
2 Stories

Stop Cleaning Your Ears
Stop Cleaning Your Ears

Stop Cleaning Your Ears

No, seriously, you're going to hurt yourself

(Newser) - There's a reason Q-tips come with a warning to never use them in your ears—and it's about time we heeded the advice, says the American Academy of Otolaryngology. The academy's new guidelines for dealing with earwax, the first in almost a decade, stress that the wax...

Your Earwax Says a Lot About You

 Your Earwax Says 
 a Lot About You 

Your Earwax Says a Lot About You

Samples reveal ethnicity, possibly much more

(Newser) - Researchers have dug deep into the ears of volunteers to study a revolting but potentially promising new way to get clues about a person's identity and habits. The team of organic chemists says earwax is a "neglected body secretion" that can reveal a person's ethnicity and possibly...

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