signal jamming

6 Stories

46K Planes Got 'Jammed,' and Officials Have a Suspect

Report says Russia may be behind GPS interference over Baltic Sea since last August

(Newser) - Planes flying in and out of Europe, especially the eastern part of the continent near Russia, have seen their GPS signals jammed over the past year or so, and now there's a suspect: Russia. Citing an analysis by the Sun, which looked at flight logs from, the...

This Time, Source of Dropped Calls Traced to a Local Home

Police in Morgan Hills, California, seize 2 signal jammers from residence

(Newser) - You might think that people calling 911 to complain about disrupted WiFi and cell service would be filed away as nuisance calls. But as it turns out, authorities in Morgan Hill, California, had been having the same problem themselves for months—including with emergency communications. As a result, investigators took...

Russians Go After US Drones in Syria With 'Fairly Easy' Tactic

They're reportedly jamming the drones' GPS signals

(Newser) - US military drones patrolling the skies over Syria have an operational issue: Russia is messing with them. Specifically, US officials tell NBC News , Russia is jamming their GPS signals, a tactic that seems to have started in earnest on smaller drones a few weeks ago after chemical attacks were suspected...

Florida Teacher Jams Kids' Cellphones, Is Suspended

District unamused, suspends him for 5 days

(Newser) - A Florida science teacher has been suspended for running a signal jammer to prevent his students from using their cellphones in class. School board members in Pasco County approved Dean Liptak's five-day unpaid suspension yesterday. Liptak didn't contest the decision. Officials say Liptak activated the jammer in his...

China Sinking Big Bucks Into African News

Critics say propaganda, but Chinese call it good PR

(Newser) - China has long been investing big money into Africa, in construction, natural resources, housing, and other projects. Increasingly, though, China is also pouring money into news and media on the continent, bringing two Chinese television news channels, radio, and written articles by Xinhua, China's state-sponsored news service, to places...

South Korea: North Is Jamming Planes' GPS

Flights not in danger, South Korean officials say

(Newser) - Commercial flights into and out of South Korea found their GPS signals mysteriously jammed this weekend, officials revealed today, and they weren't shy about casting suspicion on their neighbors to the north. More than 250 flights were affected, though officials say none were in danger because they automatically switched...

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