Stephanie Rose Bongiovi

2 Stories

Bon Jovi Opens Up About Daughter's Heroin OD

Calls it a 'tragedy' but says 'we're good'

(Newser) - His daughter's drug possession charges have been dropped , but the gossip hasn't been so quick to fade away. So Bon Jovi himself addressed 19-year-old Stephanie Bongiovi's Nov. 14 heroin overdose in an interview with My Fox LA yesterday, calling it a "tragedy" but seeming relatively unruffled....

Bon Jovi Daughter Arrested After Alleged Heroin OD

Stephanie Rose Bongiovi is OK, but facing charges

(Newser) - Police arrested Jon Bon Jovi's 19-year-old daughter this morning after being called to her dorm room over a report that she had allegedly overdosed on heroin. Cops found Stephanie Rose Bongiovi alive at upstate New York's Hamilton College, but a drug task force also found heroin, marijuana, and...

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