Trump 2012

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Trump Staff Seeking Campaign Team
Trump Staff Seeking Campaign Team

Trump Staff Seeking Campaign Team

He's putting a crew together as he mulls endorsement

(Newser) - Donald Trump's fresh talk of a White House bid is more than just bluster, according to his top political adviser. "I have spoken to many high-level political operatives, campaign managers, finance directors" over the last couple of weeks, Trump's special counsel tells ABC News. Until Trump decides...

Trump: Don't Make Me Run
 Don't Make 
 Me Run 

Trump: Don't Make Me Run

Hopes he doesn't have to, but would 'after the show ends'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is making noises about a run for the Oval Office again, today telling Face the Nation that "the right independent could win," and that "if I don't see a person that is going to win—that's tantamount—I would certainly think about doing...

Donald Trump's New Book: Lady Gaga Is Huge Because of ... Me

 Lady Gaga Is 
 Huge Thanks  
 to ... Me 
new book highlights

Trump: Lady Gaga Is Huge Thanks to ... Me

And more fun quotes from his new book

(Newser) - One thing is certain: Donald Trump has no shortage of self-esteem. In his new book, out this week, he takes credit for making Lady Gaga "a big star," hypothesizing, "maybe she became a star because I put her on the Miss Universe Pageant. It’s very possible,...

Trump: I Might Still Run for President

If Republicans choose wrong candidate, decision will be 'easy'

(Newser) - Say it ain't so: Fans of Celebrity Apprentice heaved a collective sigh of relief when Donald Trump said he would not be running for president in 2012 , but now the business mogul says he may very well jump back into the race. “It was not an easy decision...

Donald Trump: I'm Not Running
 Donald Trump: 
 I'm Not Running 

Donald Trump: I'm Not Running

He'll host another season of 'Celebrity Apprentice' instead

(Newser) - It's official: Donald Trump has decided to host another season of the Celebrity Apprentice instead of jumping into the 2012 fray. "I will not be running for president, as much as I'd like to," Trump told reporters at a hotel in New York, according to the...

Celeb Apprentice Renewed; NBC Mum on Trump 2012

Exec: Show must go on, regardless of presidential run

(Newser) - NBC is renewing Celebrity Apprentice for the 2011-2012 season—so what does that say about Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions? The network isn’t revealing anything it might know, reports the AP . “We're putting a pin in that for the next 24 hours or so. Things will become...

Stewart: Trump Stealing ‘Crazy Oxygen’ From Palin

Rips Trump for comparing gay marriage to new-fangled golf putters

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Sarah Palin may be feeling a little sidelined by all the attention paid to this week's big story. But don't worry, guys: Jon Stewart hasn't forgotten about you. The funnyman—dismissing the first GOP debate as a "contest to determine once and for...

2012 Hopefuls Cheer Osama's Demise

Palin, Trump, and other favorites weigh in

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Osama bin Laden's death means a popularity boost for the man they'd be up against, potential Republican presidential candidates are of course reacting positively to the news. Politico offers a roundup:
  • Sarah Palin: "Americans tonight are united in celebration and gratitude. God bless

Trump: I’ve Decided to Run ‘in My Mind’

But mogul won't officially announce until after 'Celebrity Apprentice'

(Newser) - Donald Trump says his choice is made—he’s going to run. “In my mind, I have already decided,” he told Bloomberg yesterday. “I am going to announce. But I can’t do anything until the show”—Celebrity Apprentice—ends.” His goal as president? “...

Trump Used Deferments to Dodge Vietnam Draft

4 student, 1 mystery medical deferment helped keep him out of war

(Newser) - Donald Trump must have "misremembered" when he told an interview this week that he avoided serving in the Vietnam War solely because he held a high draft number, according to documents obtained by The Smoking Gun . Selective Service records reveal that Trump—who graduated from New York Military Academy—...

Trump Blasts ‘Stupid’ Leaders in Sweary Vegas Speech

Supporters told they'll be 'very happy' with decision on White House bid

(Newser) - A jubilant Donald Trump assured a crowd of supporters in Las Vegas last night that he'll make a decision on a White House run soon—and his choice will make them "very happy." Trump, in an expletive-packed speech focusing mainly on foreign affairs, called the nation's...

54% of Trump’s Donations Went to Democrats

Which could hurt his chances as a Republican candidate

(Newser) - If Donald Trump officially decides to enter the Republican race, he'll probably have to explain why he has donated to so many Democrats. Of the more than $1.3 million in political donations he's made over the years, 54% has gone to Democrats, the Washington Post reports. Those...

Trump: Obama Wasn't Qualified for Ivy League

President was terrible student, Trump claims

(Newser) - Move over birthers, here come the "graders." President Obama was a "terrible" student who didn't deserve to get into the Ivy League universities he attended, Donald Trump suggests in an interview with AP . "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad...

Jon Stewart: Relax, Trump Polls Mean Nothing

Early Trump buzz is overblown, Stewart says

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has some advice for anybody alarmed by Donald Trump's apparently relentless rise in the polls: Relax. Polls this early don't mean squat. The Daily Show host, in a segment on "Premature Ecalculation," looked at some other front-runners from the spring before elections of yesteryear,...

Trump Skipped Primaries for 21 Years

Real estate mogul defends his voting history

(Newser) - Donald Trump may end up in the Republican Party's 2012 primary, but he has not voted in any primaries for 21 years, reports the AP . According to the New York City Board of Elections, Trump last cast a primary ballot in 1989 in the New York City mayoral race,...

GOP Candidates Won't Release Tax Returns

Except Trump, who will release his in exchange for a certain birth certificate

(Newser) - Barack Obama made a point of releasing his tax returns to the public while running for president in 2007 and 2008—and when running for the Senate before that. But not one of the candidates vying to face him in 2012 will promise to do the same, Politico has found—...

Trump: Let's Just Seize Iraq's Oil

'We're reimbursing ourselves'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has an interesting concept of how the world’s oil markets work: In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC , Trump opined that the reason oil was so high was because “We don’t have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, ‘Fellas, it’s...

Trump Run Could Kill Apprentice

NBC won't renew if he decides to run

(Newser) - If Donald Trump decides to run for president, NBC plans to tell him he’s fired. The network hasn’t renewed The Apprentice yet, or done any serious planning about the next season, because it’s holding its breath to see if Trump will formally jump into the 2012 fray,...

Trump: I Wish I Didn't Have to Consider Presidential Run

But he just loves this country too much not to

(Newser) - Donald Trump was quite the braggart on CNN’s State of the Union today. Highlights from Politico:
  • Trump is better than Romney: “Mitt Romney is a basically small-business guy, if you really think about it,” Trump said , adding that he is “much bigger than this man and

Trump to Make Announcement in May...

... to announce an 'announcement date' for 2012 decision

(Newser) - Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the man knows how to drum up publicity. Conveniently enough, this time he's drumming up publicity both for his possible presidential run and his show, Celebrity Apprentice: A rep confirms to CNN that Trump will make an announcement—sort of—about his...

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