
5 Stories

'Startled' Flock of Birds Slams Into the Ground

Mexico incident left dozens of dead birds in street

(Newser) - Hundreds of blackbirds suddenly plunge from the sky and slam into buildings or the ground in a grim video captured by a security camera in Mexico. Most of the flock of yellow-headed blackbirds flew off afterwards, but dozens remained on the ground, dead or injured, CBS reports. Experts believe the...

Ark. Blackbird Die-Off Was Deliberate

Officials say fireworks set off in roost in Beebe, Arkansas

(Newser) - The hundreds of dead blackbirds that rained down on a rural Arkansas town for the second New Year's Eve in a row weren't so much omens of the apocalypse as victims of crime, reports Fox News . The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is blaming human interference for the...

Ark. Town Again Hit by Dead Blackbirds

Cops ban fireworks after repeat of last New Year's Eve carnage begins

(Newser) - Thousands of dead blackbirds rained down on a town in central Arkansas last New Year's Eve after revelers set off fireworks that spooked them from their roost, and officials were reporting a similar occurrence yesterday as 2012 approached. Police in Beebe said dozens of blackbirds had fallen dead, prompting...

Now There Are Dead Birds in Louisiana, Too

Five hundred found on highway

(Newser) - Okay, this is just getting creepy: An estimated 500 red-winged blackbirds were found lying dead or dying along a quarter-mile stretch of Louisiana highway yesterday, the Advocate reports. A number of the bodies have been shipped to labs in Georgia and Wisconsin for testing, but the rest were left lying...

Now 100K Dead Fish Wash Up in Arkansas

Fish follow 5K blackbirds to their death

(Newser) - More bizarre happenings in Arkansas: The state, reeling from the chilling sight of thousands of dead birds dropping from the sky over the weekend, is now grappling with 100,000 fish that have washed up on a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River. Officials suspect disease killed the drum fish,...

5 Stories
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