post last week announcing that CBD hemp oil is now considered a Schedule 1 drug offered a new code for "...

Now a Schedule 1 Drug: CBD Hemp Oil
Now a Schedule 1
Drug: CBD Hemp Oil

Now a Schedule 1 Drug: CBD Hemp Oil

New DEA regulation may affect those who use it to treat seizures, other medical issues

(Newser) - A cannabidiol hemp oil that Leafly says is used by "hundreds of thousands of patients" in the US for a variety of medical purposes, including to help relieve seizures, has been designated a Schedule 1 drug by the DEA, 7NEWS reports. Schedule 1 drugs (which are illegal and include...

Pot Might Help You See in the Dark

Pot Might Help You
See in the Dark

Pot Might Help You See in the Dark

Cannabinoid shown to improve night vision in tadpoles

(Newser) - A new study suggests that marijuana may have a strange benefit: improving night vision. Based on a pharmacologist's observation in the 1990s that Jamaican fishermen who smoked or consumed cannabis had "an uncanny ability to see in the dark," researchers at McGill University dug in. They applied...

Pet Pot: Medical Marijuana Finds a Market With Furkids

Sick pets are said to be benefiting from it

(Newser) - As medical marijuana becomes more accepted within American society, some people are starting to experiment with using the drug to medicate their sick pets—and they're seeing surprising results, reports the New York Times in a look at the trend. Although the FDA says there's no proof marijuana...

In Ancient Grave, 13 Well-Kept Pot Plants

Man was buried with them about 2.5K years ago

(Newser) - You probably wouldn't want to smoke the stuff, but archaeologists have discovered the most well-preserved cannabis plants one could hope for in an ancient Chinese burial. The first discovery of its kind comes from the grave of a man aged about 35—possibly a shaman, reports Discover —buried...

Chief: Phoenix Cops Forced Driver to Eat Pot

He says rookies made driver eat his stash

(Newser) - Three Phoenix police officers have resigned after a man alleged they forced him to eat marijuana found in his vehicle to avoid going to jail, Chief Joseph Yahner said Thursday. A fourth officer, Jeff Farrior, was demoted from lieutenant to sergeant for being aware of last week's incident and...

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