Cindy Lee Garcia

4 Stories

Court: No, YouTube Didn't Have to Dump Anti-Muslim Flick

Actress wanted 'Innocence of Muslims' yanked after death threats

(Newser) - In a victory for free speech advocates, a federal appeals court says YouTube should not have been forced to take down an anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in the Middle East and death threats to actors. The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals issued its ruling in favor of Google...

Court Orders YouTube to Yank Anti-Muslim Video

Federal appeals panel sides with actress in 'Innocence of Muslims'

(Newser) - The anti-Muslim video that set off worldwide protests in 2012 can no longer be seen on YouTube. A federal appeals court today ordered Google to take down Innocence of Muslims, reports the San Jose Mercury News . The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to back the request made...

Judge Refuses to Pull Islam Video Off YouTube

Actress Cindy Lee Garcia sued over 'Innocence of Muslims'

(Newser) - The actress who says she got tricked into appearing in the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims has lost her first bid to get a clip yanked off YouTube, reports the Los Angeles Times . A California judge refused Cindy Lee Garcia's emergency request to have the 14-minute trailer taken down,...

Actress in Islam Movie Sues Producer

Cindy Lee Garcia also wants YouTube to yank it

(Newser) - An actress in the anti-Islam movie causing friction around the world is suing the producer, reports TMZ . Cindy Lee Garcia says producer Nakoula Bassely Nakoula , aka Sam Bacile, told her the movie was going to be a harmless adventure flick called Desert Warrior, not the Innocence of Muslims. The lines...

4 Stories
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