job seeker

7 Stories

In Your Job Hunt, 'Weak Ties' May Be Key
On the Hunt for a Job?
'Weak Ties' May Help

On the Hunt for a Job? 'Weak Ties' May Help

New LinkedIn research shows you're most likely to get a new gig through casual acquaintances

(Newser) - Job seekers try to take advantage of every possible "in" they might have at a company, and, in line with the maxim of "it's who you know," it might seem like having a family member or best buddy embedded at a potential employer could be the...

Job Seeker Gets Recruiter Email With Offensive Movie Line

Connie Cheung was 'shocked' agency worker sent her racist line from 'Full Metal Jacket'

(Newser) - When Connie Cheung received an email from a recruiting agency about an office manager assistant position she'd applied for, what should've been info on the next steps for the job was something entirely different. "Me love you long time," was the only message in the email...

America's Worst Job-Hunting Cities

Miami tops the latest list

(Newser) - Miami and LA might be beautiful places to live—but they’re really terrible places to find work. Those two cities top the list in a new analysis of the worst cities to find employment. Indeed, a job hunting site, compared federal unemployment records with its own job...

What Job-Seekers Shouldn't Post on Facebook

...and what employers want to see

(Newser) - We’ve all heard the horror stories of Facebook profiles that keep people from being hired. Indeed, 91% of employers screen potential employees using the service, a survey finds. So just what is it, exactly, that employers don’t want to see? The survey , by online reputation-protection service Reppler , reveals...

Wrong Lottery Ticket Wins Woman $25M

Job-seeker wanted Mega Millions but got Powerball winner

(Newser) - A Georgia woman is reaping the benefits of a shop’s error. Kathy Scruggs asked for a Mega Millions ticket, and the clerk handed her one for Powerball; she decided to keep it anyway. Good choice: Turned out it was the winning $25 million ticket, and now the unemployed 44-year-old...

Guy Offers $25K to First Person Who Gets Him a Job

As long as your job lead pays $225K, you're set

(Newser) - Having trouble finding a job? Perhaps you should consider Scott Avidon's approach: He's offering $25,000 to the first person who helps him get one. The 45-year-old father of two, laid off six months ago, tells the Huffington Post that he's been "aggressively looking" for jobs—networking, applying online,...

New Jobs Bring Out New Job Seekers— and Boost Unemployment

Administration says trend is positive, if counterintuitive

(Newser) - As the economy generates more jobs, giving hope to previously “discouraged” workers, the jobless rate could actually spike instead of declining, the Washington Post reports. Still, what's happening in the economy is good, the White House says, laying the groundwork for the likelihood that job creation will lag behind...

7 Stories