tim tebow superbowl ad

4 Stories

The Real Story of Tim Tebow's Near-Abortion

Omitted from inspirational version: Abortion was illegal

(Newser) - As the uproar over Tim Tebow’s anti-abortion Super Bowl ad rages, little attention has been paid to whether his mom Pam’s story—that she refused a recommended abortion while working as a missionary in the Philippines—is true. “One detail has so far been excluded from Tebow's...

Women's Groups Rip Super Bowl Anti-Abortion Ad

CBS refuses to yank Focus on Family spot

(Newser) - Furious women's groups are demanding that CBS yank a controversial anti-abortion Super Bowl ad by an ultra-conservative evangelical organization. It's the first time Focus on the Family, which battles gay marriage and abortion rights, is spending millions to deliver its message during the NFL's big game. "We urge you...

CBS Open to More Super Bowl Advocacy Ads
 CBS Open to More 
 Super Bowl Advocacy Ads 

CBS Open to More Super Bowl Advocacy Ads

After flap over pro-life piece, 'responsibly produced' spots OK

(Newser) - After various advocacy groups cried foul over CBS’ decision to eschew its usual policy and air an ad during the Super Bowl that will feature Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and carry a pro-life message, the network said today it will allow similar spots during the Feb. 7 broadcast—as...

Tim Tebow in Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad

Former Florida QB will appear in 30-second spot with his mom

(Newser) - Tim Tebow and his mother will appear in a 30-second anti-abortion ad to air during the Super Bowl. The TV spot, for the group Focus on the Family, is expected to feature them discussing his 1987 birth. Pam Tebow disregarded doctors' advice to abort the pregnancy after she fell ill...

4 Stories