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Men Outnumber Women, but Only on One Coast

There are more guys in large urban counties in the West, but it's vice versa in the East

(Newser) - Anyone who suspects there are more women than men where they live, or vice versa, will find fodder for their suspicions in new data from the US Census Bureau. Whether it refutes or confirms their suspicions likely depends on where they live.
  • Women outnumber men in the largest urban counties

In Northern Ireland, a Big Religious Shift

There are now more Catholics in Northern Ireland than Protestants, which could affect future politics

(Newser) - Ten years ago, the national census revealed that Protestants still had the numbers over Catholics in Northern Ireland, though the gap was a slim one: 48% to 45%, respectively. Now, that ranking has flipped, per the 2021 demographics poll released Thursday. While the percentage of those who are Catholic (or...

After 72 Years, 1950 Census Data Is Now Public

It's a gold mine for genealogists

(Newser) - An amazing snapshot of America in 1950 is now online. The year's census records were released Friday in an event that Matt Menashes, executive director of the National Genealogical Society, likens to the "Super Bowl and the Olympics combined" for researchers, the New York Times reports. The records,...

Biggest Population Increase: Multiracial People

Analysts say many who previously ticked only 'white' have changed category

(Newser) - The fastest-growing population group in America ticked more than one box in the race question on the 2020 census. According to census data released Thursday, the number of multiracial Americans, which the Census Bureau refers to as the "Two or More Races population," surged by 276% between 2010...

Judge Stops Census From Finishing Early

Federal judge says count must go on

(Newser) - A federal judge has stopped the 2020 census from finishing at the end of September and ordered the once-a-decade head count of every US resident to continue for another month through the end of October, saying a shortened schedule likely would produce inaccurate results. US District Judge Lucy Koh in...

This May Be a Demographic 'Shock' to Boomers

Those under age 40 now outnumber their older generations

(Newser) - Sorry, boomers. Millennials and their younger siblings and children now make up a majority of the US population, per the AP . A new analysis by the Brookings Institution shows that 50.7% of US residents were under age 40, as of July 2019. Brookings' analysis of population estimates released this...

Census Cuts Itself Short, Many Fear 'Massive Undercount'

Census Bureau reportedly ending door-knocking efforts earlier than expected amid WH pressure

(Newser) - About 40% of US homes haven't responded to census questionnaires for this year's mandated count, so the Census Bureau has started sending out door knockers. But those efforts may be cut short, amid an apparent push by the bureau to wrap things up much earlier than expected—a...

Census Wants to Know: Who Is 'Person 1' in House?

The AP points out possibility for odd conversations

(Newser) - The 2020 census will not have a controversial citizenship question . But as the AP points out, it will have one with the potential to cause awkward—or maybe funny—conversations. Who is "Person 1" in the household? The form itself tries to go about it in the least controversial...

House Panel Sues Barr and Ross
House Panel
Sues Barr and Ross

House Panel Sues Barr and Ross

Over census documents

(Newser) - The House Oversight Committee sued two top Trump administration officials Tuesday for refusing to produce documents related to a decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, the AP reports. The panel’s chairwoman, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY, said Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross...

Barr: We Found a Way to Ask Census Question

'The president is right on the legal grounds'

(Newser) - Attorney General William Barr says the administration has found "a pathway" for adding a controversial question on citizenship to the 2020 census despite a Supreme Court ruling against it. Barr said Monday that people will "see what approach we're taking" in the next day or two, the...

As Officials Prep 2 Versions of Census, Trump Tweets Angrily

It will be 'meaningless' without citizenship question, POTUS says

(Newser) - One year out from the start of the 2020 census, Census Bureau officials set out Monday to demonstrate the importance of the head count for all Americans. President Trump offered a different message, saying the count will be "meaningless" if it doesn't include a citizenship question, the AP...

Controversial Change Is Coming to 2020 Census

It will ask about citizenship for first time since 1950

(Newser) - Advocates say the change is simple common sense—but critics say it doesn't make a lot of sense to hold a census that won't accurately count the population. The Commerce Department has confirmed that the 2020 census will include a question about citizenship, a move that opponents warn...

DC Overtakes Silicon Valley in Household Income

Typical home pulls in about $84,000

(Newser) - Our nation's capital city boasts the highest average income in the country, reports Bloomberg . New census statistics show that a household in the DC metro area typically earns $84,523, compared to the national median of $50,045. The booming salaries are explained by a dense concentration of lobbyists,...

Power Cities Boast 'Brain Gain'
 Power Cities Boast 'Brain Gain' 

Power Cities Boast 'Brain Gain'

Smartest, wealthiest areas are weathering the economic storm the best

(Newser) - No college degree in an economic downturn? Ouch. That smarts. While US regions with the lowest educational levels struggle to keep afloat, some power metropolitan areas continue to draw the best-educated—and the most success, according to the latest census figures, pulling away even father from their weaker sisters. Boston,...

In Brazil, 43K Kids Under 14 Married

Many families unaware these unions are illegal

(Newser) - America's 2010 census revealed gloomy news ; Brazil's revealed illegal news. According to 2010 figures, 43,000 children under the age of 14 are living with a partner—something that is against the law but clearly not uncommon. Brazil's penal code bans those under 14 from getting married,...

Rural Share of US Population Hits Record Low

84% of Americans now live in cities or suburbs

(Newser) - Small-town and rural America is fading away as the US becomes a nation of suburbanites and city dwellers, according to the latest census figures. The share of Americans who live in rural areas—including towns with fewer than 50,000 people that are out of commuting range of metropolitan areas—...

White Babies Now a Minority in US
 White Babies 
 Now a Minority in US 

White Babies Now a Minority in US

Minority infants now the majority: preliminary census data

(Newser) - Minority babies now outnumber white infants in the US, preliminary Census estimates show, a finding that indicates racial and ethnic minorities will become the nation's majority by the middle of the century. Just under half of all children under 3 are non-Hispanic whites, down from more than 60% in...

Americans Having Fewer Kids
 Americans Having Fewer Kids 

Americans Having Fewer Kids

Households with dogs outnumber those with kids

(Newser) - Maybe we should call this the Baby Bust. Census data indicates that America’s love affair with children is waning, with the percentage of the population that’s under age 18 falling in 95% of counties between 2000 and 2010, USA Today reports. There are now more households with dogs...

Deployed Soldiers Cost N. Carolina a Congress Seat

But they will return to North Carolina, guv's rep points out

(Newser) - During last year's Census, more than 40,000 troops were deployed from North Carolina's military bases—but because only 12,200 of them listed North Carolina as their home state, the state lost out on a congressional seat. That's because, though the Census usually counts the troops' current base as...

US Hispanic Population Exceeds 50M

Latinos account for 16% of the nation

(Newser) - The latest Census Bureau numbers mark a milestone for the Hispanic population in the US—the figure exceeds 50 million for the first time. The total (50,477,594 to be exact) is a 43% increase from a decade ago, reports CNN . Related stats:
  • Hispanics, now the nation's second largest

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