Marston Hefner

2 Stories

Hef's Son Must Stay Away From Playmate Girlfriend

Marston Hefner ordered to attend violence intervention program

(Newser) - Hugh Hefner's son has been ordered to attend a 52-week domestic violence intervention program after he was charged with attacking his Playmate girlfriend . Marston Hefner, 21, pleaded no contest to charges of corporal injury after Playmate of the Year Claire Sinclair told police he punched her and kicked her...

Hugh Hefner's Son Arrested
Hugh Hefner's Son Arrested

Hugh Hefner's Son Arrested

Marston Hefner allegedly beat up Playmate of the Year Claire Sinclair

(Newser) - Hugh Hefner's son is making headlines, but not for a good reason: Marston, Hef's 21-year-old son, was arrested last night for allegedly attacking last year's Playmate of the Year … who also just so happens to be his girlfriend. Police were called to the California pad where...

2 Stories
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