Koch Industries

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A Close Call on Airplane Changed David Koch's Life
A Close Call on Airplane
Changed David Koch's Life
the rundown

A Close Call on Airplane Changed David Koch's Life

Conservative champion is dead at 79

(Newser) - Even casual followers of politics are likely familiar with the name of David Koch. After all, he and his brother Charles, with whom he ran the behemoth Koch Industries business, essentially reshaped American politics by steering huge amounts of money to conservative candidates and causes, reports NPR . David Koch's...

Billionaire David Koch Stepping Down From Political Empire

Charles Koch cites declining health as the reason

(Newser) - Controversial conservative billionaire David Koch is leaving the board of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, the political advocacy group he founded with his brother, Charles, which made the brothers "two of the most powerful men in American politics," as USA Today puts it. David Koch, 78, is also...

For Team Koch, Hustle for GOP Is All Down-Ballot
For Team Koch,
It's Trump Who?

For Team Koch, It's Trump Who?

Americans for Prosperity has given up presidential race, focuses on GOP's other battlegrounds

(Newser) - The RNC might be holding emergency conference calls as Donald Trump's campaign flounders, but the presidential race might as well be non-existent for David and Charles Koch, the GOP mega-donors who announced months ago that they were sitting on their wallets as far as Trump is concerned. They've...

Jon Stewart Rewrites Koch Bros' Daily Show Ad

His version isn't quite as flattering

(Newser) - Jon Stewart just realized the Koch brothers have been running ads for Koch Industries during the Daily Show —so Wednesday night he ran the ad in full ... then ran a slightly different version:
  • "We're Koch Industries: not just an energy company, we're in your food, in

Is This America's Most Republican Company?

Flowers Foods' giving more lopsided than the Koch Brothers'

(Newser) - Want to see a company that makes Koch Industries look bipartisan? Look no further than Flowers Foods. The Georgia-based maker of Wonder Bread has given 99.5% of its political contributions since 1979 to Republicans, Derek Willis at the New York Times points out, possibly the most lopsided total of...

You've Never Heard of GOP's Biggest Money Machine

Freedom Partners spent $250M, and there are Kochs involved

(Newser) - The biggest single donor to conservative groups in the last election cycle was a group that, until today, was all but unknown. Freedom Partners spent $250 million in the 2012 race, according to a soon-to-be-filed tax document the group provided to Politico , more than any one group. All of that...

Koch Bros. Look to Buy 8 Newspapers

Could use LA Times and others to spread conservative message

(Newser) - Brothers Charles and David Koch, the billionaire businessmen behind Koch Industries and noted supporters of libertarian causes, are looking to buy into the newspaper business. They're exploring a deal to acquire the Tribune Company's eight regional newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Baltimore ...

Kochs' CEO: 'Consequences' if Wrong Guy Wins Election

Warns workers they could 'suffer' in letter

(Newser) - Koch Industries president Dave Robertson has sent a missive to employees warning that they could "suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills," if President Obama is reelected, Yahoo News reports. The letter was included in a voter information packet sent to workers at...

Former Exec Sues Koch Brother for Imprisonment

A VP at Bill Koch's Oxbow Corp. says he suspected the company was dodging taxes

(Newser) - Lefties everywhere like to accuse the Koch brothers of everything from buying elections to plotting world domination, but a report by Courthouse News picked up by Huffington Post outlines a truly bizarre accusation involving lesser-known Koch brother, Bill. Seems Bill Koch—the twin of David Koch and younger brother of...

Koch: End Corporate Welfare
 Koch: End Corporate Welfare 
Charles Koch

Koch: End Corporate Welfare

Charles Koch rails against corporate handouts—yes, that Charles Koch

(Newser) - Charles Koch thinks corporations are spending too much time courting government favors and forging political connections—yes, that Charles Koch. In an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal , the Koch Industries CEO recalls seeing an amusing sign outside a craft store reading, "We didn't build this business—...

