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Weiner Aide Rips Ex-Intern in Epic Rant

So, yeah, that'll definitely help his mayoral campaign

(Newser) - Well, this is sure to improve things for Team Weiner: After ex-intern Olivia Nuzzi wrote a tell-all article about working on Anthony Weiner's mayoral campaign, Weiner's communications director responded by going on a less-than-professional rant in which she labeled Nuzzi a "slutbag" and a "bitch,"...

Amid Growing Storm, Weiner Dumped By Campaign Manager

As basically everyone races to pronounce his political life DOA

(Newser) - Huma Abedin is thus far still standing behind her man , but the guy running Anthony Weiner's campaign for New York City mayor is not. Weiner's 31-year-old campaign manager, Danny Kedem, has quit, reports the New York Times , in the latest tire to blow out for an increasingly battered...

Weiner's Sexting Pal First Contacted Him to Complain

...about his sexting

(Newser) - The first Facebook message Anthony Weiner received from his newly revealed sexting partner was a complaint ... about his sexting with other women. The 22-year-old woman, who has officially remained anonymous but has been identified by media outlets as Sydney Elaine Leathers , wanted Weiner to know she was disappointed in him...

Weiner Officially Jumps Into NYC Mayoral Race

Says 'I hope I get a 2nd chance to work for you,' admits mistakes

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner—possibly inspired by Mark Sanford's shocking comeback —has made it official: He's running for mayor of America's biggest city. The former congressman launched his run for New York City mayor with a video posted on YouTube at midnight, in which he says, "I...

Weiner: I'm Not Running for Mayor
 Weiner: I'm Not 
 Running for Mayor 

Weiner: I'm Not Running for Mayor


(Newser) - Let the image rehabilitation of Anthony Weiner begin. The ex-congressman and underwear model sat down with his wife and baby son for a humanizing interview with People , in which he extolled the virtues of family life, and said he wasn't planning to run for office—yet. "I can'...

Weiner's Plotting a Comeback: Sources

Disgraced rep wants to run for New York City mayor

(Newser) - The New York Post can't say with certitude , but Anthony Weiner is reportedly looking to get back into the political game. Citing "multiple sources" in a pun-laden exclusive, the Post reports that the former congressman is "desperate" to get back into politics, and is feeling out a...

Where's Weiner? Playing Daddy

The former congressman still hasn't found his post-scandal gig

(Newser) - For those who didn't learn the hard way last year to not wonder what Anthony Weiner does in his free time, the New York Post has the scoop, now that he has a lot more of it: In a nutshell, the Democrats' former rising star is changing a lot...

Weiner Used Campaign Cash in Attempted Cover-Up

Hired private investigators, told them his Twitter had been hacked

(Newser) - Before he came clean in his crotch-shot sexting scandal, Anthony Weiner used campaign money to hire private investigators ... and send them on a wild goose chase. Financial statements filed yesterday with the Federal Election Commission show that Weiner spent $13,290 on "legal services" from T&M Protective Services,...

Weinergate Lives On: Galpal Traci Nobles Releasing Book About Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal
Weinergate Rises Again, Thanks to Sexter's Book
titillating tell-alls

Weinergate Rises Again, Thanks to Sexter's Book

Traci Nobles reveals that Weiner called his in-laws 'backward'

(Newser) - Traci Nobles, aka Anthony Weiner Sexting Pal No. 5, initially didn’t want to talk about her digital dalliances with the one-time congressman. Apparently that’s all changed, however, because she’s releasing a book about the whole thing (someone apparently let her call it I Freinded You) on Saturday....

Louisiana Pol Sorry for Underwear Sext

Councilman cops to affair after photo found on city server

(Newser) - Joe Stagni must be wishing his affair had been uncovered before the Anthony Weiner scandal. The New Orleans-area city councilman is in the news across the US and even internationally for texting a photograph of himself in his underwear to a colleague in 2009. The woman forwarded the image to...

Weiner Officially Resigns: 'It's Been an Honor'

Effective midnight tomorrow as tourists flock to his offices

(Newser) - Our days of Weiner-filled puns may be drawing to a close: Anthony Weiner has officially submitted his resignation to New York's secretary of state, effective at midnight tomorrow. "It has been an honor to serve the people of Queens and Brooklyn," he wrote in the brief missive,...

Weiner Tells Top Dems He'll Step Down

'New York Times' reports decision came after long talks with his wife

(Newser) - It looks like Anthony Weiner's time is Congress is about to come to a close. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal spoke with sources who say Weiner has told party leaders and friends that he has decided to resign. The Democrat reportedly arrived at the conclusion after...

Ex-Porn Star: I Wanted Politics, Weiner Wanted Sexts

Ginger Lee says Weiner asked to lie, should step down

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, and stripper Ginger Lee have got something in common: They all think Anthony Weiner should step down. Lee, a former porn actress, says she exchanged more than a hundred messages with Weiner but she was discussing politics and didn't respond in kind to his suggestive...

Newest Weiner Photo to Emerge: in Bra, Stockings

Dems ready to talk tough today to push congressman out the door

(Newser) - What a drag. A new photo has emerged of Rep. Anthony Weiner strutting in a bra and black stockings. "Busted Wearing Women's Lingerie," screams the National Enquirer headline next to the photo slapped on the cover of yesterday's edition. The shot was taken Weiner's sophomore...

Dems Wait for Weiner's Wife to Nudge Him Out

Huma Adebin may persuade husband to quit

(Newser) - House Democrats didn't take any steps to punish Anthony Weiner after a closed-door caucus meeting yesterday, but more than one lawmaker said they were waiting for his wife to get home and hopefully convince him to step down. Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, arrived back from...

Sexually Explicit Weiner Doll for Sale
 Sexually Explicit 
 Weiner Doll 
 for Sale 
inevitability dept

Sexually Explicit Weiner Doll for Sale

HeroBuilders.com offering both 'standard' and 'for adults only' versions

(Newser) - You read the Facebook messages , you saw that graphic cell phone pic , and now ... you can buy the Anthony Weiner action figure. But first you have to decide if you want the censored or uncensored version. HeroBuilders.com of Oxford, Conn., is offering the "standard" doll for $39.95...

Obama on Weiner: 'I Would Resign'
 Obama on Weiner: 
 'I Would Resign' 

Obama on Weiner: 'I Would Resign'

But stops short of calling for congressman's resignation

(Newser) - President Obama is the latest top Dem to weigh in on Weinergate, stopping short of calling for the New York rep to step down, but telling an NBC interviewer that, "I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. Because public service is exactly that, it’...

Why Sex Scandals Never Snag Women

Female politicians have a different attitude about job, research shows

(Newser) - After Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, John Ensign, and now Anthony Weiner, a sex scandal involving a male politician is barely even shocking anymore. What would be shocking? A sex scandal involving a female politician. And research points to a reason for that other than the widely accepted “boys will...

Where's Weiner in Latest Photos? Congress' Gym

Congressman snapped pics in towel in locker room

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner liked to pose in various stages of undress at his apartment, with his cats, and now apparently in a towel at the House Members Gym. The latest self-portraits mostly involve his BlackBerry's camera and a mirror, and were sent to at least one woman, TMZ reports. They...

Bill Maher, Jane Lynch Read 'Weinerlogues'

You really don't want to watch this

(Newser) - As if the Anthony Weiner saga weren't squirm-inducing enough, Bill Maher took it a step further, New York mag reports. The Real Time host brought out Jane Lynch, and the pair proceeded to give a dramatic reading of Weiner's less-than-subtle Facebook exchanges with a blackjack dealer in Vegas—...

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