Scott DesJarlais

3 Stories

Lamar Alexander Defeats Tea Party Challenger

Also: Montana's Walsh steps down amid plagiarism scandal

(Newser) - Another boost for the GOP's Senate hopes: Lamar Alexander has defeated a Tea Party challenger in Tennessee and is now strongly favored to win re-election this fall, reports Politico . State Rep. Joe Carr had sought to portray Alexander as an out-of-touch Washington insider, but that approach has failed to...

TN GOP Rep Slept With 2 Patients, 3 Coworkers

Scott DesJarlais also admitted to encouraging his ex to get 2 abortions

(Newser) - For a pro-life guy, Scott DesJarlais sure likes abortions . The GOP congressman encouraged his ex-wife to get two abortions before their marriage, he admitted during a 2001 divorce proceeding, according to a transcript obtained yesterday by the Chattanooga Times Free Press . What's more, DesJarlais admits to having sexual relationships...

Pro-Life Lawmaker Urged Mistress to Get Abortion

Scott DesJarlais is a doctor, and she was his patient

(Newser) - A vocal pro-life GOP congressman and doctor once got a patient pregnant and urged her to get an abortion in an attempt to save his marriage, according to a transcript from a 12-year-old telephone conversation obtained by the Huffington Post . Anonymous sources have confirmed that the call is authentic, and...

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