Trans-Pacific Partnership

20 Stories

Trump Might Want to Rejoin Pacific Trade Talks

Lawmakers say he instructed advisers to look into rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership

(Newser) - President Donald Trump has asked trade officials to explore the possibility of the United States rejoining negotiations on the Pacific Rim agreement after he pulled out last year as part of his "America first" agenda, the AP reports. Farm-state lawmakers said Thursday after a White House meeting with Trump...

Trump Announces Major New Vietnam Deals

He welcomed Vietnam PM to Oval Office

(Newser) - President Trump moved on from the " covfefe " confusion Wednesday to have what he describes as a very successful meeting with Vietnam's prime minister. After White House talks with Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Trump hailed more than a dozen new deals worth a total of around $8 billion, including...

Here's What Trump Tweets About the Most
Here's What Trump 
Tweets About the Most
First 100 days

Here's What Trump Tweets About the Most

Jobs and the 'New York Times' are common themes in the first 100 days

(Newser) - Stories about President Trump's first 100 days in office are inescapable this week, and Vocativ is out with an interesting take: a detailed look at his first 444 tweets. It's probably no surprise that @WhiteHouse is the account mentioned most often, but in second place is @newyorktimes (usually...

Trump's TPP Deal: Good News for China?
Trump's TPP Deal:
Good News for China?
the rundown

Trump's TPP Deal: Good News for China?

All eyes on Beijing as US move creates a void in Asian trade

(Newser) - President Trump made good on a campaign promise Monday when he pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping 12-nation deal that was a key part of President Obama's aim to increase ties with Asia while keeping China in check. So now what?
  • China wasn't part

Trump Signs 3 Big Executive Orders
Trump Signs 3
Big Executive Orders

Trump Signs 3 Big Executive Orders

Pulls out of TPP, reinstates abortion funding ban, and institutes hiring freeze

(Newser) - President Trump had a busy morning, signing three executive orders on trade, abortion, and federal hiring, and issuing a warning to US companies that they'll be penalized if they move overseas. Details:
  • TPP: As promised, Trump signed an order withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership , which the New

Trump: I'm Pulling Out of TPP on Day One

Releases list of first-day executive actions

(Newser) - Donald Trump railed against the Trans-Pacific Partnership as a candidate, and now he plans to do far more as president. Trump said Monday in a video address that he would announce a US is withdrawing from the pact on his first day in office. Trump called the pact, a deal...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Dead

Trump's election effectively killed the landmark trade deal

(Newser) - With the election of Donald Trump this week, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is effectively dead, Reuters reports. The 12-country trade agreement was signed last year after more than five years of negotiations. Championed by President Obama, it was supposed to be part of his legacy. Then the tide turned. Republicans, who...

Winners, Losers From Day 1 of the DNC

 Winners, Losers 
 From Day 1 
 of the DNC 

Winners, Losers From Day 1 of the DNC

Michelle Obama made the 'speech of the year,' analysts say

(Newser) - There was no shortage of drama on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention, though the day appeared to end with a more unified party, with Michelle Obama delivering what could be the convention's best speech and Bernie Sanders telling the Philadelphia crowd that Hillary Clinton " must become...

Trump Threatens to Scrap NAFTA

Canada, Mexico 'so used to having their own way'

(Newser) - The British aren't the only ones who want to rip up trade deals. Donald Trump, speaking at an aluminum scrap company in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, slammed the NAFTA pact with Canada and Mexico and warned that as president, he will either seek a better deal or scrap the deal...

Clinton Comes Out Against Trans- Pacific Partnership

The move aligns her with the more liberal wing of the Democratic party

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton announced her opposition to the historically massive Trans-Pacific Partnership Wednesday, further distancing herself from the Obama administration while aligning herself with the more liberal wing of the Democratic party, including primary opponent Bernie Sanders, Politico reports. "As of today, I am not in favor of what I...

Inside the Historic Free-Trade Pact We Just Agreed To

Trans-Pacific Partnership terms hashed out after years of negotiations

(Newser) - The United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and eight more Pacific Rim countries on Monday came to an agreement on a free-trade pact that would kill upward of 18,000 tariffs currently in place on US exports ranging from cars to avocados, in a deal the Washington Post hails as the...

Obama Gets His Coveted Fast-Track Authority

Thanks to his Republican allies

(Newser) - This might be why President Obama didn't seem overly concerned earlier this month when his bid for fast-track authority—seen as a major goal of his second term— seemed to be dead : It's not only not dead, it is now heading to the president's desk for his...

Obama Faces a Really, Really Huge Vote Today

Senate to hold procedural vote that would grant him fast-track authority

(Newser) - It's phoenix-from-the-ashes time for President Obama: The Senate will today hold a key procedural vote that would grant the president "fast track" authority to negotiate a trade deal with 11 Pacific Rim nations. For the measure to clear a procedural hurdle, at least 60 senators need to support...

Obama's Trade Deal Isn't Dead Yet

But it's basically on life support, with few options left

(Newser) - President Obama's humiliating defeat by his own party hasn't killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership just yet, but as Politico puts it, it's in "critical condition." Though House Democrats rejected his attempt to gain fast-track authority to negotiate the trade deal, Obama and House Republicans are exploring...

Huge Loss for Obama: Trade Measure Fails

He won't get his fast-track authority

(Newser) - Despite a rare personal plea from the president himself, House Democrats have rejected his bid to gain fast-track authority to negotiate a trade deal. The move by the Democrats likely killed Obama's "chance to secure a legacy-defining trade accord spanning the Pacific Ocean," reports the New York ...

Obama's Math Problem: TAA Plus TPA Equals TPP

He headed to Capitol Hill today, a rarity, to speak to Democrats

(Newser) - It's a sign of just how close the vote is and just how important it is to President Obama: He made a rare personal appearance on Capitol Hill today to schmooze Democrats in a bid to save an international trade deal —but it's not at all clear...

WikiLeaks Offers $100K Reward for Secret Trade Deal

Julian Assange: 'Let's open the TPP once and for all'

(Newser) - If you've somehow gotten your hands on the "missing chapters" from the ultra-secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, WikiLeaks will give you $100,000 to hand them over. As for where that hundred grand is coming from, well, the organization hopes users are so anxious to see the document...

What Worries Me After Reading Obama's Secret Trade Deal

Much is kept secret from those being asked to advise on it: Michael Wessel

(Newser) - It's hard to publicly criticize a trade deal when revealing details of said deal could land you in jail. But Michael Wessel, a designated "cleared adviser" who has read President Obama's proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership , writes at Politico that critics such as Elizabeth Warren are right to be...

Senate Dems Strike Blow to Obama in Trade Vote

President doesn't get votes needed to move forward on Trans-Pacific Partnership

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have struck down a measure that would have helped President Obama settle a trade pact with Asian countries, the New York Times reports. Sixty votes were needed to pass a measure to launch debate on Obama's "trade promotion authority"—but it was blocked thanks to...

US Bending on Environment for Sake of Big Trade Deal
US Bending on Environment for Sake of Big Trade Deal
wikileaks reveal

US Bending on Environment for Sake of Big Trade Deal

Countries' 'red lines' said to clash

(Newser) - As a dozen Pacific Rim nations continue three years of talks on a major trade deal, the US seems to be bending on environmental regulations accompanying the deal. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, central to President Obama's goals in the region, features a contentious chapter on environmental rules; a Nov. 24...

20 Stories
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