Violet Ripken

2 Stories

Cal Ripken Jr.'s Mom Cannot Catch a Break

Vi Ripken fends off carjacker a year after being abducted

(Newser) - Cal Ripken Jr.'s mom is apparently a magnet for bizarre crimes. Last year she was abducted at gunpoint and later found safe, and yesterday, someone tried to steal her car. Vi Ripken was outside a bank when the gun-toting would-be carjacker approached her and stated his intentions, the...

Cal Ripken Jr.'s Mom Abducted, Found Safe

Violet Ripken forced into car at gunpoint: police

(Newser) - A very strange crime story out of Baltimore: Violet Ripken, mother of Orioles great Cal Ripken Jr., was abducted from her house at gunpoint but is now back home, unharmed. A man reportedly forced the 74-year-old into a 1998 Lincoln Town Car between 7am and 8am yesterday, and she was...

2 Stories
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