Avengers 2

2 Stories

Ultron's Monster $188M Debut Is US' No. 2 Ever

But falls short of the original 'Avengers'

(Newser) - Critics liked it, and audiences turned out in droves for Avengers: Age of Ultron, giving it the second-biggest domestic opening weekend ever, with a formidable $187.7 million, reports the Hollywood Reporter . But though Ultron fell short of the original Avengers' $207.4 million debut, it continued to rake...

Avengers 2 Stars Battle 'Cheap' Marvel

Deadline Hollywood: Some actors may not sign for sequel without bigger payday

(Newser) - The Avengers may have been a blockbuster hit for Marvel, but many of the stars may not return for its sequel if the notoriously tightfisted comics company (now owned by Disney) won't cough up more cash, Nikki Finke reports in a Deadline Hollywood exclusive. While marquee name Robert Downey...

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