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Parents, Stop Talking About the 'Sacrifices' You Make

Yes, we make tough choices as parents, but we should own them: Stacia Brown

(Newser) - It's pretty common to hear talk of the "sacrifices" parents make for their kids—but that's a word Stacia L. Brown never uses. "Sacrifice has always connoted regret, solemnity, and even martyrdom," she writes in the New Republic . Of course parents often make choices that...

'Cool Dad' Gets Prison for Letting 15-Year-Old Drive

Daughter crashed the SUV, killing three of her friends

(Newser) - A New York father who allowed his underage daughter drive his SUV, resulting in a crash that killed three of her friends, was sentenced to 16 years in prison today for what a judge called "reckless, stupid, and selfish" behavior. Michael Ware had let his 15-year-old daughter drive on...

NFL Star Takes Away His Kids' 'Unearned' Trophies

Many agree with Steeler James Harrison's take on 'entitlement culture'

(Newser) - Everyone gets a participation trophy—except James Harrison's kids. In an Instagram post over the weekend, the Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker showed a photo of two awards his sons received for good grades as student-athletes from the Best of the Batch Foundation , a nonprofit organization founded by ex-NFLer Charlie Batch...

Cops: Dad Lets His Teen Girl Dance, Do Drugs at Club

The Pink Pony was maybe a bad choice for father-daughter bonding

(Newser) - A Florida man is facing a litany of charges after allegedly taking his 16-year-old daughter and her 17-year-old friend to a strip club and letting them drink, do drugs, and dance on stage, the Miami Herald reports. According to the Miami News Times , the Pink Pony Gentleman's Club was...

Parenthood More Depressing Than Death of Spouse

German study gives us the bad news

(Newser) - Why do so many people in the developed world stop having children after their first? That's the question researchers set out to answer in a study recently published in Demography . According to their findings, having a child made the majority of participants more unhappy than the death of a...

Babies Invade Workplaces in One US State

Newborns are a boost for productivity and moral, official says

(Newser) - Thanks to new policies being tested at two Washington state agencies, the sight of a baby falling asleep on a conference table or bouncing on a swing may become as common as a stapler, the Kitsap Sun reports. Recently, the state's Department of Health allowed new fathers, mothers, and...

Parents Drive 93 Miles, Realize They Forgot Girl, 3

They heard alert on radio after girl was picked up by police

(Newser) - When hitting the road on a summer holiday, you're bound to forget something. Hopefully it's not your toddler. Police are questioning a French family after they apparently forgot their 3-year-old daughter at a rest stop while heading south to the French Riviera for a vacation. Travelers found the...

Your Picky Eater Might Be Depressed

 Your Picky 
 Eater Might Be 


Your Picky Eater Might Be Depressed

Moderate to severe fussy eaters show symptoms of anxiety, depression

(Newser) - Think your child’s picky eating is just a phase? There might be more going on than what isn't meeting his or her mouth. In a new Duke University study, scientists who analyzed 917 children aged 2 to 6, then interviewed parents about kids' eating habits and signs of...

Disobedient Kids Make More Money as Adults
Disobedient Kids Make
More Money as Adults
study says

Disobedient Kids Make More Money as Adults

Study finds it's a strong indicator on future income

(Newser) - Parents at their wits' end over an unruly kid might take heart: The brat will probably grow up to earn more than his well-behaving peers, a new study in Development Psychology suggests. Researchers with the University of Luxembourg, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the Free University of Berlin...

Diner Owner: Crying Kid Deserved to Get Yelled At

'Who knew calling out sh---y parenting made you a bully?': Darla Neugebauer

(Newser) - What the New York Times calls the "wildfire capabilities of social media" were in action this week after the owner of a Maine restaurant yelled at a crying young child, then continued her non-apologetic rant on Facebook and with local media. Darla Neugebauer, the owner of Marcy's Diner...

Parents Favor Daughters When Times Are Tough

The bias is even stronger when kids approach reproductive age

(Newser) - "Almost all parents say that they don't favor one of their children over another," says the lead author of a new study that shows that sentiment flies out the window when times get tough, because "economic recessions subconsciously lead parents to prefer girls over boys."...

Girl Gets Racy on Facebook —Then Mom Steps In

Val Starks shows tough love to 13-year-old in now-viral Facebook video

(Newser) - Baltimore's "Mom of the Year" might have competition. A video showing a Denver mom lecturing her 13-year-old daughter about a secret Facebook page has gone viral, nabbing the young girl plenty of attention, but probably not the kind she wanted. Val Starks, 31, says she uncovered the secret...

Here's What Happens When a Working Couple Has a Kid

A once equal division of labor is equal no more

(Newser) - "These are the couples you would expect to have the most egalitarian relationships," is how researcher Claire Kamp Dush describes the participants in her study of dual-earner straight couples as they transitioned to parenthood. The male and female both work, are more highly educated than the average American,...

Cops: Florida Parents Gave Girls Drugs for Doing Chores

Joey and Chad Mudd allegedly used drugs an incentive for getting kids to school, too

(Newser) - When choosing between the carrot and the stick to motivate their girls, police say a pair of Florida parents chose a seriously illegal carrot. Joey and Chad Mudd of Largo were arrested Monday on child abuse charges: The couple are accused of smoking pot with their teen girls, ages 13...

We're Letting Our 6-Month-Olds Use Smartphones

Study: 14% of kids under one using mobile devices at least an hour a day

(Newser) - It's no surprise that America is letting its young use smartphones and tablets, but a new study reveals just how young is young. The answer: before our kids can "walk or talk," as a press release puts it. Philadelphia researchers surveyed 370 parents during a two-month period...

Judge: Taking Girl to Pink Concert Not Bad Parenting

Ruling: Mom's move didn't damage 11-year-old

(Newser) - Taking a preteen to a Pink concert does not make you a bad mother. That's the upshot of Judge Lawrence R. Jones' ruling. The case decided in New Jersey family court centered around a Dec. 11, 2013, concert that a mother (all parties identified by pseudonyms) attended with her...

How a 'Good Samaritan' Can Make a Mom a Criminal

They mean well, derail lives by calling cops over minor lapses

(Newser) - Kim Brooks left her 4-year-old son in the car for about five minutes on a "mild, overcast, 50-degree day" while she ran into a store—and her life went off the rails for years because a "good Samaritan" reported her to the police. After she wrote about her...

'Free-Range Kids' Again Picked Up by Authorities

Danielle and Alexander Meitiv's kids were in a park near their home

(Newser) - It's not the first time Rafi and Dvora Meitiv have been picked up by authorities. This time, the Maryland kids, ages 10 and 6, were found at a park around 5pm yesterday; officials took them in after a bystander reported they were on their own. The park was about...

What the Study About &#39;Mommy Time&#39; Did Wrong
What the Study About 'Mommy Time' Did Wrong

What the Study About 'Mommy Time' Did Wrong

Upshot blog: It's not enough to take a look at just 2 days

(Newser) - A story making the rounds earlier this week suggested that the amount of time parents spend with their kids doesn't make much of a difference in how the kids turn out. Don't believe it, writes Justin Wolfers of the Upshot blog at the New York Times . The study...

Kids Allowed to Sip Alcohol Drink More as Teens
Kids Allowed to Sip Alcohol Drink More as Teens
study says

Kids Allowed to Sip Alcohol Drink More as Teens

Study sees a connection

(Newser) - Middle-schoolers who take the occasional sip of wine or beer are more likely to drink on their own as they become teens, a new study suggests. The research out of Brown University merely notes the association and isn't asserting that parents who allow the sipping are doing a bad...

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