Now Kraft Quits 'Stand Your Ground' Supporter

Joins Coke, Pepsi in ditching conservative ALEC group

(Newser) - In January, it was Pepsi; earlier this week, it was Coke . Now Kraft is leaving the American Legislative Exchange Council, which supports laws like Florida's "stand your ground" rule. The food company won't be renewing its membership in the conservative group "for a number of reasons,...

Obama Defends Energy Policy in First Campaign Ad
 Obama Airs First Campaign Ad 

Obama Airs First Campaign Ad

New ad targets 'secretive oil billionaires'

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign has unveiled its first ad and there is no mention of hope or change. Instead, the ad attacks "secretive oil billionaires" and defends Obama's record on clean energy and jobs, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ad, titled "Unprecedented," will air...

Herman Cain: I'm the Other Koch Brother

He mocks media scrutiny of his ties to the conservatives

(Newser) - Herman Cain is happy to embrace at least one story about him that's emerged of late: his deep ties to conservative power brokers Charles and David Koch. "I'm proud to know the Koch brothers," Cain told their Americans for Prosperity group today, reports MSNBC . "I'...

Rove, Kochs Square Off for Heart of GOP in 2012

Two big groups may be working at cross purposes

(Newser) - Two of the most powerful and moneyed groups in conservative politics could be working at odds with each other during the 2012 election, leading some Republicans to worry about the GOP’s chances to take both the Senate and the White House. On one side is Karl Rove’s network,...

Koch Brothers Skirted Iran Ban, Made Millions: Report

Bloomberg profiles violations by Koch Industries over years

(Newser) - Despite former President George W. Bush calling Iran part of the "axis of evil" and a 1995 ban on doing business there, hard-right supporters the Koch brothers kept selling millions of dollars of petrochemicals to the nation until at least 2007, using complex legal maneuvers and plenty of subsidiaries...

Corporations Push to Influence Redistricting

 Push to Influence 
pro publica investigation

Corporations Push to Influence Redistricting

As do other special interests

(Newser) - “Minnesotans for a Fair Redistricting” may sound like a pretty innocuous, non-partisan group. But its leadership is almost identical to the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, a group tied to Koch Industries, a ProPublica investigation discovered. The Freedom Foundation’s head, Annette Meeks, claims she has “no involvement” with...

Group Helps Big Biz Shape Friendly Laws
 Group Helps Big Biz
Shape Friendly Laws

Group Helps Big Biz Shape Friendly Laws

ALEC brings together companies and lawmakers

(Newser) - Say "hi" to ALEC—as in the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative think-tank that allows businesses to play a role in writing laws on energy, the environment, telecommunications, taxes, public safety, and more, reports Bloomberg . Corporations pay up to $25,000 to join ALEC and thousands more to...

Koch Brothers Fight Back, Still Decry 'Radical' Obama

'Weekly Standard' profile defends brothers 'demonized' by left

(Newser) - The Koch brothers are fighting back against the perception (at least on the left) that they're evil personified. The latest salvo comes via a lengthy profile in the Weekly Standard , which argues that the brothers behind Koch Industries are "demonized" by liberals who see them as "convenient scapegoats....

David Koch: Billionaire Gives Rare Interview at Cancer Center Opening

 David Koch: 
 Maybe I'm 
 Not So Bad 

David Koch: Maybe I'm Not So Bad

Billionaire gives rare interview at cancer center opening

(Newser) - Rather than evilly plotting the takeover of the world , David Koch was busy opening a cancer center yesterday that he gave $100 million to build. It's a cause dearer to his heart than Wisconsin or the Tea Party, the cancer survivor tells the New York Times in a...

Congress Buys GOP's Foam Cups From Ex-Koch Exec

But the cafeteria managers, not GOP, chose his company

(Newser) - The GOP's decision to bring back Styrofoam cups to a Capitol cafeteria has been a real boon for an old pal of the seemingly ever-present Koch brothers. The owner of WinCup, the company supplying the Styrofoam cups, is a former Koch Industries exec, the Huffington Post reports. But everybody swears...

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