Bernie Sanders 2016

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Hillary Has More to Say About Bernie

Clinton says Sanders didn't unify the Democratic party after 2016 primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is not done talking about Bernie Sanders. The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said in a podcast interview that aired Friday that Sanders didn't try to unify the party after losing the primary to her four years ago and that he and his supporters contributed to her loss...

Bernie Sanders Demanded Private Jets: Clinton Aides

But Vermont senator's staff calls nominee and her 2016 team 'total ingrates'

(Newser) - For someone who talks about the evils of the fossil fuel industry and the dangers of climate change, Bernie Sanders takes a lot of private jets—at least according to Hillary Clinton's former campaign staffers. Politico spoke to six of them, plus another source familiar with travel arrangements, and...

Harassment Allegations Could Derail New Sanders Campaign

He apologises 'to any woman who felt that she was not treated appropriately'

(Newser) - Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and his chief lieutenants are offering contrition and defiance as they face allegations of sexual harassment that plagued his last presidential campaign and now threaten to derail a second White House bid before it begins. Hours after a New York Times report detailed allegations of unwanted...

Bernie Sanders: We Warned Clinton About Russians

He says his supporters were targeted by bot campaign

(Newser) - Sen. Bernie Sanders says that in some ways, Robert Mueller's report on Russian election meddling isn't news to him—because he knew before the 2016 election that his supporters were being targeted by people seeking to "sow division within the American people." Sanders tells the Des ...

House Dems Boo Sanders, Tell Him to Get Behind Hillary

Closed caucus meeting with Vermont senator was 'tense'

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has already said he'll vote for Hillary Clinton if she's the Democrats' nominee—but he still hasn't ceded that title to her nor endorsed her, and members of his own party are getting sick of it. The Vermont senator was actually booed Wednesday during what...

Sanders: I Will Vote for Hillary

But that doesn't mean he's endorsing her or dropping out of the race

(Newser) - While Bernie Sanders still hasn't officially thrown in the towel on his run for the Oval Office, he did make one thing clear on MSNBC Friday: He'll vote for Hillary Clinton in November, even if it's just to keep her main opponent out, Politico reports. "Yes,...

Sanders Makes Big Speech, Stays in Race

But he says he's willing to work with Clinton

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders delivered a much-anticipated live-streamed video to his supporters Thursday night—and at the end of it, he was still a candidate for president of the United States. He neither withdrew from the Democratic race nor endorsed Hillary Clinton during the 23-minute speech, though he is no longer discussing...

Clinton Wins DC Primary, Meets With Sanders

Primary season is in the books

(Newser) - The 2016 presidential primary season is over. And in the last race of the year, it's a win for Hillary Clinton. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee capped her primary campaign on Tuesday with a win over Bernie Sanders in the Washington, DC, primary, reports AP . As elections officials started...

What Clinton Said as She Made History

'We've reached a milestone,' she declares

(Newser) - Eight years to the week after she congratulated Barack Obama on a hard-fought campaign and said "18 million cracks" had been made in the highest glass ceiling of all, Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters for helping her make history. "We've reached a milestone," she told supporters...

Clinton Takes California, 3 Others; Sanders Wins 2

It was the last big night of the primary season

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has won the big prize in Tuesday's voting, California, though the news comes hours after she'd already declared herself the Democratic nominee. CNN and NBC News called the state for her early Wednesday. Earlier, she won in New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota, while Sanders...

As Clinton Makes History, Sanders Says Not So Fast

Clinton downplays talk of clinching nomination

(Newser) - Has Hillary Clinton clinched it? The AP called the Democratic race for Clinton on Monday based on pledged delegates and superdelegates—but Bernie Sanders' campaign says the move is a "rush to judgment." The media is "ignoring the Democratic National Committee's clear statement that it is...

AP: Clinton Just Made History
 AP: Clinton Just Made History 

AP: Clinton Just Made History

News service says she clinches, but Sanders disagrees

(Newser) - By AP's count , Hillary Clinton has just made US history: On Monday, the news service declared that she has captured commitments from the number of delegates needed to become the Democrats' presumptive nominee, the first woman to do so for either party. The Sanders camp, however, isn't convinced....

Coming Soon: an Official Obama Endorsement

White House says announcement could come within days

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is ready to make it official. With Hillary Clinton close to securing the Democratic nomination for president, Obama is on the verge of formally endorsing his former secretary of state and starting to aggressively make the case against Republican Donald Trump, the AP reports. White House officials...

Defiant Sanders Picks Fight With Clinton Foundation

He slams it for taking millions from dictatorships

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's win in Puerto Rico's primary on Sunday did nothing to discourage Bernie Sanders, who opened a new line of attack ahead of Tuesday's California primary. Sanders, speaking on CNN's State of the Union, targeted the Clinton Foundation—and its willingness to accept cash from...

Clinton Wins in Puerto Rico
 Clinton Wins in Puerto Rico 

Clinton Wins in Puerto Rico

She overwhelmed Bernie Sanders, AP reports

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton overwhelmed Bernie Sanders in Puerto Rico's Democratic presidential primary on Sunday, putting her within striking distance of capturing her party's nomination, the AP reports. After a blowout victory Saturday in the US Virgin Islands and a decisive win in the US territory, Clinton is now less...

Clinton Wins All Virgin Islands Delegates

7 were at stake

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton scored a sweeping win in the US Virgin Islands on Saturday, picking up all seven pledged delegates at stake as she inched tantalizingly close to the Democratic nomination, the AP reports. She is now just 60 delegates short of the 2,383 needed to advance to the November...

Hacked Texas Road Sign Blinks Message About Trump

He's probably been called worse than a 'shape shifting lizard'

(Newser) - Electronic construction signs in the Dallas area appear to have been hacked, displaying messages calling Donald Trump a reptile and imploring early morning commuters to take a day off work, the AP reports. The portable signs along Interstate 30 and elsewhere flashed various messages early Tuesday, including "Donald Trump...

Animal Rights Activists Storm Sanders Stage

'We don't get intimidated easily,' he tells Oakland crowd

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may be the preferred candidate of birds , but his stance on animal rights wasn't good enough for at least five protesters who rushed the stage at a rally in Oakland, Calif., Monday evening. The protesters were intercepted and taken away by several Secret Service agents before they...

Trump: I'll Debate Sanders If We Can Raise $10M

It's not clear how serious he is

(Newser) - Will Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders really debate? Trump told Jimmy Kimmel Wednesday he was open to the idea, and Sanders is definitely down, but now it looks as if Trump will only follow through on the plan if enough money is raised. "What we'll do is raise...

Trump Catches Clinton in National Polls: What It Means

The key thing to keep in mind: It's only May

(Newser) - Not too long ago, Hillary Clinton held double-digit leads over Donald Trump in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup. Trump, however, has now actually edged ahead of her in an average of national polls compiled at RealClearPolitics . The development has prompted all kinds of analysis. Some highlights:
  • "Mr. Trump has made

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