Nancy Pelosi

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Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow
Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow

Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow

GOP only one of many audience he'll have to convince at summit

(Newser) - Barack Obama will technically be speaking with congressional leaders at tomorrow’s much-hyped health care summit, but in reality, he’s going to be pitching his message to a variety of audiences far beyond the Blair House. Ben Smith of Politico breaks down his targets:
  • House Democrats: Nancy Pelosi’s

Conservatives Make Piñata of Pelosi—Literally

CPAC party will also feature Harry Reid punching bag

(Newser) - Guests at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference intend to beat Nancy Pelosi—or a reasonable likeness thereof—until candy falls out. At a conservative-themed after-party Friday night, guests, starting with a trio of “well-known DC residents,” will be given a chance to whack a Pelosi Pinata, The...

Pelosi-Obama Feud Has Roots in Senate

House thinks it's been getting a raw deal

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi’s recent public criticisms of Barack Obama are just the tip of the iceberg; behind the scenes, tensions have been building for months, Democratic insiders say. Recently, Pelosi has publicly broken from Obama on defense spending, the Senate health care bill, and tax breaks, but those disagreements are...

John Murtha Dead at 77
John Murtha Dead at 77

John Murtha Dead at 77

Powerful Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania was early opponent of Iraq War

(Newser) - Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, a retired Marine Corps officer who became an outspoken critic of the Iraq war, has died after suffering complications from gallbladder surgery. The powerful Democrat, a close ally of speaker Nancy Pelosi, was 77. In 1974, Murtha became the first combat veteran of the Vietnam...

Health Reform Could Proceed on Two Tracks

Pelosi: Congress can work on small tweaks, refine broad plan

(Newser) - Reiterating that there’s no House support for passing the Senate’s version of health-care reform, Nancy Pelosi has a two-pronged strategy for moving forward: Congress should go for small, likely-to-pass tweaks to the system now, while continuing work on an overhaul that can get the necessary votes down the...

Democratic Leaders at Each Others' Throats

Reid and Pelosi furious with each other, and President

(Newser) - The daggers are coming out among Democrats, with relations between the House, Senate, and White House strained to the breaking point. Nancy Pelosi and her allies are furious that President Obama forced them to take tough votes on cap and trade and health care while allowing the Senate to dither,...

Health Care Still Alive? Nate Counts the Votes

Silver adds up House Dems who would support Senate bill

(Newser) - The math is pretty bleak for passage of the Senate version of health-care reform in the House—the last-ditch effort being considered to save it—but it’s not impossible that 218 votes could be wrangled, Nate Silver writes. One big hurdle is the “Stupak block,” which Silver...

Dems Call a 'Timeout' on Health Care Reform

In wake of Massachusetts, Harry Reid says 'there's no rush'

(Newser) - And suddenly, "there's no rush" to get health care reform passed. So says Harry Reid in comments echoed up and down the party line today. Democrats essentially called a halt to President Obama's No. 1 priority now that Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts has gummed up the works. Coming...

Pelosi: Senate Health Bill Won't Pass in House

It needs major revisions, she says

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t have the votes to jam the Senate heath care bill through the House in a last-minute bid to pass reform before Scott Brown takes office. “There are certain things the members simply cannot support,” Pelosi said, following a closed-door meeting with House...

Dems Consider Medicare Tax on Investment Income

Expansion would pay for health-care reform

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have cooked up a potential new way of paying for the health care bill: applying the Medicare payroll tax to investment income. The idea would please labor leaders, who oppose the tax on so-called “Cadillac” insurance plans, bolster Medicare’s finances, and place the burden mainly on...

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut
 Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut 

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut

GOP star talks Obama, Pelosi, Iran with O'Reilly

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made her much-anticipated debut on Fox News tonight, appearing as a contributor on Bill O’Reilly’s show. The former Alaska governor (and weekend sportscaster for an Anchorage TV station) hit on President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and US relations in with Iran, Colby Hall notes for...

20+ Lawmakers Hit Copenhagen on US Dime

Full delegation—including staffers, plus wives—over 100

(Newser) - More than 20 members of Congress hit the Copenhagen climate conference last month, a CBS investigation finds—and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, which was in charge of the guest list, is being shifty about what it all cost. Of the fact that lawmakers (and some wives) commandeered three...

Obama to House Dems: Back Cadillac Health Tax

Democrats reluctantly open to compromise

(Newser) - President Obama wants House Democratic leaders to drop their opposition to taxing Cadillac health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for the uninsured, he let them know in a private meeting at the White House yesterday. The health reform bill the House passed raises income taxes on high-income individuals...

Pelosi Rips Obama Over Broken Campaign Promises

House Speaker irked over president's health tax plans

(Newser) - Evidently taking a hard line heading into conferences on Congress’ health bills, Nancy Pelosi ripped President Obama today for breaking campaign promises. Reminded that then-candidate Obama wanted such negotiations to be public, the House Speaker rejoined, “There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail....

Democrats Will Skip Formal Health Care Conference

Aim to prevent procedural hurdles thrown up by GOP in Senate

(Newser) - Democrats are “almost certain” to avoid a formal conference to reconcile the House and Senate health care bills, senior Capitol Hill sources say, thereby robbing Senate Republicans of yet more opportunities to stall the bill. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi convened a formal conference, there would need to...

Health Care Reform Victory, Not Defeat, for Liberals

Progressives actually provided most of the votes

(Newser) - Lately the left has been taking its lumps, courtesy of the conventional wisdom that health care reform passed over liberals’ objections. That’s just plain incorrect, writes Tom Schaller for FiveThirtyEight . A lingering narrative holds that liberals can’t govern because the left is so unmanageable. But progressives provided most...

Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line
Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line
nate silver

Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line

She needs 218 on health care, and she's 'very good at her job'

(Newser) - On the surface, it seems logical to assume Nancy Pelosi will have a tough time keeping enough Democrats on board for the final health care vote. After all, the House version just barely passed and now must be reconciled with a more conservative Senate bill. Proponents of reform shouldn't worry,...

Obama to Push Cost Controls in Merging Health Bills

Senate plan is the model, but House wants concessions

(Newser) - Barack Obama is going to take an active hand in shaping the compromise between the House and Senate health care bills. His top priority is ensuring that the final bill does enough to control costs, the Wall Street Journal reports. To that end, he favors the Senate’s tax on...

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi
If Harry Reid Could Only
Find His Inner Pelosi
eugene robinson

If Harry Reid Could Only Find His Inner Pelosi

Some of the players in the health care game have stumbled badly

(Newser) - As the health care bill stumbles towards the finish line, it's painfully obvious that some lawmakers just play the game much better than others, writes Eugene Robinson. Nancy Pelosi's a master, having delivered a House bill with nearly everything the president wanted despite the Republicans and Blue Dogs. and Joe...

House Narrowly OKs $174B Job-Focused Stimulus Bill

Irate GOP calls measure 'son of stimulus'

(Newser) - President Obama's Democratic allies in the House have muscled through a year-end measure—with a price tag of $174 billion—aimed at creating jobs through a second round of stimulus spending. The 217-212 vote reflected considerable uneasiness among Democrats over the prospect of voting for more debt-financed spending as the...

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